MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Happy Nerding

Showing posts sorted by date for query Happy Nerding. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Happy Nerding. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Mellotron and Eurorack Modular October 10 2024

video upload by John L Rice

Mellotron Micro
Happy Nerding HM VCO
Erica Synths Black VCO 2 and Pico MODulator
Industrial Music Electronics Polivoks VCF
2hp Verb
ADDAC System ADDAC812A meter
Behringer 182 Sequencer
4ms POD64x
Tendrils Cables

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Super Sawtor 4HP

video upload by Happy Nerding

"Updated version of the Super Sawtor in 4HP size plus 6HP MMM VCF."

Thursday, September 12, 2024

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown #13 -

video upload by John L Rice

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown posts

"This is my thirteenth video breakdown/rundown, this time for one of my very smallest Eurorack systems, just a single 4ms Pod40x case!

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Introduction
0:55 Module Rundown
2:15 Modifications
2:23 Final Words
2:44 Demo: 'Boil The Noodles, Winter Is Coming'
8:25 End

List of the modules in this system
Erica Synths: Black MIDI-CV v2, Black VCO2, Pico MODulator
Happy Nerding: HM VCO
2hp: LFO
The Harvestman: Polivoks VCF (2013)
4ms Company: Pod40x
Tendrils Cables: patch cables
Arturia: Keystep keyboard used for demo

Note that additional reverb came from an external device for the audio sample. Otherwise all sounds were from the displayed system.

As always, thank you for watching, rating, following, subscribing, and commenting! 🥳 If you found the content of this video helpful, interesting, or entertaining, please consider showing your support so I can stay stocked up on coffee and cookies. 😋"

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

JLR' s Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown #12 -

video upload by John L Rice

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown posts

"This is my twelfth video breakdown/rundown, this time for one of my smallest Eurorack systems, just a single 4ms Pod48x case!

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Introduction
0:55 Module Rundown
2:15 Modifications
3:06 Final Words
3:24 Demo: "We Ponder The Meaning As We Fall Like Leaves"
5:27 End

List of the modules in this system
Vermona: meloDICER, MEX3
2hp: Rnd
Tall Dog: µBraids SE
Happy Nerding: FX AID
4ms Company: Pod48x
Tendrils Cables: patch cables

Note that additional reverb came from an external device for the audio sample. Otherwise all sounds were from the displayed system.

The MIDI synth in the demo is an Alesis NanoPiano and is played by the Vermona meloDICER+MEX3.

As always, thank you for watching, rating, following, subscribing, and commenting! 🥳 If you found the content of this video helpful, interesting, or entertaining, please consider showing your support so I can stay stocked up on coffee and cookies. 😋"

Saturday, August 31, 2024

generative tune ~ harmonic minor

video upload by Ebotronix

Strymon Big Sky MX in Dual Mono controlled by 16n Faderbank Midi CC
Serge 2x NTO, VCFQ.
Bananalogue Serge VCS.
4ms RCD
Verbos Harmonic Oscillator, Scan and Pan.
XAOC Batumi.
Happy Nerding Super Sawtor.
Grendel Formant Filter V 1
Joranalogue Fold 6, Filter 8.
Mutable Instruments 3x Ripples.
Tunefish Modular 2x µVeils, 2x µ Peaks, CV Peaks,
Ornament and Crime Copier Maschine , harmonic minor scale.
Doepfer A 114, A 138s,A 149-1/2.
Toppobrillo 2x TWF
Tokyo Reversed Streetview vid by Mami!
video # 2412

Thursday, August 29, 2024

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown #9 -

video upload by John L Rice

JLRs Modular Synthesizers - System Breakdown posts

"This is my ninth video breakdown/rundown, this time for my compact Eurorack system in a small lighting controller case.

0:00 Beginning
0:20 Introduction
0:55 Module Rundown
3:38 Modifications
6:20 Final Words
7:01 "It's Leftovers" (unplanned audio demo)
8:34 End

List of the 21 modules in this system
Happy Nerding: HM VCO x3, FM AID, ADSR
2hp: LFO, Seq, Delay, Trim, Mult
Erica Synths: Trigg, Drums
Synthesis Technology: E440
Doepfer: A138n
Division 6: Multiplicity VI
Bubble Sound: 141
TipTop Audio: ONE
Intellijel: Springray
Circuit Abbey: Unify
Synthwerks: Lamp-3
4ms Company: Row Power 30
(plus a Keith McMillen QuNexus keyboard)

Note that additional reverb came from an external device for the audio sample. Otherwise all sounds were from the displayed system.

