Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sonic Boom

Update: Some nice Spacemen 3 Ts: : )

Nice shot of Sonic Boom. Dig the revolving stage and matching shirt. Note the outward facing speakers and glow underneath. That would be surreal to see live. One of my biggest regrets was missing the Spectrum show in Seattle years ago to go see Fluke instead. Fluke was great and seeing "Atom Bomb" live was a hoot, but Sonic-Boom and a Synthi.... Why, oh why did I miss that... Title link takes you to Sonic-Boom's website with more info and upcoming shows.

Shifty Death Synthesizer H.Q.

Update: Make sure to check out the comments link for this post below for some notes from solipsistnation including a link to an interview. Pretty cool. Also, looks like this site made Make: via this post of course. ; )

I remember seeing this a while back. It's a DSP box that supports MIDI and a Palm Pilot interface. Some programs actually do not require either. It's an OPEN DSP system that people can create custom apps for. Below is a list of some of those apps. Title link takes you to the main site with more info.

  • Remixer Automatically remix sounds into new sounds! NEWest!!!

  • Combyops All the Combyops from Death Synth! NEW!!!

  • Oddelay Self-FM Delay

  • Sinlut Sinusoidal Lookup Table Waveshaper NEW!

  • Burrito The ultimate MIDI controller program for Palm Pilot and EZ-Kit Lite devices!

  • Xpand Spectral Inversion and Un-Inversion to enhance your existing FX!

  • Click-O Acrid Distortion sound with randomizing paramters

  • Modulation Domain Not the freq, not the time, but MODulation domain.

  • GenMusic Algorithmic programs-- synthesize an entire pseudo-random song! (created by a user on our mailing list)

  • SVF State-Variable Filter, a.k.a. Multi-Mode

  • Template Updated!!! a template to get you started writing your effect own algorithm.

  • Finally! Hear the effects on an audio stream of AND, OR, and XOR! (with source code and build scripts!)

  • HarmEQ Download version 0.2 now! timbre re-arranger/harmonic equalizer

  • Rim Job a Ring Mod with some Special Features (created by a user on our mailing list)

  • Death Synth a many-parameter variable synthesizer

  • Skank raunchy multi-effects box

  • Fmadness screamingly weird modulator with extra controls

Memorymoog Schematics

Memorymoog Schematics via ChristianH on AH. Click here for higher res versions.

"Compressed TIFF, at about 1.2 to 1.8 MB per sheet. I didn't cut them up
into smaller pieces, because at that file size everybody should be able
to do it just for their individual needs, without running into trouble
(if it had been in the multi 100 MB league, it might have been necessary
to utilize our specialized large format tools)."

Analog Solutions Mod Page

I previously posted on the Analog Solutions Modifications Page. Tomislav Babic just posted a link to another page with more on AH. This page has a huge grid of synths and available mods along with pricing and pics below the grid. Title link takes you there.

DIY Minimoog

Update: Via the comments, "It's worth noting that the schematic for the VCF on that site contains the mistake with pin 13 on the CA3046 referred to in the text. There are a few other oddities like the biasing on the left of the ladder, that 5k6 resistor probably isn't going to work. Also, the ouptut/feedback amplifier in the VCF has a few differences from the Moog circuit that potentially break things. "

Title link takes you there. Via Paul Wagorn on AH.

"After playing on many different synths and copying several designs. I decided that I had to have a minimoog...

Unfortunately the cost of a second hand minimoog is anything between £1000-£2000 depending on age and condition. So the only choice I have is to look at doing my own copy with the aim of keeping the circuits and design as original as possible."

minimoog clone

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

PAiA Memories

In via John Mahoney on AH.

"Sadly, it appears that John Simonton of PAiA fame, has died.

Sure, Paia synths, keyboards and effects were cheap and sometimes cheesy.
But they were all about returning the "best bang for your buck". Lots of
people bought Paia because it was their only affordable option. More
significantly, though, was Paia's influence on the musical electronics DIY
(do it yourself) community. Paia was instrumental in the very creation of
such a community, in my opinon. Many a soldering iron has been heated to
build a John Simonton circuit, that's for sure.

And with that in mind, here's a place to post remembrances of John Simonton
and Paia:
We're hoping for a nice response so that his family can see what an effect
the whole Paia thing had on the electronic music community.

John "PAiA" Simonton - RIP

Update: If you haven't already, check out the comments of this post for some other words.

