MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for lookmumnocomputer

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Showing posts sorted by date for query lookmumnocomputer. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Sunday, April 11, 2021



"Wiring up 10, Because i wondered what it would sound like!
mentioned livestreams and also audio downloads and Support :-​

The Safety Valve :-​
modular perfection :-​"

"There are a number of variants of the safety valve but this matches the 1.0 version Which i think sounds the best, Having tried various versions including the 2.0 and also the GMSN version which has an input buffer and a slightly different circuit, they just didn’t tick the main box which was, TONEEEE MOTHERFUDGING TONEEE. So i thought screw it, and took it back to the Safety Valve 4710.

It does not have any CV control this is for the above reason and also namely, with valve distortion the sound adjustments are more to do with the level of things going into it, so i didn’t see it as being particularly important to complicate the circuit further just to add CV control over things that don’t do as good of a job as adjusting things earlier in the signal chain. The best approach is to treat it like a pedal, it has a switch to turn it on, it accentuates aspects of the sound in a warm waffly kind of manner, and can boost the signal a heck of alot!

Also the Tone control is just a simple RC filter (a resistor and a capacitor) so that didn’t make sense to make CV controllable either as having a filter after the safety valve would do the same thing controllably but better.

There are a couple of differences between this design and the 4710 in the inital video, that being, there is an LED behind the valve this acts as a signal monitor, it listens to whatever goes on in the safety valve and lights up accordingly, Even when bypassed. There is also an engage LED next to the switch.

When there is nothing plugged into the input it goes into feedback mode this is purposeful, it means you can use the module as a drone. You can remove this mode with a simple cutting of a trace on the jack socket PCB board if its annoying but I dont see why you would feel the need. :D

One more thing to note! This kind of distortion like a lot of distortions dont do much to simple sound sources like a single square wave for instance. if you put a single unmixed square wave in, thats what you get out."

Monday, March 01, 2021

another drum machine

video by wildchurch

"Quick overview of another drum machine: lo-fi 8 bit samples with pitch control, panning and FX insert options

Built around the following:
- LMNC's Big Button sequencer:
- Drum samples on six ATtiny85 chips - using Jan Ostman's Drum Creator tool:
- MFOS Ultra-simple Mono-in Panning Mixer:

I've added inserts to the first 3 channels of the mixer to allow FX send and return

I also wired up the big button for afterlife's MIDI upgrade: [video here] ..but it doesn't seem to behave well with this build so currently I've got the original code installed on the arduino until I resolve the issue


Sunday, January 10, 2021

Simulating A Ball Bouncing With DIY Electric Circuits..


"Bouncy Balls RULE! #diy #analog #computer is an interesting treasure trove i cant wait to get into it.

im working on a page on my site with the schematic etc! check back in a couple of hours for that! Bouncing ball module available on my store here :-"

Bouncing ball posts

Sunday, September 20, 2020

THE CIRCLE SYNTH OF DOOM, The Atari Atari Atari Punk Punk Punk Console Console Console


"These Songs Are Obsolete Atari Atari Atari Punk Punk Punk Console Console Console info available here :-
project page :-"

Tuesday, August 18, 2020




It uses 1.2amps at 12v so less than a fridge! and even the computer used to stream it for that matter!

If you want to build your own you can! shipping will begin end of the week on PCB/PANELS here"

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Modifying a Powerglove To Make Music, But Controlling It With A Robot.. Because... Why not?

Published on May 24, 2020 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"It was only a matter of time i did a #retro NES #powerglove hack!
Thanks very much for the support! It means projects like this can keep getting done, the 1000 oscillator mega drone is nearly finished! if you want your name on a knob check out here, also a sample pack from todays video is available there too!

Support :-

I used a LULZBOT mini to print out all the 3d printing, and it needed no calbiration or filing and the arm slotted together! highly recommended

if anyone has a DOEPFER MOGLI, that they wanna sell! or want to lend please let me know!

Build your own open source robot! InMoov!


Sunday, May 17, 2020

Making a Super Sketchy TRIPLE Delay/Noise Module - DIY KOSMO TRIPLE SPLASHBACK

Published on May 17, 2020 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"The #2399 Triple Delay #synthesizer #Delay #effect is now out! the seventh module in the 'My synth kept breaking so im making 1 proper module a month' series. Info here :-"

#2399 Triple Delay

Thursday, April 30, 2020

DIY Modular (Eurorack)

Published on Apr 30, 2020 otemrellik

"Finally got around to making a quick video about my little diy modular system.


Friday, February 14, 2020

Hacking an Arm Prosthesis to Output CV for Thought Controlled Synthesis

Hacking my arm prosthesis to output CV so that it plugs into my synth: Thought-controlled music!

