MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for resynthesis

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Showing posts sorted by date for query resynthesis. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, April 10, 2015


Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction
"This module was custom built for me by Tony Allgood of Oakley modular design and sounds stunning ! It is an original vintage minimoog filter board from my early minimoog and not a copy ! I have a full set of schematics from Tony and I also have recordings of this module on my soundcloud with a macbeth oscillator driving it.Please get in contact if you would like to hear recordings. this will only work with eurorack modulars but could be re panelled to work with dot com format as the included power supply also has +/-15v

The panel was made by the very excellent resynthesis using original moog modular metalwork. the module is quite deep at 17cm so will not fit in a shallow case unless the board is turned around which could be done. the patchbay module gives all the various ins and outs andd some additional extra functions including pedal inputs. Tony also built me a custom power supply which is included and runs both +12/-12v and +15/_15v as well as the miming filter. there is plenty of power to run some more modules as well so could all be used to power a small system with additional modules. I also have two custom modified Ernie Ball pedals not included which control cv to the filter."

Monday, February 23, 2015

Camel Audio Acquired by Apple?

via MacRumors

"Apple appears to have acquired popular music plug-in and effect maker Camel Audio, based on information found on corporate registry site Companies House [PDF]. Camel Audio's address has been updated to 100 New Bridge Street, which is Apple's London address, and the company's sole director is now listed as Apple lawyer Heather Joy Morrison, suggesting the company is in the possession of Apple.

Camel Audio is known for its range of plug-ins, synthesizers, effects, and sound libraries, which were available via the company's Alchemy software. Previously available for $249, Alchemy included more than 1000 sounds, 5.5GB worth of samples, a powerful additive resynthesis engine, spectral resynthesis, a virtual analog synthesizer, and more. Its powerful engine was highly useful to those who liked to create and manipulate audio for unique sounds."

Interesting. Curious if it will become part of Garage Band. Deeper instruments coming to the platform?

Thursday, September 18, 2014

MFOS 16-Step Analogue Sequencer

Published on Jul 12, 2013 snarfusmaximus

"A brief demonstration of the Music From Outer Space 16-step analogue sequencer on my Moog/DotCom format modular synthesiser. This was recorded in April 2013 and I have made a couple of minor modifications since.

The front panel was bought from Re:Synthesis and the parts from Elby Designs. Want to build one for yourself? Links below:

Music From Outer Space -
Re:Synthesis -
Elby Designs -"

via Victor Sumin on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Waldorf WAVE 32 Voice SN 9511000133

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.


"As a long time Waldorf enthusiast and Waldorf WAVE freak, see my pages, I made the decision to sell my WAVE +16 (= 32 voice, 61 keys). I just did not played it that often anymore. I still love it, but I can't justice its stay in my flat anymore.

But I still own many, many Waldorf synths. And I made my final thought about selling it after the release of the iPad app NAVE which gives me many WAVE functions and a sound that is fantastic. And for turning knobs there is my Waldorf Q32 and XTk30 at my place. So this is not a "good bye" from Waldorf wavetable synths.

It is one of the even more rarer 32 voice models.
61 keys, and standard blue/gray coloured.
It got the special "speed-up" modification by Waldorf for a bit higher internal clocked CPU.

I think there is no need to tell you about the beauty (optical and soundwise) of this top rank synth.

It is running on the latest available OS 1.902 (post Waldorf version). This OS also allows to do resynthesis based on .WAV files of up to 512 kB size (limit by the WAVEs RAM). Of cause I provide the last original Waldorf WAVE system too. And the factory sound.

It got a USB stick socket where the disk drive used to be. This enables data exchange with every USB equipped PC/Mac, as there is no special formation except for up to 100 different folder names. Ever folder represents one virtual disk.

It comes with a special flightcase and a PDF manual in english and german.

The fan in the back was exchanged with a higher quality one with way less acoustic noise.

I am the original owner of this 1995 built WAVE.