This has been a bad year for the synth world indeed. I just read via AH that John "PAiA" Simonton has passed away after a battle with cancer. It's hard to find words that would do him justice. When you think of the great names behind synthesis, names like Bob Moog, Don Buchla, Tom Oberheim and Dave Smith immediately come to mind. You know them because they created the classic uber analog synths. They brought you the packaged analog classics. So what about PAiA? You know the name but you rarely see mention of PAiA systems pitting up against these other synths. So what makes PAiA so special? DIY. The PAiA Fatman was the first and only DIY synth I ever created. I am not a technician and before the Fatman maybe only worked with a soldering iron about twenty years ago in the Boy Scouts. Yes I was a Boy Scout in an urban jungle. Anyway, I created my Fatman and had a blast doing so, but when I finally was done it didn't work. I contacted PAiA and what did they do? They said no problem, had me ship it back, fixed it and returned it back to me free of charge, with an explanation of what I did wrong. Amazing customer service and an amazing experience. So what makes PAiA so special? They allow us to create synthesizers. When I say us I mean everyone, the experienced and the inexperienced DIYers. Think of that. Not simply buying a synth and playing it out of the box, but actually building one. There is just something magical about that, and many of us, myself included, have John "PAiA" Simonton to thank for that. Think of how many people got to experience this because of him. PAiA started in 1967 and are still around today. Simply amazing. Title link takes you to the main PAiA site. RIP John "PAiA" Simonton and thank you for my big, little Fatman. He's pumping out one fat bass.

Octave CAT Demo

Via phloem on the VSE Synth Forum. Title link takes you there.

Gentle Bakemono's Flickr Set

Title link takes you to the set. Buchla and EMS. Yowsa.

Rusty Insects

Title link takes you to Carbon111's Rusty Insects studio page. Rusty insects, get it? I didn't at first. : ) Very cool name for a synth studio. Also, make sure to track back to the root of Carbon111's site for more, including some music composed with these synths. His latest track uses the Yamaha VL-1 and is pretty impressive to say the least. An interesting note on the VL-1: until I was fortunate enough to see Carbon111 play his, I had no idea that the included breath controller actually triggered the voicing - some patches do not play when playing notes unless you actually apply the breath controller. For some reason I thought the breath controller was simply a modulation source. It's much. much more than that. You can hear how expressive it is in Carbon111's track, Long Shadows. Enjoy.

BTW, knowing Carbon111, that is a reflection on that Moog Prodigy's wood side panel, and NOT dust like I mistook on this poor synth. That Prodigy is immaculate.

Polymoog Shot

Just a nice close up shot of a Moog Polymoog sent to me by Heath. Also looks like his site has been updated since I was last there. Title link takes you there. Thanks Heath!

Monday, November 28, 2005


I swear I posted this already, but I can't find it, so here it goes. Apologies if you saw it here already. Title link takes you to the L.L. Electronics Rozzbox site. Via Create Digital Music this time around.

Cykong Synth Site

Cool synth site sent to me by JB. There are some great pics of some intersting pieces including the two shots below of a 1U rack of a Moog Rogue and the Analog Soultions Synapse patch matrix. Make sure to check out the site for more. Thanks JB!

Triwave Picogenerator

Update: Another via Inverse Room in the comments. Cool, thanks Inverse Room.
"I just reviewed the Triwave for's really a fun box, but people should try to build their own! 4ms gives out the schem and layout for free"

Title link takes you to an interesting little sound device. More info below and at the site. Via this Music Thing post on the Glasstone Tin Can.

"triwavepicogenerator contains two tone generators... and three variable speed
point slow eight cycles per second to two hundred cycles per secondlow frequencie oscillateurs that independently vary the pitch of each tone generator...

red, yellow, green speed (three low frequency oscillators)
red,yellow,green linnet depths
red,yellow,green gale depths of effect of each tone generator by each oscillator...
...control the center pitches (linnet, gale) of each tone generator
mix between volumes of each tone generator...
control the master volume
..each channel's tone switches between square and triangle wave audio outputs...
lfo range extends into audio frequencies for faux ring and veri-beat modulation"

AMF Educational Computer - New Flickr Shot

Cool little thing. It's not a synth, but an analog logic box. Title link takes you to a bigger shot. Some notes pulled from rrooyyccee via the site below.

"amf analog computer. the connection between bowling and analog computing escapes me. but it does work pretty well with music applications, providing mixing, attenuating, inverting, and integrating (lag). i'm not sure what else it can do but am experimenting with it."

How to Use an Oscilliscope

Interesting. Make: has a post up on how to use an oscilliscope. Title link takes you to the site they have linked.

Ultimate Rhodes Chroma Site

Title link takes you to an impressive site dedicated to the Rhodes Chroma. Filled with shots, documents, history, reviews, patches, technical information, an interview with Philip Dodds, you name it. There is a section for general interest and one for owners. I hadn't seen this site before.

