Sunday, January 24, 2010

Crumar Bit 01 Rack Synth

via this auction

"The serial is EP 00050. I'm no expert but I believe that makes this one an early model and according to this info, would mean it has the SSM2044 filter chip. **Bit 01 6 CEM3328 VCF Late Models 6 SSM2044 VCF Early Models**"

Sequential Circuits Prophet-600

via this auction

1977 ROLAND GR-500 Synthesizer-Mindblower Print Ad

via this auction


via this auction

"SUIKO ST-10 is extremely rare and most strange japanese electronic musical instruments originally made for japanese traditinal music circa. 1980. left side has digital data cassette deck! and right side has internal speaker it has built in 2 way early digital sequencer,digital data cassette and internal memory SUIKO ST-10 is one of the most strange design model from the SUIKO line up.

ST-10 is monophonic instrument and has 2 rows of white square button keyboards. this keyboards specially designed for playing glissando easily like koto(japanese harp) front row of the keyboard is japanese scale,so just playing randomly you can easily get exotic japanese melody! three sounds are selectable,shakuhachi(japanese bamboo flute), koto (japanese harp) and pipe organ. sounds are very analog, warm and strange! there are various switches and knobs for special japanese tuning, sustain, volume, memory controls,etc.. back side panel has AUDIO OUT and AC cable. ST10 has 2 ways of recording memory section,digital data cassette memory and digital internal memory. cassette deck of left side is not a usual analog recorder,it's a digital data recorder such kind of digital data recorder often used with early personal computer in '80s but I have not ever seen used in electronic instruments usage is almost same as a usual cassette recoder but you can change the sound while playback(e.g. koto to shakuhachi) because it just records playing data like sequencer. other recording section is a digital internal memory it's a simple early digital sequencer you can record your play by realtime or note,timing separately"

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Analogue Haven

flickr set by matrixsynth
(click for more)
Booth featured:
Doepfer (Dieter Doepfer)
Flight of Harmony
Livewire (Mike Brown)
Make Noise (Tony Rolando)
Monorocket (Steve Rightnour)
Mungo Enterprises (John Pillans)
STG Soundlabs
The Harvestman (Scott Jaeger)
NIIO analog
Tiptop Audio (Gur Milstein)

This was another case of having too little time. I was only able to take a few shots and one video before NAMM started shutting down for the day. I briefly spoke to a number of people at the booth including Mike Brown of Livewire and Gur of Tiptop Audio. It was nice to finally meet them. I later saw Scott of the harvestman, Dieter of Doepfer as well as Don Hume of NIIO Analog at the TRASH_AUDIO BBQ. Great times. There are two shots in the set of a mini euro-rack modular. I'm sure you'll know which ones they are. :)

Be sure to see this vid and search for some of the manufacturers listed for video.

NAMM: Kurzweil

Just one quick shot rushing by the booth. So little time... If you go NAMM, don't make my mistake and give yourself more than one day. That or move quick. ;)

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Access Music

flickr set by matrixsynth
(click for more)

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Big City Music

Pics of the Big City Music at NAMM 2010

Booth included:
4ms Pedals
Analogue Systems
Diabolical Devices
Dirty Boy Pedals
flight of harmony
Ham Heart

Metasonix (Eric Barbour)
Signal Arts
Surfin Kangaro
Malekko / Wiard

If I missed any, let me know! I forget the name of the orange red device in the bottom image. I've posted it a number of times. It's on the tip of my tounge, but I can't freakin remember. It's driving me crazy! :)

Update via Josh Humphrey and Dan in the comments: It's the 4ms Bend Matrix Joy Toy. Some previous posts including video here.

I met Roger Cordell owner of Big City Music, Josh Humphrey of Big City Music, Eric Barbour of Metasonix, Shagghie, and Wolfgang Michalowicz of Surfin Kangaroo. All great people. Be sure to see this video on the Surfin Kangaroo and this video on the Metasonix D-1000. Click here for a search on bigcitymusic which will bring up more videos of what was shown at NAMM.

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Way Out Ware

flickr set by matrixsynth
(click for more)

Jim Heintz of Way Out Ware

Jim showed my his iSample sampler / recorder / looper for the iPhone. It's currently available on iTunes here. He also brought us the TimewARP 2600 and Kick Axxe, both highly acclaimed emulations. iSample is very, very slick. This actually got me pretty excited. One of the things I am eagerly looking forward to is the new Apple tablet to be announced on the 26th. I spoke to Jim a bit about it and if it has the horsepower and capability he will be interested in developing for it. I can't wait to see what comes from him next.

Be sure to see this demo video.

NAMM: Winter NAMM 2010: Radikal Technologies

flickr set by matrixsynth
(click for more)

Radikal Technologies

Shot of Jörg Schaaf of Radikal Technologies playing his Spectralis 2 taken from the Noisebug booth next door. The Spectralis 2 is on fine sounding synth. I'll have some video of it at NAMM coming up in the next couple of days. I had a fun talk with Jörg. I love his synths, both the Spectralis line and the Quasimidi Polymorph which I own.


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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