MATRIXSYNTH: Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Hexinverter Mindphaser

video by darksideothetune

Eurorack bloops

Modules Used:
Hexinverter Electronique Mindphaser
Make Noise Optomix, Maths, Pressure Points, and Brains
Doepfer a-149-1&2

E-MU Systems Mo Phatt

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Nord Wave Synthesizer

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via this auction, also on Reverb

EKO Ekosynth P15 Vintage 1979 Italian Analogue Mono Synth

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via this auction

Demo linked in the listing previously posted here.


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You can find demos in previous posts here.

5 Patchlets with Vorg from Vult

video by Omri Cohen

00:00 - Patch 1 / Saich
01:13 - Patch 2 / BIA, Plaits, Beads
02:17 - Patch 3 / White Noise, Arbhar
03:05 - Patch 4 / Pinging Vorg, Plaits, BIA
04:18 - Patch 5 / DLD feedback loop, Plaits

Omri Links:

"If you just want to buy me a coffee :) -
Consider joining me on Patreon -
Patching techniques and ideas that I continue updating -

Did You Know? FilterFreak has Mono-to-Stereo Modulation & Up to 80% Off at Soundtoys

video by soundtoys

"FilterFreak, inserted as a mono to stereo plug-in, features split stereo filtering with a wide range of sounds and unique movement that can be an interesting alternative to classic panning. Experiment. Explore. Enjoy."

soundtoys is currently offering up to 80% off Plug-Ins. FilterFreak is one of them. Click through for details.

SSF Triptych: Filter, Distortion, and Comb filter - First Look

video by Patchwerks Seattle

"In this video resident expert Nick Bigelow shares a first look at the new Steady State Fate: Triptych - a new FX module that combines a filter, distortion, and comb filter into one cohesive unit.

Triptych is a multi-tiered module consisting of a trio of internally re-routable effects with the addition of input and output voltage-controlled amplifiers. From distortion to karplus-strong and polyphonic resonance, Triptych is designed to be a unique sound shaping and transformation tool – from subtle to extreme via a fully analog signal path.

Order the SSF Triptych here:
Demo by: Nick Bigelow
Video by: Matthew Piecora (aka EZBOT)"

OB-6 Piano-esque Patch

Sequential Dave Smith Oberheim OB6 video by Roman Hejda

Short one, but thought it was interesting to hear this coming out of an OB-6.

Video description: "JUST got this beast And I love it"

Elektron Machinedrum X.04 : techno

video by Freaky Tweaky

"I made Robert Hood style techno :)"

Arturia Polybrute & Moog Subsequent 37 - Ambient Noodling

video by Lost Clouds

Tweaking the Polybrute Preset Sounds

video by Pure Ambient Drone

THIS IS TECHNO - 130 BPM (65 min Fully Improvised only with Volcas)

video by VolcaNiced

"That's why I will NEVER sell my VOLCAS.

at the moment i really enjoy recording long jams.
It's not that I plan to do that. Today's jam should only consist of the first song. And done.

Fortunately, I made a different decision and continued jamming.

Otherwise we would unfortunately not have some very awesome passages on video that you can enjoy now. This time I really made sure to leave the individual parts longer so that you can get used to them sooner. I hope that is ok.

0:00 Cascade of Gold
12:15 Jumping Bassline
18:00 Acid of an Alien Race
30:00 Resurrection of Melody
38:00 In-dust-real Revolution
44:00 Nothing left But
50:00 Arppeggios for Life
53:00 Storm
57:30 The Amount of Sound
1:04:00 Slowless


Spotted on discchord.

Getting started with Fenix IV - This is Not Rocket Science

video by Making Sound Machines

"In this video, we'll take a closer look at This is Not Rocket Science's Fenix IV modular synth!

Over the course of 30 minutes, we'll guide you through all the steps you need to get started - you'll gather an understanding of the color codes and signal flow, including analyzing audio with the built-in scope. We'll take you from basic tone generation to your first patch using the onboard Generators, Envelopes, Modulators, Filters, Effects, Utility modules and the sequencer.

If you are watching this having a Fenix in front of you, this tutorial is meant to show you all you need in order to go and explore on your own. So join us and and watch us gleefully fumble through the insane bag of tricknology that is This is Not Rocket Science's Fenix IV."

Composing with Negative Space

video by MAKEN0ISE

"Modular synths make it easy to make noise happen ALL THE TIME, but a lot of what makes music tick is the spaces in between. Let's patch!"

Making Music with UNO Synth Pro | What’s it like? | haQ attaQ

video by Jakob Haq

"The UNO Synth Pro (USP for short) is IK Multimedias new Flagship Synthesizer and it sounds really good! So good that I produced and entire track with 100% USP sounds. So what is it like actually like making music with the USP? Easy? Fun? Well, press play and find out why I highly recommend this beast!"

"Progress" - Moog DFAM / Mother 32 / Subharmonicon, Subsequent 25 Walrus Audio D1, and Double Bass

video by Joel Negus

"This is a full performance of the song "Progress" on the album I recently released with Jambox. Interested in licensing this song? Check out the link below! You can also listen to the whole album on Spotify.

Want to hear more sounds? Be sure to check out my Instagram!

Instruments used:
Moog Mother 32
Moog Subharmonicon
Moog Subsequent 25
Walrus Audio D1
Double Bass


MSHR - Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle

video by FACTmagazine

"MSHR is the audiovisual performance collective of artists Birch Cooper and Brenna Murphy, a collaborative project focused on the building and exploration of sculptural electronic systems, cybernetic sessions that are captured as AV compositions, installation work and live performances. For the last decade they have toured the world with their unique, improvisational live show, centered around self-built analog synthesizers that use feedback from light and movement to create dense sonic landscapes. This innately somatic approach to synthesis is complemented with reactive visuals that form city-like circuitscapes, which are themselves extruded from diagrams describing the signal flow of MSHR’s electronic musical systems.