"The Chroma has a fascinating history. The last keyboard designed by ARP, the pioneering instrument designer of the 1970s, it almost never saw production. After ARP's bankruptcy and some twists and turns, it was put into production by CBS/Fender."

Acidmoongfx - New Flickr Set

Title link takes you there.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

New Prophet 5 Shots

Update: Make sure to check out the comments link below for some notes from Marsupilami. Amazing catch indeed. The shine on the knobs in some of those close-ups is what gets me. Absolutely beautiful. : )

Some amazing SCI Prophet 5 shots sent to me by Marsupilami Fantasio. This is probably the cleanest Prophet 5 I have seen so far. Amazing shots! Title link takes you there. Thanks Marsupilami!

More Poly Evolver via Stefan Trippler

Right click and save title link for another great DSI Poly Evolver track from Stefan Trippler. He needs to put something out already. Enjoy.

Sub Mux Deluxe - New Cynthia Module

Now this is an interesting module. Title link takes you to more including samples.

"This module addresses those on a quest for a seriously beefy bottom end! Not only does it extend bass frequencies a powerful four-octaves below the signal that you feed into it, but each of the sub octaves has a level knob so you can control the mixed output like the drawbars of an organ.

Of course, you can flip the Mode Switch to engage a total of four internal ring modulators, which can really put some "heavy" in your heavy metal!

We've combined Paul Schreiber's awesome Sub Octave Multiplexer with parts from Scott Juskiw and Richard Brewster to create a souped-up version of the original module.

The new Cynthia Sub Mux Deluxe adds individual outputs from each of the four sub octave generators, (useful in stereo and quadraphonic applications), so now each of the four sub frequencies can be processed separately throughout your system!

This limited edition module features a new Staircase Waveform Output offering a binary weighted sum of the four subs which generates patterns and simple voltage sequences. Adjustments are can be made with an AC/DC Coupling Switch, and an LED is provided to monitor these patterns.

You really can get quite a range of sounds with this classic circuit - powerful sounds that range from thunderous house rattling bass, to massively klangourous hash sending everyone running for cover. Please use this module responsibly! "

PPG Modular Shots

Title link takes you to shots saved for posterity from this auction. Note the German component labels. Via SYNTHOSIUM.

Howard Jones 20th Anniversary Concert 2003

Title link takes you to some info and shots of the 2003 Howard Jones 20th anniversary concert with Midge Ure (Ultravox), Nena and Jed Hoile. There's reference to a possible DVD, but I'm having trouble finding out if it was actually made. While there, make sure to track back to the root site for a link to multimedia including some of his older videos with some synth p*rn. Via this post on VSE.

Gear List:

Classic Set
1x Drum Machine Roland TR-808
2x Monophonic Synth Moog Prodigy
1x Synth Roland Juno 60
1x Synth Roland JP-8 Super Jupiter
1x Synth/Sequencer Sequential Circuits Pro-One

Modern Rig:
2 x Novation KS-4 synths
2 x Novation K-Station synths
1 x Roland a-33 master keyboard
1 x Yamaha KX-5 remote keyboard (customised)

der_schnorz's Gear P*rn - New Flicker Set

Title link takes you to set.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Arp Soloist

Title link takes you to some nice shots of an Arp Soloist pulled from this auction. Via this post on VSE.

Learning Music With Synthesizers - New Flickr Shot

Hmm... Another book to track down. This one by David Friend, Alan R. Perlman (ARP), and Thomas D. Piggott. Nice white Odyssey and other synths on the cover.

Superimposed Arp Odyssey Pic

Arp 2600 Shots

Just two nice Arp 2600 shots I pulled from this auction. This one apparently has the Moog style filters and some mods. More info pulled from the auction below.

"ARP 2600 with custom CMS 4012 Moog style VCF, CMS extensive audio path upgrade (includes reverb tank) and SYNC switches on OSC2 and OSC3. SYNC switches take an already legendary architecture to a another planet! Power cord was replaced with IEC jack. Entire instrument brought up to factory spec. KYBD CV output modified to take KYBD CV input for use with MIDI/CV gear (A Kenton Pro-4 was used). Power supply was rebuilt. 2 1/4" final audio outputs were added (in the shadows in the high rez picture and is 4MP, so can be zoomed) and the power to the speakers were disconnected on advice from Phil. 2 of the three OSCs, the VCF and Ring Mod are sealed. A spare (unsealed) OSC ($200 part) is included. All work performed in 2002. "

Superimposed Roland TB-303 Pic

The Picture is Dead

Awakened_Yeti recently posted the following in the comments section of one of my posts, "matrix you are a danger to my sanity." I replied, "And my own. : )" Well here's a couple of interesting tracks just for us. Features Blacet/Wiard/Doepfer/MS10. Via Bryan E. Cornell on AH. Enjoy if you enjoy this sort of thing. I was a HUGE 4AD and Fac fan back in the day, so I particulary like these two pieces. I'd like to know what's creating the vocal sounds. My guess is the Wiard, but who knows. I asked on AH; hopefully Bryan will answer.