Published on Feb 13, 2020 Bertolt Meyer

"Together with Chrisi from KOMA Elektronik and my husband Daniel, I am in the process of building a device (the 'SynLimb') that attaches to my arm prosthesis instead of the prosthetic hand. The SynLimb converts the electrode signals that my prosthesis picks up from my residual limb into control voltages (CV) for controlling my modular synthesizer. The SynLimb thus allows me to plug my prosthesis directly into my snythesizer so that I can control its parameters with the signals from my body that normally control the hand. For me, this feels like controlling the synth with my thoughts. I show the prototype(s), explain how we put it together and how it works, and do a little demo.

My Soundcloud:
Daniel's Art:

The inspiration to just try this despite not being an engineer came from wonderful Sam aka lookmumnocomputer
The inspiration to venture into modular synthesis in the first place came from the wonderful mylarmelodies"

Thursday, February 13, 2020


Published on Feb 13, 2020 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"the #GAMEBOY Megamachine #Synthesizer just got All Analog FILTERS
Thanks Very much for the Support it helps massively with these projects, and i give a lot back in return! do go check out here :-

More info on the filters here :-


Wednesday, January 08, 2020

LMNC : Building the Kosmo 1222 Performance VCO


"The 1222 Performance VCO is my first Oscillator PCB Design.
Born from frustration of playing shows, or not having a tuner to hand and getting in tune enough to get going, instead of sitting around being out of tune. I tested it on my November tour, and did some fine tweaks to it afterwards.

Its also got an octave knob. a fine tune knob that is exactly an octave with a centre point of C making it easy to find the note you need. it is a rather standard oscillator apart from that, and in my opinion thats what you need.

Big simple controls, pulse width, PWM, fine tune, Extra CV, Sync, FM, Square, Ramp and Triangle outputs.

It also has a rear connection called LINK, which will be for future use, as i will be making an oscillator drive a nice means of driving lots of oscillators at once, as well as a mixer module so no need to patch all of the oscillators together they will be connected from the back. A final design is like a cross mod module that will turn em into a sort of fart box thing. This is all future ideas, but if you cant wait check the schematic it will make sense!

The build is reasonably simple it is explained in videos below. you will need to be able to connect an arduino nano to a computer, the code is available below.

Temperature drift. unknowingly i took these on tour to the extremes of temperatures. they spent most of their time in a 0 degrees celsius van, giving it plenty of time to cool the whole case through. then they were carried into room temperature rooms and immediately sound-checked. Then they slowly heat up throughout the night, and as more people enter the room the hotter the room gets and the hotter the case and oscillators get. the change in tune wasnt massive, only a few cents but i was very thankful for the tuners.. I noticed this effect more at smaller gigs than larger gig. i guess smaller rooms heat up more like a big old oven.

Anyway below is everything you need. any questions fire over, at the bottom is an FAQ with past problems/questions.

The Bill of materials links are the first i got to, if you look around you may find cheaper, these are UK also. if anyone in the US makes a mouser cart, please send my way it would be useful! i will try to make one, however there is no telling when that will happen.

below is the first video on this module, this was before tour, these prototypes i took on tour and they are largely the same as the finished things. The tuner code is a tad more finessed, plus i didn’t spend ages calibrating these!."

Friday, March 29, 2019

DIY ENVELOPE GENERATOR? How To Build A Simple One for your synthesizer!

Published on Mar 29, 2019 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"Heres info on how to build your own super simple envelope generator for your Modular synth!

more info here :-"

Friday, March 08, 2019

Making A Moog Style Frequency Bank By Modifying Old Test Equipment

Published on Mar 8, 2019 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"I made a Fixed Frequency #Filter Bank like in #moog modulars, by modifying a Bruel & Kjaer 2113 Audio Frequency Spectrometer! For the stripboard layout of the mixer check my website #synth."

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Build An Analog Synth Filter Made EASYYYY.

Published on Nov 11, 2018 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

Check out his crazy DIY MS20 at 1:11.

"Build a #korg ms20 style low pass #analog filter! i've tried making this project as simple as possible, its been hanging around on the patreon for a while and finally got the layout to the most logical i can think of it being!

More info here!:-"

See the LMNC label below for more.

Sunday, September 16, 2018


Published on Sep 16, 2018 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

#linndrum Whats inside this legendary #drummachine?
Audio And Samples from this Video are available on my patreon!, along with many other Samples from other machines i have made

Like i said! if you use them in a song and want to hear them in the background! send us them, with a link to inclue! they might get used!

Shot by Johnny Goddard

DTRONICS good for aftermarket parts for the linndrum! :-

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Pantala Labs - Aprende

Published on Aug 26, 2018 Gibran PantalaLabs

"Is a double 8 track, hand tap , 4ppqn step sequencer.
-8 double track channels x 32 steps grid;
-long life micro switch for hand tapping;
-forward pattern rotation;
-pattern filler;
-400 undos (if you miss a tap, you can undo it)
-erase entire sequence
-ghost tap (live tap , not saved in the grid);
-8 trigger outs with led indicator and mute;
-internal / external clock ;
-load/save all channels.