Known problems:
- some parts of the Nextel colour are of the edges. Mainly on the back rim of the panel. This is typical for many WAVEs, even when they never left a studio. A bit of repair paint is included (but not yet used). Its 8 of 10 optical. But the unique and great design is still unmatched by all other synths. You will still feel a bit like having to bow down before switching it off.
- The LCD backlight is not working anymore. Several people on this list repaired this themself. But I am not a skilled synth tech at all.
- One row of pixels in the LCD is most of the times dead. Never searched for the real reason, so it might be just a minor problem like a bent ribbon cable or a cold soldering point.
- One voice got a slightly higher resonance then the others. A spare Curtis filter chip is included. But you may just skip the voice in the voice assignment via the service page for a perfect 31 voice WAVE or just play it anyway, as this is not that noticeable on most sounds anyway. But I better tell all I know here. Even a skilled musician preferred to play a concert with this WAVE and this a bit off voice in favour of using a different WAVE (with 16 voices only) that was available at the same time for this event.

Absolutely ONLY LOCAL PICK UP here at my place near Stuttgart. Of cause you are invited to test and play the instrument before you made your final decision about the sale. I don't have the time to deal with custom form and shipping companies, as the WAVE is just to big and heavy to be shipped from a post office. I know that this reduces the possible numbers of potential buyers, but please accept this. But if you should be willing o arrange everything including a pick up by some third person or a company at my place or my office, it is OK.

I know these 32 voice WAVEs are VERY rare. Not just the typical "rare" as used on eBay auctions for synths sold 100 times more. And there had been only one or two WAVEs with 32 voices on eBay in the last 10 years if I remember it right.

keep on turning these knobs

Till "Qwave" Kopper"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Tone2 Nemesis Feature Overview

Published on Nov 15, 2013 Tone2 Audiosoftware·33 videos

"Available the 1st of December from, Nemesis takes FM synthesis to its next evolutionary step: NeoFM synthesis.

NeoFM is an exclusive new and improved approach to FM synthesis that is extremely powerful and intuitive. Nemesis includes traditional FM synthesis as well as a completely new and improved approach to FM called NeoFM synthesis. It is now easier than ever to get very good sounding results.
The sound quality of Nemesis surpasses conventional synths, making it easy to locate the sonic sweet spot.
Nemesis features an easy-to-use interface, which ensures that you will experience FM synthesis at its best and most entertaining.

* Unrivaled sound quality.
* Offers a new and user-friendly approach to FM synthesis. Nemesis makes FM synthesis accessible to everyone, regardless of skill level or experience.
* Easy to tweak presets or program your own sounds with.
* NeoFM covers all important aspects of traditional FM synthesis, but is in no way limited only to bell-style sounds. It offers a very large sonic range, one that is much more varied than other FM synths.
* Due to its innovative technical approach, neoFM does not suffer from a metallic sound or from the weaknesses of conventional FM.
* No fewer than 22 combinable synthesis types. Nemesis expands FM with further synthesis methods such as Additive, Formant, Wavetables, Waveshaping, Phase distortion, Sync and Reso synthesis.
* Contains 1000 inspiring patches from professional designers.
* Unique signature sound.
* Nemesis features a large number of exclusive sounds that are not possible with other synthesizers.
* Perfect for modern, as well as all other music styles.
* Wave import, resynthesis and the additive spectral editor offer unlimited sonic possibilities.
* True 4x stereo unison.
* An extensive number of high-end quality effects, with flexible and innovative routing options.
* Trancegate with an extensive selection of setup options.
* High-End sound quality with low demands on your CPU.
* Powerful, easy-to-use arpeggiator."