Synton S3000 Modular Site

Synthon S3000 site with more pics, samples, brochure, module list and links. Via Joseph Kays on AH.

Synth Chips on

Curious what synths used what chips? Title link takes you to a page on with a list of synths, images and their chips. Includes CEM, SSM and DSP chipsets including newer gear.

Friday, November 25, 2005

EMS Synthi P

EMS Synthi P? According to the page, "A MkIII "Professional" version with improved Oscillators, Filter and Envelope. Only 3 prototypes made, 2 in this form with bronze finish, the other in standard Synthi A case and styling." Followed by, "Contains many of the features of the Synthi 'A', but designed for the professional musician who requires the highest standard of stability, versatility and low noise." Hmm... More professional than a standard Synthi used by the likes of Pink Floyd. : ) Interesting. Title link takes you to the page with more including a list of twelve features in addition to those on the Synthi A. Thanks to Philip Sanderson for sending this my way.

Vacuum Tubes in an Old Lowry Organ

I was checking out Toby Paddock's site and ran into his Flickr set where I pulled the shot below; thought this was a really warm shot worth putting up. Title link takes you to the Flickr set which includes some shots of the Pacific Northwest Synthesizer gathering as well. On his main site be sure to check out the music gear link for some interesting shots including a Minimoog with the back open for an inside shot of the synth.

Synton Docs

Another from John Loffnik. I updated my earlier post on the Synton Modular to include this, and I figured it warrented a new post as well. Interesting bit is that Bob Moog's Big Briar was distributing the Synton in the US. Check out the order sheet pictured below. Title link takes you to a couple more shots including a system photo brochure and module descriptions.

Click image for a bigger pic.

Korg Microkorg - New Flickr Shot

Synthi Video

Enjoy. : )

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving! & Scott Stites Synth DIY Site

Huh? Well... First off, Happy Thanksgiving to those here in the US! So... For the heck of it, I ran an image search on "Thanksgiving Synth" on Google just to see what the heck would come up. Well.... Only one shot came up, pictured below. I wondered what the heck it was so obviously I clicked on the link. I ened up on Scott Stite's Synth DIY page. Remember Scott Stites? He's the one that supposedly did this Buchla 200e demo I posted on earlier. The demo actually turned out to be a Buchla clone he did.

Title link takes you his website, with more info on his Buchla adaptation and much, much more. Definitely check it out. Happy Turkey Day everone! Hope you are not as bloated as I am. Man, I am stuffed... ; )

"Thanksgiving Synth"


Title link takes you to John Loffink's Wavemakers website, home to an obscure and fascinating line of modular synths during the 70s and early 80s. The site covers the history of Wavemakers, photos, music, catalog, documents and links. Make sure to check out the history for a fascinating and unfortunately sad story behind Wavemakers. Also make sure to check out John's Microtonal web site.

"Wavemakers was a mobile operation, beginning in Ann Arbor, Michigan, later moving to Edmonds, Washington. The company began in 1970 around the University of Michigan, creating custom modules for the university and area musicians. These were large format modulars with varied size control knobs and 1/4 inch jacks. "

"Wavemakers was the brand of synthesizers and electronic music equipment created by "kb electronic music instrumentation," initially a collaborative effort between Terry Kincaid and David Bates. Their company officially started in 1970 and continued until the early 1980s."

"Terry died unexpectedly of pneumonia in February 1995. Hard working to a fault, he was on the phone that very day helping customers of the software company that he worked for, and tragically considered himself too busy to go to the hospital for medical help.

Barton McLean recalls an anecdote about Rick Petersen's "Natural Causes," a piece of music accomplished on the Wavemaker 4. Barton sent it to Terry Kincaid, who was deeply moved. Terry sent a letter back saying that after hearing Rick's piece he realized why he worked so hard at developing new instruments. David S. Bates passed away in 1974 and Terry Kincaid passed away in 1995, but their Wavemakers instruments leave a legacy that is just now being rediscovered."