If you found the content of this video helpful, interesting, or entertaining, please consider showing your support so I can stay stocked up on coffee and cookies. 😋"

Wednesday, August 14, 2024


video upload by Ebotronix

Strymon Big Sky in Dual Mono controlled by 16n ATO Faderbank
Verbos Harmonic Oscillator , Scan & Pan
4ms QCD/ Expander, Peg, VCA Matrix, DLD.
Happy Nerding Super Sawtor
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter, v1.
Toppobrillo 2x TWF .
Joranalogue Filter 8 , FLD6.
Shakmat Aeolus Seeds
Antimatter Audio v3kt ~ Victor Joystick
Mutable Instruments 3x Ripples, Shades
RYO Optodist
Feedback Modular 2x Two59 VCO
Flame Airlectron, Memoslider
System80 2x µJove by
Tunefish Modular 2x µ Veils, µ Braids, Ornament and Crime
Make Noise Moddemix
ADDAC 2x 301 Floor Control
Befaco ST Mix
vid # 2404

Friday, August 09, 2024

Verbos Harmonic Oscillator Drone with Strymon Big Sky MX

video upload by Ebotronix

Verbos Harmonic Oscillator , Scan & Pan
Strymon Big Sky in Dual Mono controlled by 16n ATO Faderbank
Happy Nerding Super Sawtor
Rare Waves Grendel Formant Filter, v1.
Toppobrillo 2x TWF .
Joranalogue Filter 8 ,Select 2.
Shakmat Aeolus Seeds
Antimatter Audio v3kt ~ Victor Joystick
Mutable Instruments Ripples
Funque Rat Distortion
MFB Fisual VCA
Feedback Modular 2x Two59 VCO
System80 2x µJove by
Tunefish Modular 2x µ Veils
ADDAC 305 Manual Latches
vid # 2402

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Eurorack Modular - July 25 2024

video upload by John L Rice

"It’s been a month since I’ve posted any new modular synth experiments so here’s one to get me back in the saddle! 🤓

Synth Tech: E102 Quad Temporal Shifter and four E330 Multimode VCO
Modcan: Quad LFO
Happy Nerding: 3x MIA
ADDAC: VC Rotator
VPME: T43 Precision Adder
Instruo: Quad Performance Quantizer
Klavis: Quadigy EG
Xaoc Devices: Praga VCA/mixer
Strymon: Magneto delay/reverb
Erica Synths: Black VC Clock v2
2hp: Delay
Doepfer: A-182-1 Switched Multiple (modified)
Circuit Abbey: Unify mixer"

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Parapolyparty - Retro Jam with DSI Pro-2 in paraphonic mode and Eurorack VCOs

video upload by thesrabbit

"Follow-up to my demo/tutorial video on setting up a paraphonic patch on the DSI Pro-2, supplementing each of its four digital oscillators with Eurorack VCOs.

I had to do something fun with it besides a basic demo, and the 2 oscillators per note/voice gave the "Filter 1" patch from the previous video some serious 80's analog poly vibes. I shortened the decay and release envelope times to make it punchier. This jam is the natural result of dialing in that sound. I bleed the 80's, haha.

Dave Smith Instruments Pro-2 (main synth)
Oberheim OB-X8 (octave down bass)
Roland JX-3P (sprinkles of majesty)
G-Force Software Oberheim DMX (drums)
Alesis Midiverb II (Gated reverb on snare, bloom reverb on toms)

Modules: Roland System-500 512 VCOs, 530 VCAs, 540 Envelopes, Wavefonix Dual CEM 3340, Doeper dual envelopes, Arcus Audio dual VCA, Pittsburgh Modular Giraffe, Doepfer VCA, Happy Nerding FX Aid Pro (for additional majestic reverb for the majesty)

Patch demo with on-screen tutorial:" [posted here]

New Tuner + ADSR for FX AID Pro

video upload by Happy Nerding

"New firmware features for the FX AID Pro:

- internal modulations are now have indicator lines on the main screen
- "tuner" menu added
- ADSR envelope modulator added to the existing three LFOs. It can be either manually triggered via "push" button or externally triggered via SRR input - SRR IN ROUTING should be set to ENV. Attack, Decay, Sustey, Release can be separately adjusted in wide amounts, both positive and negative modulation depth is possible, three types of envelope stages shapes can be selected.

For the update to take effect - reload your FX AID Pro with the desired effects list generated in the online editor."

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Augmented Poly-Paraphony: DSI Pro-2 paired with 4 analog Eurorack VCOs in paraphonic mode

video upload by thesrabbit

"The Pro-2 has been around a long time. I recently re-acquired one locally from a friend at a great price. The first time I had it I don't think I ever tried anything like this, but it makes total sense so it was time to give it a shot.