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Radon Atomic Resynthesis

Published on Jun 14, 2013 JeffreyPlaide·94 videos

"Radon Atomic Resynthesis is an ethereal, wildly-surreal experimental electronic music composition. The composition is inspired by almost random electronic tonalities and frequency modulations created on the Ionic Performer VST synthesizer. The beauty about the Ionic Performer (like the EMS Synthi synthesizers of which the Ionic Performer is a re-worked variation with integrated keyboard and a push-button matrix instead of patch pins) is that the envelope (trapezoid function) can be automatically re-triggered. This creates a repeating simple sequence of a single music event. By altering the oscillator controls, modulation sources and ring-modulation, many interesting and wild pulses can be produced in real-time and recorded. It was the raw stream of re-triggered pulsations and modulations that became the basis for the whole work. Inspired by early science-fiction electronic music, the Ionic Performer VST could deliver the sonic combinations and unexpected tonal collisions that cross-modulated audio oscillators can create if connected in this way. The first mix consisted of a bass track created on the Ionic Performer VST - low pulses with shrieks of higher modulations. Next came the mid-tones. Again created on the Ionic Performer, but with higher pulsations and strange FM collisions. It was then necessary to create an ambient texture "wash", so the bass line was slowed by a factor of 300% and processed with heavy reverb - sounding very science fiction and somewhat alien in context. An organ-like chord was created on the ORGANized trio VST with the Valhalla Frequency Echo for added effect. This 5-note chord gave added strange texture. The low-frequency background vibration is the same chord slowed by a factor of 500% and processed with flanging. The chorus of voices was created using the Tapeotronic (Mellotron emulation) keyboard playing a 3-note chord with added delay. Another Tapeotronic chord was used for the higher "alien voices" that fade in and out. This whole first mix was slowed by a factor of 200% with added reverb, and added to the first mix session. This gave the feeling of a kind of infinity feedback sound. All of these elements became part of the main master first mix. This main mix was then further added to by a ring-modulated and convoluted version of itself. In the middle portion of the composition a ring-modulated, convoluted, filtered, flanged, reverberated and 300% slow version came into being with added low-frequency background vibrations and pulsating bass sinewave tones created by signal generation. The middle portion is bracketed by falling nodulated inverted sinewaves. The last element is a high sinewave tone - rather like a singing tone. This final mix created the strange combination of forces that married all the textural elements into a full and atmospheric collage of electronic tone structures and modulations. The visuals were created by pure video synthesis techniques - electronic texture weaves, linear pulsations and sinusoidal moire patterns. Superimposed are strange solarised and edge-processed derivations of elliptical formations. The atom is represented by rotating moiré ellipses, with a cloud of particles representing the nucleus. Many kinds of solarised rotating forms are included to graphically illustrate the process of atomic synthesis. The end represents just a cloud of electrons being swept away by quantum forces in the matrix of space-time."

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Tone2 Soundsets

Published on Dec 19, 2012 Tone2Audiosoftware·31 videos

Playlist (descriptions for the first 5 below - click through a video for the description on YouTube):

1. The Futuron expansion for RayBlaster
2. Analog for Saurus
3. Vocalic for ElectraX
4. Ambisphere for Rayblaster
5. Wavetables expansion for ElectraX
6. Top of the Clubs for Saurus
7. Dark Toxic for Saurus
8. Chiptunes for ElectraX
9. Dance & Trance for ElectraX
10. Morphing for ElectraX
11. Voltage! for ElectraX
12. Drums! for ElectraX
13. Vintage for ElectraX
14. Dance & Trance expansion for Gladiator2 (pt.2)
15. Dance & Trance expansion for Gladiator2 (pt.1)
16. The Electronic expansion for Gladiator2
17. State of Art expansion for Gladiator2
18. Progression for Gladiator2
19. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.1)
20. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.2)
21. Workstation for Gladiator2 (pt.3)
22. Abstracts for Firebird+ (pt.1)
23. Abstracts for Firebird+ (pt.2)
24. Electricity for Firebird+
25. Spectrals for Firebird+
26. Uniquity for Firebird+

1. The Futuron expansion for Rayblaster -

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Parallella: A Supercomputer For Everyone on Kickstarter
If the Kickstarter video causes your mouse to disappear, click off screen and it should come back.

