MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Sinevibes

Showing posts sorted by date for query Sinevibes. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Sinevibes. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Sinevibes Luminance Shimmer Reverb Now Available

video upload by Sinevibes

"Luminance is a shimmer reverb effect developed by Sinevibes. Available for KORG prologue, minilogue xd, and NTS-1. Product page:"

"Luminance is a shimmer reverb plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. It’s a novel take on this highly coveted effect: an ethereal reverb whose tail gradually pitch-shifts itself upwards or downwards. The plugin is based on a feedback delay network which incorporates a granular pitch shifter and chorus-style time modulation. Thanks to the very unique and meticulously executed tuning of its individual components, Luminance smoothly follows the original musical content and creates a beautiful background sound layer – reminiscent of a dreamy symphony of strings or pipe organs.


Studio-grade DSP algorithms, calibrated specifically for KORG’s hardware platform.
Individually chosen mapping for every plugin parameter, providing a very natural feel.
Built-in lag filters for noise-free, ultra-smooth parameter adjustment.
Optimized for maximum performance and stability on each individual device type."

Sinevibes Luminance – with Elektron Digitakt from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sinevibes Luminance – with Dreadbox Nymphes from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sinevibes Isomer Ensemble Delay Now Available

video upload by Sinevibes

"Isomer is an ensemble delay effect developed by Sinevibes. Available for KORG prologue, minilogue xd, and NTS-1. Product page:"

"Isomer is an ensemble delay plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. It has two main stereo delays offering tempo-synchronized time adjustment and near-infinite feedback. Their outputs are sent into four additional delays (two per channel) with their own individual feedback lines and with their times being modulated by four separate LFO signals. Thanks to the mutual phase offsets between these LFOs, and subtle feedback, the delay tail gets a smooth and highly musical detuning effect similar to chorus ensemble. Due to the opposing modulation between the left and right channels, Isomer also adds an extra dimension within the stereo field.


Studio-grade DSP algorithms, calibrated specifically for KORG’s hardware platform.
Individually chosen mapping for every plugin parameter, providing a very natural feel.
Built-in lag filters for noise-free, ultra-smooth parameter adjustment.
Optimized for maximum performance and stability on each individual device type."

Sinevibes Isomer – with Dreadbox Hades from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sinevibes Isomer – with Dreadbox Nymphes from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sinevibes Hollow Vast Space Reverb Now Available

video upload by Sinevibes

"Hollow is a vast space reverb effect developed by Sinevibes. Available for KORG prologue, minilogue xd, and NTS-1. Product page:"

follow-up to Hollow vast space reverb: coming soon for KORG synthesizers "Hollow is a vast space reverb plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. At its core is a feedback delay network with as many as 64 connections, which can produce a truly lush, almost three-dimensional reverb sound. With all settings maxed out, this engine is capable of tail times that exceed 120 seconds, while still having a smooth and naturally damped exponential decay. Hollow also features our trademark unison-style modulation via three phase-shifted sine oscillators – which adds highly musical depth and richness.


Studio-grade DSP algorithms, calibrated specifically for KORG’s hardware platform.
Individually chosen mapping for every plugin parameter, providing a very natural feel.
Built-in lag filters for noise-free, ultra-smooth parameter adjustment.
Optimized for maximum performance and stability on each individual device type."

Sinevibes Hollow – with Dreadbox Nymphes from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sinevibes Hollow – with Dreadbox Erebus from Sinevibes on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Turn Your Korg NTS-1 Into A Eurorack Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Matnetik

"Introducing the Korg NTS-1 Eurorack conversion kit, a cutting-edge solution crafted from durable 1.6mm FR-4 PCB material. This kit grants effortless accessibility to all the remarkable features of the NTS-1 in a sleek 26 HP faceplate, accompanied by a convenient 1-to-3 set of passive multiples. With this conversion kit, you can seamlessly harness the power of your Korg NTS-1 as a MONO or STEREO effects processor, a syncable CLOCK, and a fully playable synthesizer, all integrated seamlessly within your rack setup.

Check out our brand ISOGRID here:

Visit SINEVIBES to get KORG mods here:

Installation PDF Guide:
Installation Video Guide: [below]

00:00 - NTS-1 Eurorack Conversion Kit
00:24 - Why We Created It
00:57 - The Process
01:38 - Features
02:36 - Power
03:27 - Eurorack Demo
05:37 - Outro"

pics via ISOGRID Reverb

Friday, June 16, 2023

Hollow vast space reverb: coming soon for KORG synthesizers

video upload by Sinevibes

Sunday, June 11, 2023

AudioRealism ABL3 + Corrosion, Whirl & Rerun by Sinevibes

video upload by Sinevibes

"TB-303 acid bassline coming from AudioRealism ABL3 processed through Sinevibes effect plugins: Corrosion v2 multi-algorithm distortion, Whirl v2 barber-pole phaser, and Rerun v2 self-randomizing repeater."