Simply put, I wanted to beef up the Pro 2's sound by supplementing its 4 digital oscillators with 4 meaty analog Eurorack VCOs. There are videos out there of this sort of thing, but only in monophonic mode, which is simple and straightforward to achieve. I wanted to give the Pro-2 two oscillators per note in paraphonic mode, for analog polysynth-esque chords.

The key to doing this is to recreate the Pro-2's per note articulation that it emulates by internally controlling the level of each oscillator's output at the DSP level, with a digital envelope per note that is the same shape as the one used for the actual VCA. The Pro-2 sort of behaves as if it has 4 VCAs, one for each note.

The best way to emulate that in Eurorack is to simply use real VCAs and envelopes for each note. So start with one VCO, run it into a VCA, and then control that VCA with an envelope, making sure that envelope's shape resembles the shape of the amp envelope on the Pro-2. Repeat the process 4 times, one for each VCO that will be paired with a Pro-2 oscillator. I used all analog modules for this. Roland System-500 oscillators, VCAs, and envelopes, Wavefonix CEM 3340 VCOs, Arcus Audio Dual VCAs, and a Doepfer dual envelope module. The output of each VCA is then mixed in a 4-to-1 mixer module, paying special attention to the levels of each oscillator, and then fed into a final VCA used specifically to attenuate the signal before passing it off to the external audio input of the Pro-2. It's of course difficult to match the shape of all 4 envelopes exactly, but there's no need to be too precise. I suppose I could have made things a little easier by using the Disting Ex's quad envelope. Then I could have dialed them all in exactly the same. All good though.

The NiftyKeyz is a paraphonic/polyphonic ready eurorack case/keyboard that has 4 CV/Gate outputs. Each subsequent key held down simply goes out the next CV/Gate output in sequence. So you can play for note chords, provided you have all the modules to do that. It also has MIDI I/O, so here the Pro-2 is being controlled via MIDI, despite it being the "main synth", whereas the Eurorack modules are supplementary. I would have preferred using the Pro-2's keyboard for this, but the NiftyKeyz has a puzzling limitation in the MIDI department. Essentially you cannot play it polyphonically from another keyboard without doing some sort of crazy MIDI channel mapping in between. I get why they do the 1 note per channel thing and it's indeed useful at times, but give us the option to use just one channel and behave as if we were simply playing its own keys. End side rant.

Waveshape is sawtooth for all oscillators. There's a little additional modulation going both to and from the Pro-2 and the rack with delayed LFOs, along with small amounts of "slop", so the digital oscillators aren't completely stiff.

Anyway, there it is, 2 oscillator per voice I mean note poly-paraphony on the Pro-2.

Oh, forgot to mention the Pro-2's headphone output is running into the Happy Nerding FX Aid Pro for that amazing lush reverb that's blended in. Other than that there's no other effects or processing."

Friday, June 21, 2024

FINAL arrangement of these two small Eurorack cases (subject to change 😄)

video upload by John L Rice

The left side contains:
Erica Synths: Black MIDI-CV and Black VCO 2
Industrial Music Electronics: Polivoks VCF
2hp: EG
Happy Nerding: ADSR
Electrosmith: 2164 VCA
4ms: Pod40x
Tendrils Cables

The right side contains:
Modcan: Touch-Sequencer
Erica Synths: MODulator
Synthesis Technology: E340 Cloud Generator
2hp: Verb
4ms: Pod40x
Tendrils Cables

Same Eurorack Modular Patch But Now With Added Drum And Mellotron Parts

video upload by John L Rice

"Please post in the comments what music style/genre you’d call this? I’m often never quite sure! 🤔🤷‍♂️😅

Modules from 4ms, Erica Synths, Happy Nerding, 2hp, Doepfer, Synthesis Technology, Bubblesound, Tip Top Audio, Intellijel, Circuit Abbey, Synth-Werks

With Mellotron Micro keyboard."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Another day, another modular synth!

video upload by John L Rice

"Modules from 4ms, Erica Synths, Happy Nerding, 2hp, Doepfer, Synthesis Technology, Bubblesound, Intellijel, Circuit Abbey, Synth-Werks"

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

u-he CVilization Mode I: Musical demo (no talking)

video upload by u-he

"Here's a jam featuring our CVilization module in Mode I (4 x 4 Matrix Mixer). We're exploring the musical possibilities of the mysterious Matrix Rotation [posted here]. 4 different oscillator signals are routed through CVilization's matrix and distributed to various other modules. CVilization now rotates its inputs and outputs, creating ever-changing mixes of these oscillator signals. CVilization's sidekick Wiretap also joins the game with two of its outputs hooked up, creating some funky alternating envelopes.

