Showing posts with label Low-Gain. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Low-Gain. Show all posts

Friday, July 07, 2023

Serge / THC 73-75 2-Panel Modular Synth

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Includes Low-gain power and 9FB2D1B reverb tank, and comes in an 8u flight case.

Just been checked & calibrated (last week) by Charlie / Loudest Warning so all in top condition. Has the lights mod on the envelope generators.

I can’t imagine you’ll find a better example of this synth."

Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Buchla Music Easel Jam - Low-Gain Electronics | repair / modification

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Had a late BEMI issue Easel come in for a modification. These are known to have modulation oscillator bleed into the reverb driver. Pretty quick and simple modification takes care of that issue. These are such fun instruments to play."

Monday, May 29, 2023

Quad ‘73 Filter Bank + ‘73 Envelope Generator | Low-Gain Electronics - 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Experimenting a set of 4 ‘73 Filters and an R7 ‘73 Envelope Generator"

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Low-Gain Electronics / Barton Musical Circuits Dual Simple Quantizer Testing

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Testing up the Dual #bartonmusicalcircuits simple quantizers in #4umodular ! Seem to be working as expected!"

Monday, April 24, 2023

Low-Gain Electronics prototyping fun!

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Working on one of the sections of a new desktop instrument prototype! So far I’m liking what I’m hearing!"

Low-Gain Electronics prototyping fun. LP/BP

"Continuing to play around with a function block for a new desktop instrument I’m working on. Really liking what I’m hearing. Lots of gain staging to sort out yet…"

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Hollasynth Scanner - Low-Gain Electronics experiments

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Just playing around confirming functionality of this Hollasynth Scanner pcb behind the Low-Gain Electronics panel. :)"

Details on the Hollasynth

"The Hollasynth four-channel scanning VCA is a version of Jurgen Haible’s Interpolating Scanner idea, in 4U Serge-compatible format, complete with a beautiful front panel by Loudest Warning

It is a four-channel voltage controlled crossfader. As the scan CV is swept from 0V to 5V, the mix output fades from channel 1, through a mix of channel 1 and 2, to channel 2, then fades to channel 3 and finally channel 4. In addition to the main mix output, there is an individual output for each channel. Front panel knobs provide an offset and attenuversion on the scan CV.

The gain of each channel is also individually controllable, so the module can be used as a four channel VCA as well. A switch allows the scanning control to be disabled so that only the VCA CV affects channel gain. Finally there are attenuator for the gain CV and initial gain knobs on the front panel.

What can I do with it?
Probably more than I can! But try some of these:

Crossfade between the wave shapes of a VCO for voltage-controlled morphing, e.g. from sine to saw to triangle to square and back. Like this.
Crossfade between up to four audio sources under voltage control. Like this.
Voltage controlled CV mixing. The inputs and outputs are DC coupled so you can use the module to mix and morph between CV sources
Voltage controlled signal switching. By appying stepped CV to the scan input, e.g. from a sequencer, you can switch between signals rather than fading… if you get the CV set up just right! Like this
Audio Waveshaping. Patch fixed voltages or LFOs or whatever you like into the signal inputs. Send an audio rate 0-5V sawtooth into the scan CV. Use the mix output as am audio signal. Like this. Or like this. (Thanks, Loudest Warning!)
How does it work?
The scanner contains four linear VCAs, one per channel, based on the LM13700 IC. Each VCA is controlled by the sum of two CVs: the direct VCA CV and the scanning CV. The scan CV is provided by a version Don Tillman’s beautiful scanner implementation, used with his kind permission. (But please don’t bug him if you have issues with the module!)"

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Low-Gain Electronics - VCA / Comp module first tests.

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Playing around with the new VCA/Comp. 95% bug free. Will require a quick pcb revision but overall happy with this performance. This patch is showing the triangle out of the LGE130 tri core vco into the -IN on the comparator with output of onside of the LGE114 Dual Slopes Compact. Acting as a triangle to square wave converter with PWM. Output of Comparator into VCA above being controlled by second half of Dual Slopes Compact. Nothing fancy. Just some fun / fat PWM rhythms!"

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Exploring the modular lunchbox | Low-Gain Electronics

video upload by LowGainElectronics

Friday, January 06, 2023

Low-Gain Electronics Lunchbox Modular session.

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Put together a little system to take to a gathering of friends… excited to see what this selection can offer pared with the Matrix Mixer

Modules used:
Tri-Core VCO
Dual Slopes Compact
PVK Filter
Dual LPG + Mix + Pre

Visit for more info on the system."

Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Low-Gain Electronics - Tri-Core VCO’s : Sync experiments w/ PWM.

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Playing with two Tri-Core VCO’s to experiment with sync as well as some good old fashioned PWM modulation. Looking forward sequencing this type of patch."

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Low-Gain Electronics - Random Source Generator : Computer Speech patch

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Random Source Generator …. Doing it’s thing.

Still needs one last revision before it’s ready for public consumption!"

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Low-Gain Electronics S/T&H + VC Portamento : Bit Crushing Arcade SFX experiments!

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Using the S/T&H module as a bit crusher to modulate a VCO’s frequency. Resulting in atari arcade machine sounds.

Dual Negative Slopes both in cycle mode. One providing a variable voltage source of which to be sampled. The second is simply clocking the S/T&H. Output of the S/T&H is being fed to the VCO Freq Modulation input. Audio is just direct from VCO’s output.

Module will be available soon:"

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Low-Gain Live @ The 331 Club MPLS 07092022

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Serge Modular Drone - Experimental - Live Patching - 4U modular - Paperface Serge"

Subseason Live @ 331 Club MPLS 07-09-2022

"Dark Ambient Drone"

Monday, July 04, 2022

Tri-Core VCO Rev 2 testing - Low-Gain Electronics | 4U Modular

video upload by LowGainElectronics

"Just showing off features of the new revision of Tri-Core VCO. Sync, LFO switch and phase LED have been added. Perfect companion to the wavefolders!"

Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Buchla Tiptop 281t to Easel Command

video upload by Todd Barton

"One possible connection between the Buchla-Tiptop Audio 281t Quad Function Generator and the BuchaUSA 208c Easel Command using the UTL-1 Format Jumbler from Low-Gain. Clearly there are at least 10,000 more possibilities :-)"

Buchla 208c to Buchla Tiptop 281t 258t

"In my previous post used the Tiptop 281t to drive the 208c, this time I'm reversing the with the Buchla 208c pulser driving the 281t and different flavors of random voltages going to the 258t oscillators. Enjoy!"

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Live in Chicago November 2019 | Caterina Barbieri

Published on Nov 19, 2019 LowGainElectronics

"Caterina Performing live Eurorack Modular on November 18th 2019 at the Chicago Cultural Center for Lampo Series! Full Set"

You can find additional posts featuring Caterina Barbieri here.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Compelled to Sequence

Published on Oct 29, 2019 Todd Barton

"Sometimes I'm just compelled to Sequence! The Easel is clocking the custom Serge 4x8 Sequencer built by The custom Soundplex Serge panel was built by and Easel clone by djangosfire.

Created a new Seeholzer Engineering for this one. Charles Seeholzer has been featured in previous posts, including this Olympia Modular post.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Blackbox to 200 EF

Published on Jul 19, 2019 Todd Barton

"You're seen my previous posts of this little Blackbox [posted here]. Today I imagined connecting it to my Buchla 200 via the 230 Envelope Follower -- here's the result. Also, keep an eye out at for a 21st century version of the blackbox. Oh, and checkout my Patreon page to help support these little video explorations :-)"

Monday, June 24, 2019

The Blackbox Revived

Published on Jun 24, 2019 Todd Barton

"Yesterday I pulled out this little blackbox and was delighted that it still worked having been gifted it in the 1980's. I posted a little something on Instagram @synthtodd and immediately a friend posted that that day he had coincidentally been searching for the schematics, he had remembered building one back in the day.
Amazing synchronicity!! Here is his MW thread with more info including the original article from Popular Electronics:
And . . . Logan Erickson at Low-Gain Electronics & ToneWrecker Devices will be revitalizing this unit soon!!! @lowgain @tonewreckerdevices"

Apparently this is the circuitry featured in the Bongotnik previously featured here. Also check out the updated Bongotnik 2 here.  The following are scans of the project from Popular Electronics via the muff thread.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Syncussion SY-1 Clone - Human Comparator - Drum Synth, #207 of 300

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Cool packaging.

"This is the faithful clone of the Pearl Syncussion SY-1 Drum Synthesizer. Professionally built by Low-Gain Electronics. It is #207 out of a total of 300 made, so they are rare. If you are looking at this listing then you probably already know what it is. Look up some videos online to hear what it sounds like if you are curious. It is in excellent cosmetic and functioning condition. CV gate for trigger and pitch. Original box and a power supply will be included. No other cables in the pictures are included."


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