“The physical design of our musical interfaces comes out of our installation practice. It is important for the interfaces to have a poetic logic and facilitate deep, intuitive playing,” they explain. “This work explores the intuitive and technical gradients between sonic and sculptural forms, using digital chip conglomerates run as analog circuits and open-source software to sculpt mutually resonant hyperobjects.”

Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle marks 10 years of their singular performance practice, serving as a multimedia document of both the sound and visuals of their live show. The film is split into four chapters, Symbiotic Vocal Weave, Knotted Presence Tracer, Light Pulse Formation and Liquid Hand, with each chapter featuring a different improvisation with its own cybernetic framework. Recorded during a residency at the sound art organization Sonoscopia in Porto, Portugal, Cooper and Murphy describe Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle as a “a prism for the live set,” one that showcases the improvisational, exploratory DNA of their performance practice.

“In performing this composition, we act as agents within a synthetic ecosystem,” they say. “Improvisation inside a light-audio feedback system feels like moving stones in a river, interacting with an environment to shift the flow of its elements. These recordings capture the sonic dimension of raw electricity surging through a morphing constellation of analog computer chips, flashing bulbs and extreme (in)human presence.”

“This exploration comes out of an ongoing fascination with the emergent complexity displayed by the interwoven biological, ecological and technological structures that frame our experience as embodied humans today.” they continue. “Constructing and exploring our own synthetic generative systems is our way of engaging with these unperceivable fundamental forms.” Editing glimpses of live footage into the refractive textures of their lysergic circuit landscapes, MSHR visualise the emergence of the human from within the machine.

As much a response to their unique approach to improvisation as it is to the complex spatial theory that is central to their work, the pair have developed a reactive visual language to interpret the insertion of somatic gestures into electronic forms. Over its four chapters Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle represents a comprehensive statement from the duo in this language, tying together the many facets of their varied audiovisual practice.

Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle will be released collaboratively by Sonoscopia and Ehse Records. The sounds Liquid Conglomerate Presence Cycle of will be available via Ehse Records on May 14."

mtl.asm Count to 5 Experiments 01 - Microwave XT, Spitfire Tundra

video by Mason Chrysler

"So, I decided it was time to begin making my own Experiments series with the wondrous Count To 5 by the Montreal Assembly. This pedal is running the Nightly firmware. For the music in this video, I ran the short demo track I created for my last video (with the Microwave XT & Spitfire Tundra) through the CT5 in mode 2, 100% wet, twisted the bottom 3 knobs at times, and had an expression pedal hooked up as well with the E switch down. There are other worlds inside of this pedal. I love it!

Also, I've recently been having some fun experimenting in making motion loops in Photoshop for my videos. This is my favourite so far.

Thanks for stopping by!

Korg Electribe ESX-1 Music Production Sampler SN 000173

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Roland SVC-350 Rackmount Analog Vocoder SN 342962

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Beat Thang BKE Sampler Drum Machine w/ Original Box

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You can find demos in previous posts here.

Roland JP-8000 Analogue Modelling Polyphonic Synthesizer SN ZJ45661

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via this auction, also on Reverb

Quasimidi Quasar

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"Classic Synth Module from the early 90s (circa 93-94) Aimed at the dance music scene around then, it features many classic sampled and synthesised sounds with everything from Moogs, Oberheims, 303s, to more unusual and estoeric sounds and samples.

The synthesis engine is called M.A.S.S. meaning it combines rom pcm wave forms with FM and additive synthesis, the idea being you combine these raw 'sub patches' into a bigger 4-voice driven sound.

There is also a multi mode where you can use these basic patches as well as full General Midi compatability.

There's each sound has an applible resonant filter. There's also a reasonable amount of onboard effects and given the era the machine came from they're relatively low noise. The rom/voice set can be expanded by fitting either the T.R.E. (Quasimidi Technox sound set) or Hardcore rom carts.

The machine is a classic of it's time and if you're after that more digital slightly lo-fi sound of the early 90s the is the machine for you."

Sequential Prophet VS SN 0165

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"Never made in large numbers, the Sequential Prophet VS is now a hugely collectable synthesizer. Made in San Jose, California in 1987 (s/n 0165), the VS was Sequentials last model before the company folded. Most of the R & D team ended up in Japan, helping Korg to produce the famous Wavestation....and they sold thousands of those..... It all started in 1985, with Chris Meyer dreaming up the concept of Vector Synthesis. Initially tagged Prophet 2400, the name VS was eventually adopted. Basically, "morphing" among FOUR separate digital waveforms, with the 360* joystick, allows the creation of new patches (100 memories on board). There are 95 resident/32 user waveforms on board.....derived from 4 oscillators being shaped by Curtis analogue filters (but digitally controlled) ~ 4-pole lowpass, using 8-voice polyphony (+split/dual) ~ with twin chorus + agile stereo routing, all being sounded with a 5-octave velocity/aftertouch keyboard. As a bonus, there is also a versatile arpeggiator. Cosmetically, this synth is a bonny sight to behold, with lots of attractive blue switches and pleasing livery. This particular VS (rev 1.2) has had a full service recently by a top London tech. New OLED blue display has been installed, and new buttons & switches. The keys are nigh perfect, with velocity fully working, and the channel aftertouch triggering every time. KKGB rate this beauty at 9/10. See pix showing eeny dinks on a cheek corner...thats about all the damage......"


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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