MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Synth Addict

Showing posts sorted by date for query Synth Addict. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Synth Addict. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, December 27, 2008

SYB-5 solo

YouTube via kulten

"The BOSS SYB-5 bass synth trigged by its own feedback, by Kulten the SYB synth addict !

I use the 2 "LFO modes" with "Square" sound (mode 6) and "Saw" sound (mode 3). Works good with the SYB-5 and not with the SYB-3 : the SYB-3 don't have LFO.

I often do that in concert. Actually, I already did a gig only with my SYB-5 (ambiant/indus), and another only with the SYB-3 and my DR-110 drum machine (electro/indus). But most of the time I play with both SYB on stage."

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

New Synth Ts via Gear Addict

Remember this post? Well it looks like your feedback resulted in new Synth T shirt designs including this beauty. :)

click here for more and be sure to check out the others sections as well. If you have any suggestions for Ts feel free to comment.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Gear Addict Clothing - Synth Ts

via Jordan:
"I've always had a hard time finding cool t shirts and stuff to wear so I went on some forums and started talking to people-- and found out that people have a hard time finding cool gear too. I hate all the generic t's I see in trendy we started brainstorming, put together some ideas, and i made some designs.

Our designs range from microphones and recording related, to analog gear, vintage and modular synths, theremins and other fun stuff. I am constantly talking to people in the community on forums and making new designs. We are a small community so why not help each other out.

I figure Matrixsynth would be a great place to get ideas and suggestions from people, as well as great exposure for the kinds of people we are trying to design shirts and other accessories for. Above sales is the community-- we design shirts by and for our small little niche, and would like to try to extend out to more people."

If you have any ideas feel free to comment or shoot Jordan an email at gearaddict at

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Essential Retro Update

Looks like Retro Thing's James Gahame now has his Essential Retro book available via Amazon for a mere $19.95 US. James is a fellow synth addict and has dedicated an entire chapter to synths in the book. Very cool. Title link takes you there. See my previous post for more.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Essential Retro

Looks like James Grahame of Retro Thing has a book out and... it has synth. : ) Title link takes you there (scroll down the page to see what's in the book). Looks like a fascinating trip down memory lane as well as current retro design. Very cool. Would make a great stocking stuffer. Congrats James!

"My new book is entitled Essential Retro: The Vintage Technology Guide. It covers a few hundred of my favorite vintage and vintage-style gadgets.

Since I'm a synth addict, there's an entire chapter dedicated to electronic musical instruments. I start with a look at some classics like the ARP Odyssey and Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, but I couldn't resist including a few modern 'vintage analog' devices from Dave Smith, Clavia, and even the real analog growl of the Alesis A6 Andromeda.

Check out for more details. People can buy signed copies direct from the site, and it should be available on Amazon in the USA and UK early next week. Priced at $19.95 in the USA, £11.95 in the UK."

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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