Wednesday, July 01, 2015

ARP Model 1613 Sequencer for ARP 2600

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"This is for an ARP 1613 SEQUENCER. Fully serviced in 2014. There is some normal wear and tear, but in excellent condition for age.
Included in the auction is: Arp 1613 sequencer, case and manual.

XS Synthesizer Tips and Tricks: More Audio Treats - Chaotic Patch & Recreating TR-808 Style Drums

Published on Jul 1, 2015 FutureRetroSynths

"XS Tips and Tricks:
Lots of goodies in this one.
Be sure to watch the full series of XS Tips and Tricks tutorials [playlist here] to get the most out of your XS synthesizer."

XS Synthesizer Tips and Tricks: Chaotic patch I

Published on Jul 1, 2015

"XS Tips and Tricks:
Learn how to setup a self generating chaotic patch using just the XS."

New Barton Musical Circuits Switched Resistor VCF 1

Published on Jul 1, 2015 boogdish

"This is an overview of BMC34 Switched Resistor VCF. This is a DIY synthesizer module that you can build yourself. For full build documentation and MP3 demos visit"

SR VCF Vocal sounds Demo

Published on Jul 1, 2015

"This video shows a synthesizer patch utilizing a new module I designed, the Switched Resistor VCF, there is another video on my channel showing this module in greater detail."

Ladik D-333 Modular Synth Pop Demo

Published on Jul 1, 2015 RuprechtM

Adam John Williams Live Rig At Cymru Beats

Published on Jul 1, 2015 sonicstate

"We get a look at Adam's live performance modular rig"

Milano (feat. Elektron AR & A4, Minitaur and MS-20 mini)

Published on Jul 1, 2015 Erwin Dorleijn

"Live recording. Beats and samples: Elektron Analog Rytm, synth sounds: Elektron Analog 4 and Korg MS-20 mini, bass: Moog Minitaur."

X1L3 - Circuit bent - Casio SK-1 - for Meng Qi Music

Published on Jul 1, 2015 manufacturedZ3R0 .

"One off custom Casio SK1 project.

Built for:

Evolving improvised set. Melodic ambience to drone to noise. Touching on the lines of PE and HNW. Anyone who's familiar with the Alec Empire live dvd of intelligence and sacrifice will probably recognise the tone of this from the noise set in new world order.

No post processing or production. It is what it is."

verstaerker & a/head „Mammoth“ - a live industrial jam EP

verstaerker & a/head "Mammoth EP" teaser

9 tracks in the Bandcamp player above, also on SoundCloud:

A new EP from MATRIXSYNTH Member verstaerker (SoundCloud, BandCamp, Twitter, YouTube, & MATRIXSYNTH)

Details & gear:

after one year - verstaerker and a/head gathered again in verstaerkers studio to jam all day and night long - it was a massive synth battle using:

Macbeth M3X
2 Korg Ms20 mini
Korg monotron
Korg volca sample
Cwejman S1
elektron Analog Four
elektron Octatrack
elektron Machinedrum
Sonic Potions LXR
Roland Tr-8
Sherman Filterbank1
Sherman Filterbank2
eventide Timefactor
dynacord VRS23
and more

Roland Juno 60 Minerva midi install

Published on Jun 30, 2015 Vlaca X

"Roland Juno 60, vintage analog poly synth (1982)

Inside pictures + Minerva midi installation.


Project Higgs-bozon : The birth of the Universe Part 2

(I used this midified juno 60 in the background music.
Bassline seq, controlled by Logic.)"

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

An Interview with Gur Milstein of Tiptop Audio on Art + Music + Technology

Art + Music + Technology has a podcast interview up with Gur Milstein of Tiptop Audio. The following is the intro followed by a link to the mp3 if you want to grab it for the road. Be sure to check out the ret of Art + Music + Technology for more.

"I've always been a huge fan of Tiptop Audio's products: from their rock-solid Z3000 oscillator, to the center-of-my-universe Station 252 case, to the simple elegance of the Stackable cables, I've always found their products to be reliable, artful and best-of-class. I've also always wondered about the person behind this stuff, because it was clearly an interesting person.

Wow, what an understatement. Gur Milstein was super enthusiastic about being on the podcast, and we got a chance to run through his history as well as his design process. And, as part of the process, I came to further respect him - and be charmed by his friendliness. This interview is one of my favorites, because I started off not really knowing the person, and ending up developing a friendship with a person I really respect.

If you want to check out Gur's work, please jump over to and check it out!


Direct download: podcast_085_GMilstein.mp3"

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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