Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Verbos Amplitude & Tone Controller (LMS EE)

Published on Jan 16, 2018 Learning Modular

"Here is a set of videos on the Verbos Amplitude & Tone Controller. It combines an input gain section with lovely saturation, a 2-pole vactrol-based self-oscillating low pass filter with diode limited resonance, and an Arp 2600-inspired VCA with simultaneous linear and exponential control voltage, all using discrete components. If you’re looking for that so-called “vintage sound” combining not-buzzy overdrive and a constricted, low-mid croak when driven hard, start here.

This is another addition to my ever-growing Eurorack Expansion course. Learning Modular Patrons get additional notes that go along with each video:"

Twangs, Whistles and Tweets (part 1)

Published on Jan 16, 2018 Richard Horsman

"Rings and Plonk play Noisering's Branched notes while Two Bumps Tides fed by Mr Wogglebug impersonates a dome-topped robot, Peaks beats and DPO drones. Intelllijel Steps and Scales proceedings while Erica's friends add depth and repeats.

All a bit unplanned (you really *could* try harder Richard!) with a couple of gaffs and a falling photo. The next one'll be a bit more 'together' ;-)"

I spy Shaggy.

Wicks Looper (with Korg Delay Monotron)

Published on Jan 16, 2018 CatSynth TV

"Demo of the Wicks Looper, a limited edition handmade musical instrument by Rarebeast. Features both solo and together with a Korg Delay Monotron for filter and delay effects.

Find out more about instruments by Rarebasts at their Etsy store."

Clavia Nord Modular G1 32-voice expanded (8 DSP Motorola 56303)

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Pics of the inside below.

"very rare instrument, perfect condition, 32-VOICE Nord Modular Expansion on board (8 DSP Motorola 56303). This is for 230V. Ready for International Shipment via EMS-service (will be packed carefully, tracking number). Comes with original rack ears."

Dreadbox Nyx Analog Paraphonic Synthesizer SN 820

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Dreadbox Nyx Analog Paraphonic Synthesizer
Analog Paraphonic Synthesizer
Unique Reverb Effect by Crazy Tube Circuits (as found on Splash Mk3)
2 x VCO with separate glide controls
Dual State Variable 24 or 12dB / oct Filter
Triangle wave LFO
Triple Unique Envelope Generator (can be used as an LFO)
Unique Routing control (allows open architecture)
15 patches for an astonishing Modular experience:
CV Outputs: VCO2 direct wave out with attenuation control,
Envelope 1 , Envelope 2 (with attenuation), Modulation Wheel, Gate, Midi to CV
CV Inputs: Osc1 Frequency, Osc2 Frequency, VCF Cut off (for both filters),VCF Cut off (post for the 2nd filter), VCO1 PW, Gate, CV, VCA"


Published on Jan 16, 2018 LESINDES

"MOOG DFAM reconstructed in the virtual analog modular synthsizer CLAVIA NORD MODULAR G2. Since the MOOG filter in the synthe has no highpass this option is missing in the patch.
The patch is shown in the beginning of the video."

[patch] Laser Harp (sync and ring mod)

Published on Jan 16, 2018 Synthesizer Video Service

"In this video I show you how to make the infamous sound of Jean Michel Jarre's laser harp. The sound is normally made with a Elka Synthex synthesizer. Here, I use a Waldorf Blofeld. It has everything you need to make a quite similar patch. Therefor, I show oscillator synchronization and ring modulation."

An Interview with ERRORINSTRUMENTS' Paul Tas & New Product Announcements

The following is a fascinating look at the man behind ERRORINSTRUMENTS, Paul Tas. Note the questions are not mine, but were sent in with the full interview by inmar lsbtv grtz sleep good.

So how did all start? What was your life before "error instruments"?

- my life before error instruments can be described as a life of an artist in making sculptures and paintings. I was making sculptures from robots, called "the beeb" collection. It is a wooden robot with the concept that in the 50's, we have thought that robots will replace our jobs. However, with the influence of the media, and the medicines we take against emotions, figuratively we can say that we are the robot, and we get programmed by commercials and news. This robot has been a big succes due to the fact that it has been bought by numerous art collectors from different countries such as Japan and the United States. Furthermore, the collections had been sold also at auctions houses Christie's. Later on, I have started to work more in fashion and art and making moveable sculptures with electronics, I made also a traditional Dutch blue sculptures, big horse heads with the intention of giving a controversial thoughts and ideas. Moreover, sculptures about religion, which was a mix between Jesus and the corporate companies in the world with the meaning behind it, that they use the same propaganda to control people's mindset. I was also threatened by religious groups from Germany and Belgium during the time of exposition, not only me, but also the other people in the gallery. This situation has got to a point where i had to go to the court, but in the end I was free to go. Later i have done a project for Damian Hurst and made some installations together with BitMove for the "Love of God" exposition in the "RijksMuseum Amsterdam". As a result, more and more technical and electrical equipments got involved.

When did you have the idea for error instruments and what did the first steps look like?

- First of all, it is important that you know that as a child, i was not able to read, thus it was difficult to go to a normal school, and i have attended a special school, which allowed me to use my creativity, furthermore my writing was always full of mistakes and because in the 80's we used "Commodore 64", and every time i was writing something, a text appeared " Syntax ERROR". Therefore, the kids at my school, gave a nickname to me , called "Error". As a result, i got a fascination about the things that go wrong with machines, such as glitches or accidentally algoritmes and of course the sound of noises. By exploring the art of circuit bending and hardware hacking, i have found out that many people miss this, because the commercial products were created as a mainstream products, with a result for mainstream music. Thus, with the money that i have earned from art, I have started the shop, "ERROR INSTRUMENTS".

Do you have artistic projects beside error instruments?

- Yes, I perform under the name "ERROR EMPIRE", on several festivals. I have also some conceptional sound projects, called "Pink data". The idea of "Pink Data" is that is not controlled by humans, thus all the music is created by accidental algoritmes. I also make sculptures, with acoustic and electronic purposes. Furthermore, I am busy working on the modelar synthesizer and exploring control voltage. design eurorack modules for and special audience

What is the error philosophy?

Radiator Beam : Monopoly + Minibrute + Massive

Published on Jan 15, 2018 Miguel d'Oliveira

"Clips from a track I wrote for a KPM / EMI album with a Minibrute + Monopoly, Massive and a few other synths.
Main delay : Strymon Timeline
Main reverb: Lexicon model 200

Minibrute and Monopoly sounds were heavily processed."

32 FREE Sounds Roland D-05 Boutique D50 Numan Vangelis Erasure ELO Eurythmics Synthesizer Patches

Published on Jan 16, 2018 kvfive

"32 FREE synthesizer patches for the Roland Boutique D-05 and the original D50.

No additional effects were used, everything you hear comes directly from the Roland boutique D-05

Download link:

Enjoy :-)


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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