Note the video and project is not directly focused on synthesis, however the application (like the iPad as a synthesis platform) should be obvious. The following is a write-up on that potential in via reader cheater:

"I'm in no way affiliated with those guys, but this thing opens so many possibilities for the synthesis aficionado that I have to let you know what's in store. Why is this cool? Simply put, it's a Kickstarter for an open platform which could enable synthesis methods that are currently not possible, unless you lug around an expensive workstation, and put them in a desktop-module style case. For those intents and purposes it's a self-contained system with a 45 GHz CPU, the size of a DVD box.

Below are some examples of synthesis methods that could work out thanks to the radically different way this thing works. Each of those is slow on current PCs and because of the parallel nature of the chip in question are tons faster to execute on it:

1. granular synthesis. Ever try to run one of those in VST? They sound better the more parts you can have. Current PCs can only run so many parts, and you need thousands per voice. This thing could easily run a polyphonic synthesizer.

Here are some demos of what you can do with a granular synthesizer:

See how Alchemy only allows 10 grains per voice? You could have an order of magnitude more, with each grain bank (Alchemy has 10) modulated separately.


Monday, September 10, 2012

Failed SympleSEQ Demo

YouTube Published on Sep 10, 2012 by JohnLRice

"I screwed up the video portion but decided to use what I had anyways. This is the same synth patch as my previous video "Typical JLR Patch Demo" except this time instead of using a keyboard and MIDI to CV converter I'm using the SympleSEQ 8 step sequencer designed by and built by to control pitch and gate. Near the end I add in the Moon Modular 569 sequencer to control pitch and gate instead, while the SympleSEQ controls a STG Sea Devils VCF."

Friday, September 07, 2012

Re:Synthesis Custom hexinverter sympleSEQ Panel

via Moritz Scharf on Facebook

"The faceplate finally arrived!
As I promised – here's a picture of the beauty!
Ben did such a wonderful job!"

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ensoniq Fizmo 48-voice Transwave Synthesizer SN FIZMO-10112

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated. via this auction

"This one also has the regulator fix that plagued this synth. Comes with AC Adaptor and manual in pdf. on cd. The extras are the hundreds of sounds I saved from over the years is included on cd and a copy of sounddiver 3.5 (Windows) which has a editor for the Fizmo and hundreds of other synths. The specs below but you really have to hear it to enjoy it. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Check out my other auctions and good luck to the winner.

Polyphony - 48 voices
Oscillators - 4 MB of 16-bit internal wave ROM, featuring Transwaves (created through digital synthesis and resynthesis technologies); 2 osc for each of 4 presets - total of 8 simultaneous - 58 waveforms
LFO - 8 LFO's (7 waveform choices, can sync to Arpeggiator or external MIDI clock)
Filter - Resonant LP & BP 4 pole filters. Non-Resonant 2LP+2HP, 3LP+1HP, 2LP+2LP, 3LP+1HP filters.
Effects - 41 digital VLSI 24-bit effects (8 Global Reverbs, Chorus, Flanger, DDL, Distortion, Tunable Speaker, Chatter Box, Vocal Morph, Auto-Wah, Vocoder); Processes incoming audio
Keyboard - 61 semi-weighted keys (velocity and channel pressure sensitive, 4 programmable key ranges, 4 possible zones)
Memory - 128 ROM sounds, Up to 128 RAM, 64 Presets
Control - MIDI (up to 4 polyphonic channels)
Date Produced - 1998"

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

MFOS 16 Step Sequencer & Raymond Scott's Circle Machine

YouTube Published on Jul 23, 2012 by NoizeToy2

"An analogue sequencer laid out in a rotary style similar to Raymond Scott's Circle Machine.

The PCB is available from and I ordered the panel from"

via Jeff E. Winner on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge

Jeff E. Winner is the co-producer of the Raymond Scott documentary Deconstructing Dad. The Circle Machine is considered the first sequencer.