Trent Reznor Waldorf Microwave and Programmer

Some great shots of various gear via RaZoR on AH including this Waldorf Microwave with Access Programmer, both previously owned by Trent Reznor and donning his sig. Nice. See below for links to some other gear shots. As usual I saved these offline so if they disappear post a comment and I'll redirect the links. Thanks RaZoR!

And yes, these are all for sale. Email razor [@] if interested.

Waldorf XT Pics ($675):

Roland 8080 Pics ($600):

Novation Supernova II R Pro Pics ($750):

Waldorf Microwave and Access Programmer Pics (same as title link - $1100):

Heath Gear Page

Heath is in the process of updating his site. He's put up a nice gear page that will be updated over time. It's looking good already with some fantastic synth p*rn. He might be putting up songs and samples over time as well. Title link takes you there. Enjoy. I am. : )

The Mighty Prophet 10

Andromeda A6 Tracks

Two more Andromeda A6 tracks via the A6 list.

The first track is by Chad Gould. It's a really nice, 80s style, exclusive A6 track. It's an amazing pad-fest in a really good way. Title link also goes to this track.

The second track is from Colin Chung. It's an A6 sequence with Juno 106 on top. Really nice mix of the two synths.


MOTM Frame - New Flickr Shot

Now that's a cool frame.

The Music Thing Mini Synth Fest

Looks like the first round is over. I just sent this to AH and figured, hello, why not put it up as a post here. Yes I frantically tried to keep up as Tom was spewing these out, but... It would be cool to have one post with links to all of his doll synth p*rn, kind of like what he did with A weekend's worth of videos of synths post. Well, I'm not as polished as Music Thing so here's my rendition. Enjoy. : ) If I missed any, let me know. Barbie get's the title link.

Go Wakeman, go!

Rick Wakemen:
GI Joe:
Mr. Waldorf:

SKORG - New Flickr Shot

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Nice shot of Hexdrums via Engadget, via Distortion that Rocks, via Music Thing, via Shigeru's Hexagon room. Talk about a long list of vias. Maybe CDM will post this and add me to the train. ; ) Title takes you there.

Cwedjman Modules are Coming

Looks like actual Cwedjman modules are coming. Title link takes you to a PDF with the modules listed. Via this thread on I haven't seen news elsewhere so I have no idea how real this is, but it sure looks real. I'm behind on email so I have no idea if this has been on AH yet.

A6, ER-1, Synthi Track

Title link takes you to a great track via David Evans on the A6 list.

Distorted 05 Music Festival - Melbourne, Australia

"Distorted 2005 is the first of planned yearly Electronic music festivals in Melbourne Australia.

The aim of Distorted is to bring Electronic Artists who usually you would only see Live in Europe to Australia. Each year we will select the artists as voted by Electronic music lovers in Australia. Distorted aims to deliver excellent value for money to the public.

This years Distorted will contain a whopping 12+ hours of live music. Then to top it off the artists will play DJ sets until late in the morning. Distorted is all about the Music and as such we ask you the Public to support both the international and local artists."

Via Vespine on the A6 mailing list. Vespine will be playing the show.

New Synth DB on

Update: Moogulator has added an HTML version of the DB. You can now browse and link to individual pages.

Update: Updated title link to point to root site which is actually in english. The search interface for the db is on the top right center of the page.

Title link takes you to a great new synth database on Moogulator's At the top of the page you should see a drop down list and a blank search box. Select any manufacturer listed and click search *without* entering a synth and you'll get the full list of synths currently in the db for that manufacturer. Of course you can also enter a search term for more specific results. The db is rich in specs, info and pictures. Really, really nice. Thanks for sending this Moogulator! Hmm... So many pictures to choose from for this post... Found it! Hopefully this translates well in German. : )

Nice mug shot Moogulator. : )

VCS3 and Synthi Work Outs

Sent to me via Philip Sanderson. Title link takes you to a blog post on the story behind the first track, "Under Press of Sail." Thanks Philip!

Under Press of Sail by Philip Sanderson

Blackheath by Storm Bugs

Synton Modular

Update via the comments. Cool. Thanks John!

"Synton 3000 Modular Documents

These documents are from 1984 when Big Briar, Bob Moog's company, was distributing Synton in the US. The Synton 3000 appears to be a modest and cost effective but capable system. This is a banana jack system.

For other interesting historical synths visit my Wavemakers site linked below.

John Loffink
The Microtonal Synthesis Web Site
The Wavemakers Synthesizer Web Site


Synton Modular on the bay. Via Luca of SYTHOSIUM. Title link takes you to his site with some other interesting items including Snoop's Minimoog! : ) Thanks Luca! Two shots saved for posterity:


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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