This one in via electraumatisme.
So how rare? I've never seen or come across one in the ten years of running MATRIXSYNTH. This appears to be the first Maxon Mariner MX-2 post on the site out of 128,070 posts on the site including this one to date. Tracking everything synth seven days a week, it's a super rare treat coming across a vintage synthesizer you've never seen before. If anyone knows more about the Mariner feel free to leave a comment. There are 14 previous
Maxon posts mainly for their drum synth and effects.
The Mariner appears to have the following sections:
- Tune
- Tone Source with two oscillators
- Noise Source
- Modulator Section with one LFO and four destinations
- Resonant Filter with ENV modulation and Pitch knob
- ADSR, Transpose, Source Select, Bender Select & Portamento controls to the left of the keyboard

The description from
the listing follows in French followed by a Googlish translation to English.

Vous cherchez quelque chose d'unique et qui veulent faire une différence, voici votre chance !!
Ceci est un synthétiseur analogique à partir des années 60, est un synthétiseur fabriqué au Japon par Nisshin onPA !! Maxon, l'homme qui a été le grand célèbre fabricant de pédales analogiques pour Ibanez dans les années 70 et 80! "Ce synthétiseur était une série très limitée qui a fait au Japon et quelques-uns sont sortis de là !!
L'Europe est une rareté ...

Ce synthétiseur sons style très gras et puissant millésime Moog et ARP.
Esthétiquement est une perle magique !! et avec un énorme potentiel.
Pour vraiment intéressé par l'achat de ce synthétiseur rare !!
envoyez-moi un message privé, je vis au Portugal et je peux envoyer par une agence d'expédition tels que: UPS, DHL ou plus au goût de l'acheteur."
Looking for something unique and want to make a difference, here is your chance !!
This is an analog synthesizer from the 60s, is a synthesizer made in Japan by Nisshin onPA !! Maxon, the man who was the great famous manufacturer of analog pedals Ibanez in the 70 and 80! "This synthesizer was very limited series that made in Japan and a few are out of there !!
Europe is a rarity ...
This synthesizer sounds very bold style and powerful vintage Moog and ARP.
Aesthetically is a magical gem !! and with enormous potential.
To really interested in buying this rare synthesizer !!
send me a private message, I live in Portugal and I can send by a shipping agency such as: UPS, DHL or more to taste of the buyer."