Also see:
Raymond Scott Archives Remembers Bob Moog
Bob Moog on Raymond Scott and the History of the Sequencer

Update via Dick in the comments: "Ray [Wilson] has just released the pcb's for the updated version of this - the Variclock 16 step sequencer adds an step duration knob (1-16) for each individual step. check the mfos site for the video "

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Transwave - Term (now Audio Term): New functions

YouTube Published on Apr 3, 2012 by blacktomcat666

"A short demonstration of the 'synthesize loop' and convolution module. Sorry for the low visual quality, this video is for sound demonstration puposes only. The speed of the resynthesis is very slow, because it's an old Athlon 1800 and the video capturing software uses up to 80% of the ressources."

via Piet Wagner on The MATRIXSYNTH Lounge
"Here's a small demonstration video of some new features, which will be available the next weeks: First a sample is looped and 'stereofied' and then multiplicated with a drum loop. Computing the sounds is very slow because of the ressource consumption of the video capturing software."

Previous videos:

Transwave - Term controlled by light pen

Uploaded by blacktomcat666 on Feb 1, 2011

"A short demonstration of controlling Transwave - Term with the light pen. The video was recorded in an early stage of development, resynthesis quality and light pen handling have improved by now. See also this video:"

TRANSWAVE - TERM small demo track

Uploaded by blacktomcat666 on Feb 15, 2010

"Additive wavetable generator for samplers with loop position modulation.

Bass: Access Virus B
Drums: Technics WSA1
Transwaves: Wusikstation VSTi"

Update some screenshots and details via blacktomcat666 on KVR

"I programmed a small windows based tool called "Komplex - Term" which can read and write WT files for the Terratec Komplexer. Further you can render it's wavetables to wave format, so you can use it in your Wusikstation, VAZ Modular, Reaktor... . It also offers wave file resynthesis and some editing functions like reordering slices, drawing spectra, a free formant filter (similar to the kawai k5000)and so on. I wrote a short manual, but please excuse my poor english. Very Happy

Download: Komplex-Ter"

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

sympleSEQ Now Available

You might remember sympleSEQ from this previous post. Hex Inverter wrote in to let us know their IndieGoGo funding blew past their goal and they are now in production. They also made some significant updates to the feature set.

"What am I talking about? Well, the original concept was VERY minimalistic. There was nothing other than tempo, gate out and CV output. Through the discussion had with members on the forums where this was being developed, people requested pause/reset functionality be included as well. Using a very small amount of components and some trickery, I was able to achieve this -- so now sympleSEQ also boasts the option of adding reset/pause functionality!

Possibly best of all is that I had a panel artist come to me who wants to make panels for everyone!

I have a limited number of kits left in stock, but plenty of bare circuit boards for people. There is a well documented assembly manual for people as well.

sympleSEQ can be found/purchased at:

Panels will be available soon from Ben at:

Here is the build manual"

Below is a video of sympleSEQ with a Benjolin.

Benjolin Meets sympleSEQ -- a sequenced analog synthesis jam
YouTube Uploaded by hexinverterDOTnet on Dec 5, 2011

"Rob Hordyk's amazing Benjolin meets's sympleSEQ for a little jam before they get enclosed in their final enclosure.

Here I am driving the two oscillators and the onboard filter at different times with sympleSEQ, as well as just noodling away on the Benjolin.

sympleSEQ is an easy to make 8-step analog step-sequencer. It utilizes board-mount components and a unique dual PCB design, making it simple to create an analog sequencer for driving your voltage controlled synthesizer gear or circuit bent toys with. It is particularly suited to lo-fi artists due to the low feature set (and thus complexity). It is also very economical to build compared to any other sequencer on the market.

sympleSEQ can be driven by a wide range of voltages (9-15V DC) and thus is highly portable.

Kits, PCBs and more information about sympleSEQ can be found at:"

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Symbolic Sound Releases Kyma X.82

Update: some pics & video added

New software features twenty-one new keyboard-controllable morphing synthesis algorithms, support for 14-bit MIDI controllers, polyphonic aftertouch, & publication of the Kyma OSC protocol for third-party developers

Champaign, Illinois - November 21, 2011 - The culmination of two years of research and development, Kyma X.82, a new software update for the Kyma X/Pacarana sound synthesis engine, is specifically designed to take advantage of the expressive capabilities and extended control offered by today's new crop of alternative controllers and cutting edge musical interface designs.