More on :
Code and hardware:

The main idea to have one button to control many channels came from a project called BIG BUTTON by LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER"

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Circuit Bent Bible from Look Mum No Computer

deadmau5 dared me to circuit bend a bible Published on Aug 12, 2018

"The wonder wonder bible. Nothing against the bible here. I showed it to a couple of christian friends before and they seemed to like it. for what thats worth! Im Just #circuitbending a cold blooded machine, for the more avantgarde inclined.

Someone let Deadmau5 know and ill send him it if he wants it, Cus i don't want it.

The stems for last weeks cover are now available here! and there is a Livestream at 9pm GMT tonight! :-
Patreon :-

The info i mentionned on my website! please be patient, im writing it up. will be in the next 24 hours or so!"

Sunday, August 05, 2018

TLC No Scrubs - Live Electronic Cover / Remix

Published on Aug 5, 2018 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"#TLC No Scrubs Live #Cover / #Remix

You can download The audio on my patreon! But also...
I multitrack recorded this live session. I will be sharing the stems for this in a week. So you can have a look and see what was going on, what bits were going where and what not. All thats over on my patreon so go check that here :-
Patreon :-

This was a tough one to get down. Singing and concentrating on wires aaaaaaajkfosdglgfdhhhhhhh ... But a little insight into this :-

Sequenced by two Arturia Beatstep pro's The first beatstep was controlling the two synth lines that were running, which i programmed in at the start on the keyboard. It also controls all the drums, running between two different beats. one for verse (4 to da flooowr) and a breakdown beat for the chorus's, basically just breaking up the kick drum pattern. The second Beatstep in this one was only controlling the JUNO (BUT HOW DO YOU SEQUENCE A POLYPHONIC INSTRUMENT WITH A BEATSTEP PRO??) easy.... the drum channel. assign all of the drum pads to different keys, that way you can play in a polyphonic synth line.
- The first synth line was a single oscillator, running into a moog style ladder filter, with not much attack on its envelope so it sounded like a slow clumsy man being followed by a trombone. In the cover i was adjusting the octave at some points but not much.

- The big bassline which comes in in the chorus is 2 synths. The main part is a triple oscillator going into a ms20 style filter, then into 2 sets of distortion, the second one (a SAFETY VALVE TUBE) has a switch which enables it which boosts the volume, this switch also engages the second bass synth which is a further 3 oscillators and a very low sub oscillator to turn on. These go into a juno style chorus widener and all that stuff. (this switch also fires out a 5v signal to turn up the VCA on the snare spring reverb, and the decay on the high hats) *talk about modular presets hey*

-The juno has 2 midi cables connecting it to the beatstep pro above, so it can send midi and receive midi.

-sadly after however many takes i did of this cover at some point kosmo's face turned off and i didnt realise DOH :(.

-My vocals are running into a roland vocal processor, so i can turn on a pitched down vocal, to add more dynamics, its also going into some saturation and some delay which i turn on and off at points.

-The ms10 is just going through a handful of pedals to make it sound a bit more gnarly, which is tough to saturate a single oscillator synth, so i send it through smallr room reverb first, then into a pitch downing cheapo chinese pedal, then into some distortion then into more reverb. the first instance of reverb gives the distortion something to bite on, instead of just boosting the signal of just a single wave, which aint too fun at all!

I literally listenned to the song a couple of times then just took the essence and forgot most of it haha. hence it ain't really a cover but more a live remix or summit? aaaah who knows!!

Also! the kick trigger is also sent to an envelope generator, which sends out an inverted output to open VCA's on the bass channels, hence you get that snazzy sidechain Ducking **quack quack*"

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Synth Voltage Controlled Oscillator 1v/oct tracked DIY how to.

Published on Jul 29, 2018 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"DIY HOW TO make a proper synth oscillator, with temperature compensation 1v/oct and all that jazz! using the CEM 3340.

Im giving away 5 component packs, and a DIY modular furby i built on a livestream a week ago, on my patreon next week! so if you want any of that go check that out!
Patreon :-
Where there will also be updates on the progression of this project before it goes up anywhere else! All the funds goes straight back into Look mum machines :)

more info on this project over here :-"

Follow-up to Build A DIY Case And Power Supply For A Modular Synth CHEAP.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Build A DIY Case And Power Supply For A Modular Synth CHEAP

Published on Jun 20, 2018 LOOK MUM NO COMPUTER

"A DIY modular synth case and power supply?
This could easily work for eurorack or other standards if you just adjust the dimensions, the power supply will work!

The mentionned un edited power supply build will be on my patreon in the coming days. Aswell as a livestream this weekend!
The backing song is on my Patreon too, from a few months ago, so scroll down and you'll find CHURCH instrumental :).

A link to frequency central POWER DIY, there are also the ones with the power busses already on them!:-

If you have any stickers you want to see on this synth! check my donation page for the address to send them into :-

The AC-AC plugs i use!"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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