modules in this patch:
u-he CVilization
u-he Wiretap
u-he Prototype Cascade Filter
ALM Pamela's Workout
Mutable Instruments Links
Mutable Instruments Plaids
Mutable Instruments Shades
Happy Nerding FX Aid
Happy Nerding MMM VCF
Intellijel µScale
Intellijel Dubmix
AJH Synths Next Phase
Dave Smith Instruments Curtis Filter
Xaoc Instruments Batumi
Xaoc Instruments Tallinn
Tiptop Audio Z8000
Instruo tòna
Make Noise Mimeophon

00:00 - Patch overview
02:44 - Jam"

Friday, May 24, 2024

Buchla Vocoder ~ Band of Gibsy ~ Strymon Cloudburst

video upload by Ebotronix

Buchla 200t Vocoder patch with Shure SM 58.
2x 292t, 245t, 266t, 257t, 4x 258t, 2x 281t ,2x 207t, 296t,
Z 3000 (LFO)
Mutable Intruments Shades
Tunefish Modular µ Veils, Temps Utile, 3 x Ornament and Crime Gibsy Scale
Happy Nerding 2x FX Aid XL
4 ms QPLFO, Peg.
Dannysound Timbre
Doepfer R2m , A 156
Strymon AA1, 2x Cloudburst Midi CC by 16n Faderbox
12/ 8 time
24.5 2024
video # 2377

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Buchla 200t ~ har~MOON~ic minor ~ Strymon Cloudburst

video upload by Ebotronix

5 voice James Bond chord Em / maj 9
Buchla 200t by Tip Top Audio
2x 292t, 245t, 266t, 257t, 4x 258t, 2x 281t ,2x 207t, 296t,
Z 3000 (LFO)
Mutable Intruments Shades
Tunefish Modular Temps Utile, 2x Ornament and Crime harmonic minor scale
Happy Nerding 2x FX Aid XL
Mutable Intruments Shades
4 ms QPLFO
Dannysound Timbre
Doepfer R2m
Strymon 2x Cloudburst Midi CC by 16n Faderbox
3/4 time
22.5 2024
video # 2376

Saturday, May 04, 2024

„grau #07“ | verbos co & delay | fraptools usta | minimal music | eurorack

video upload by Elinch

"Verbos Complex Osc | Amp & Tone | Multi Delay Processor | Happy Nerding FX Aid
All sounds mixed in the Orthagonal Devices ER-301.

From the new album 'Grau' on Seil Records. Available as limited cassette or as download on Bandcamp."

Sunday, February 18, 2024

Moog Mavis, Prophet 5, AJH Synth large Eurorack modular synth Performance

video upload by DreamsOfWires

"Performance using Eurorack and Sequential Prophet 5. The modular consists mostly of AJH Synth modules (list below), a Doepfer Mini Synthesizer Voice and a Moog Mavis.
This is a slightly simplified section of something I've been recording for Bandcamp. A reflection of the present with an ear to the past. It'll be released on Bandcamp soon if I'm satisfied with it once it's finished, no promises.
I wanted to build a piece around a simple, analogue, un-quantised sequencer. The manual scaling and slowing of the sequence was inspired by Tangerine Dream's 'Phaedra', which begins rather chaotically, before the sequence morphs and slows to become more melodic. A fascinating piece of music and synth tweaking from the early 70's.
The ambient drone sounds and polyphonic Prophet presets (which I also created) are more inspired by the movie and television soundtracks of the past, if anything, or at least in my imagination of them.
This was entirely recorded within the Eurorack modular system - the mix isn't the best, but I like creating something in this way, set in stone, frozen in time, warts and all, perfectly imperfect.
My music:

Modules used:
Sounds - 2 full AJH Synth MiniMod voices (equivalent of a Minimoog), with 1 using a Sonic XV instead of a Transistor Ladder Filter. Additionally, a Fixed Filter Bank 914, Wave Swarm, Tone Science Triple Cross, Precision Voltages, Ring SM and CV Mix (for scaling the sequence), Dual LFO, 2x Muting Mxer. Doepfer A-111-5 (same voice as a Dark Energy), Moog Mavis, and Music Thing Modular Radio Music (Japanese funeral ceremony sample).
Sequencer - Erica Synths Sequential Switch with CV Expander.
Effects - Happy Nerding FX Aid (master reverb), ALM Busy Circuits MFX (Mavis drone reverb), XAOC Devices Sarajewo analog 'bucket brigade' delay.
Mixing - Cosmotronic Cosmix.
Audio recorder - Expert Sleepers Disting Mk4 (as WAV recorder)."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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