The recent explosion of interest in new musical interfaces and alternative controllers for sound design and music has created a need for sound synthesis and processing engines that can take full advantage of the increased bandwidths, higher resolution, lower latencies, continuous pitch and velocity values, and subtle expressive capabilities of these new controllers. Symbolic Sound has a long history of support for alternative and extended controllers in Kyma X, and Symbolic Sound's newest release, Kyma X.82, introduces several additional features to support these innovative musical interfaces and alternative controllers.

Features in Kyma X.82 include over 20 new morphing sound synthesis algorithms, support for 14-bit MIDI controllers, and the publication of Kyma's OSC protocol to support and inspire future developments of new instruments and controllers that can exploit Kyma's responsive, high-resolution sound synthesis and processing algorithms in a seamless, plug-and-play manner.

Whether you are a sound designer performing expressive creature voices to picture, an electronic musician performing live on stage with alternative controllers, or a composer using physical controllers to create dense multi-layered textures of sound in the studio, you will be able to take advantage of Kyma X.82's ease of parameter-mapping, low latency, high-resolution parameters, and legendary sound quality. Additional features of the new release include enhanced multichannel panning and effects, higher quality spectral analysis, and a 40% speedup in the software executing on the host computer.

Sound and Video Examples

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Alchemy Mobile for iPad/iPhone

YouTube Uploaded by mvpadrini on Sep 27, 2011

"Great new app with awesome sounds."

Alchemy Synth Mobile - Camel Audio

"Turn your iPhone/iPad into a powerful synthesizer! Alchemy Mobile includes everything from evolving soundscapes and fat bases to lush pads and pulsing arpeggios. This is the iOS version of Camel Audio's award-winning Alchemy synth - the leading sample manipulation synthesizer which can be heard on thousands of records and films by world-class artists.

Discover an almost limitless palette of sounds using the unique remix pad to morph between sound variations. 16 controls including cutoff, resonance, ADSR and effects parameters are specially selected for each preset to make tweaking sounds to fit your music easier than ever.

The Alchemy Mobile interface was designed with ease of use in mind. You can play the mini keyboard built into the app, which features scalable key size and one touch major and minor keys so even the clumsiest fingers can play along with friends. You can also plug in an external Core MIDI keyboard.

Using Alchemy with other apps like NanoStudio and Garageband is easy, thanks to the included loop player. Simply paste a loop from your sequencer into Alchemy Player, hit record, and play in your killer bass part, and then paste the resulting loop back into the sequencer. Alchemy Player is the first iPhone app to feature exposé, which makes switching between pages a breeze.

Want to know why Alchemy Mobile has such amazing sounds which can change so drastically with a tap of the remix pad? The performance controls and remix pad are linked to the most powerful synthesis engine on iOS, which allows you to morph and change the sound in radical ways not possible with any other synth. Alchemy's VA synth, sampler and granular and additive resynthesis, combined with almost unlimited modulation sources, effects and a flexible arpeggiator are used to power this expressive way of creating new sounds for your music.

The free version of Alchemy Mobile includes 25 sounds, with a further 25 available when you register for free with Camel Audio. You can expand Alchemy Mobile with a wide range of sound libraries such as BigTone, Cinematic and Arp Dimensions from world class sound designers. The libraries each contain 50 sounds (400 variations) and are available as in-app purchases.

Alchemy is programmed to make the most of your device, so the more recent your model the higher the polyphony and the lower the latency.

Alchemy Mobile Free features:

- remix pad to morph between sound variations and create your own sound
- 16 performance controls so you can easily tweak sounds to fit your music
- most powerful iOS synthesis engine with VA, sampler, granular and additive resynthesis
- external MIDI keyboard support
- loop player with 25 drum loops included
- copy and paste support for easy integration with sequencers
- built in keyboard with scalable keys
- one touch major and minor chords
- iPad native version included
- 25 sounds with 25 more free when you register
- add on sound libraries available as in-app purchases


With the Pro upgrade, you can remotely control Alchemy or the free Alchemy Player on your desktop computer. Easy one touch access to the remix pad and preset selection means you'll spend more time getting inspired and less time reaching for your mouse. The Pro upgrade comes with an extra 75 presets and 25 loops and you can download Mobile versions of the desktop Sound Libraries you own for free. Since the same presets are available in the desktop version, you can find the perfect sound for the tune you are working on whilst you're on the go. Upgrade to the Pro version via in-app purchase from the presets menu.

Pro Upgrade features:

- remote control of Alchemy or Alchemy Player on your desktop computer
- download Mobile version of any desktop sound libraries you own for free
- 125 sounds
- 50 loops"

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Image-Line | Harmor

YouTube Uploaded by imageline on Sep 1, 2011

"Harmor Launch -

Get Harmor here -

Harmor - featuring a unique and modern additive synthesis engine that emulates classic subtractive synthesis as well, taking sound generation to the next level.

Additive / subtractive emulation - generating sounds not possible with traditional synthesis methods, including the ability to draw custom filter shapes, and offering precise control over every aspect of the sound conception.

Image & Audio Resynthesis - allowing a faithful, sampler-quality resynthesis of audio, not a vague sound-alike often met in additive synthesizers. Images too can be imported and turned into sound.

Envelopes and articulation - as originally seen in Image-Line's flagship synthesizer Sytrus, are taken to new levels of features, flexibility and GUI integration.

Sound creation - possibilities are endless, but not bewildering. Stutter, mangle, stretch, pitch and manipulate both audio and images beyond recognition.

More Harmor videos -

Video demo music by:"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

NAMM '11 - Kemper Profiling Amp Demo - Resynthesis

YouTube Uploaded by premierguitar on Jan 25, 2011
Watch after the 3:00 minute mark. This one in via Dustin. "This technology is incredible, Im sure that it is just a matter of time before this makes it to effects and synths. The videos on sweetwater are slightly better. Basically you are "sampling" a process I suppose it could be used to sampler filters, etc...incredible"

video description:
" PG's Shawn Hammond is On Location at the 2011 NAMM Show where he visits the Kemper Amps booth. In this segment, we get an overview and demo of their new Profiling Amp.

For more 2011 NAMM show videos, or to view all guitar-related news, updates, reviews, demos, videos, interviews, and instructional columns, be sure to visit"

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

PPG Waveterm A + Wave 2.2 pt.2

YouTube via retrosound72 | Feb 23, 2011 |

Also added to the Part 1 post here.

"vintage synth demo by RetroSound

PPG Waveterm A and Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer from the year 1982.

The Waveterm is the heart of the legendary PPG system and based on an old german computer called Eltec Eurocom II with Motorola 6809 processor.

- creation of Waves and Wavetables
- fourier analysis / resonator
- additive synthesis
- 8 bit Sampling for the WAVE 2.2
- sequencer / event generator
- storage of sounds on 8" disc

this second WT-A demo video shows a few samples from The Waveterm A library, sample edition and resynthesis. You hear only pure waveforms, no sounds."

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

PPG Waveterm A + Wave 2.2 Video

YouTube via retrosound72 | February 02, 2011 |

"vintage synth demo by RetroSound

PPG Waveterm A and Wave 2.2 Wavetable Synthesizer from the year 1982.

The Waveterm is the heart of the legendary PPG system and based on an old german computer called Eltec Eurocom II with Motorola 6809 processor.

- creation of Waves and Wavetables
- fourier analysis / resonator
- additive synthesis
- 8 bit Sampling for the WAVE 2.2
- sequencer / event generator
- storage of sounds on 8" disc

this first demo video shows only a few functions (creation of waves, wavetables) of the Waveterm A. more coming soon."

PPG Waveterm A + Wave 2.2 pt.2

YouTube via retrosound72 | Feb 23, 2011 |

"this second WT-A demo video shows a few samples from The Waveterm A library, sample edition and resynthesis. You hear only pure waveforms, no sounds."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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