Sunday, June 04, 2023

The Wiggler II & The Truth about Super Booth 2023

video upload by AudioPilz

"Taken from the @AudioPilz @superboothberlin 2023 coverage:"

The Truth about Super Booth 2023

video upload by AudioPilz

"Welcome to the AudioPilz SuperBooth 2023 special. Will it provide The Truth about Super Booth 2023 ??? Including Borat - like encounters with Tatsuya Takahashi of Korg Berlin, marketing-meetups in the Teenage Engineering bus, my failure of getting a Yamaha representative in front of the camera, my lost Elektron brother, we will find out about how Polyend deals with trolls, whether Arturia people actually like the Drumbrute, there's plenty of meme goodness and I will jam on all the synths that I'm otherwise not allowed to put on Bad Gear. Finally and most importantly: does Nick Batt of Sonic State know about all the memes about him?

@superboothberlin @sonicstate

00:00 Introduction
00:16 Bad Gear???
00:20 Teenage Engineering 1 (TE TP-7)
00:45 Nick Batt #1
01:01 Tatsuya Takahashi (Korg Berlin) #1
01:51 Nick Batt #2
01:57 Arturia #1
02:30 Nick Batt #3
02:36 Sinevibes x True Cuckoo, Bad Gear Intro Tune
02:54 Tatsuya Takahashi #2
03:01 Nord
03:16 Sorry for deleting the Elektron Footage 😔😔😔
03:25 The Teenage Engineering Bus Incident
04:00 Nick Batt #4
04:13 Arturia #2 (DrumBrute Discussion)
04:53 Polyend #1
05:01 Nick Batt #5
05:25 Sinevibes #2 (huh, huh, huh,...)
05:32 Waldorf Confessions
05:51 Wiggler V2 (Hainbach approves)
06:08 Tatsuya Takahashi #3
06:34 Novation
06:42 Polyend #2
06:49 Yamaha
06:55 Nick Batt #6
07:03 FL Studio
07:12 Jam Part 1 (Schmidt Synthesizer)
07:29 Jam Part 2 (UDO Super Gemini)
07:44 Jam Part 3 (Waldorf Quantum MK2)
07:59 Jam Part 4 (Oberheim OB-X8)
08:14 Jam Part 5 (Mayer EMI)
08:30 Nick Batt #7 (Outro)"

Friday, June 02, 2023


video upload by LESINDES

"BIKE RIDE HOME from SUPERBOOTH 2023 Wuhlheide to Charlottenburg.
Some prominent synths used:
Norand MORPHOS + Serge RESONANT EQUALIZER for bass line
Dave Smith Instruments POLY EVOLVER for strings and synth atmos
Dreadbox NYX for bicks
and stunning Sinevibes DROPLETS and Waves RETRO-FI for dub piano."

Monday, May 22, 2023

Superbooth 2023 – @AudioPilz Bad Gear theme on KORG drumlogue

video upload by Sinevibes

"Playing with the iconic Bad Gear by @AudioPilz on the KORG drumlogue, using the newest version 1.2.0 of the Nano synthesizer"

Monday, May 15, 2023

Sinevibes Has Been Busy With Korg Plugins - Superbooth 2023

video upload by True Cuckoo

Friday, May 05, 2023

Quick one: KORG drumlogue Nano 1.2.0 preview

video upload by Sinevibes

"Another little demo showing the new features coming with Nano 1.2.0 update - the virtual analog synth engine we built that’s included in the KORG drumlogue"

Monday, May 01, 2023

Striker 🙌 (Minilogue XD // Drumlogue + Microtubes X + Lethargy // DB01 Bassline)

video upload by 2-Minute Warning

"I used 3 instruments with their internal sequencers for this electro / synthwave jam 😉

CHIMES: The 15-step chimes sequence is being played by the Korg Minilogue XD, hybrid (analog/digital) synth. I also used the Rerun SDK plugin from Sinevibes in order to add some random glitches on the sound.

BASS: The bass is being played by the Erica Synths DB-01 Bassline analog mono synth. I programmed a few patterns with different notes/feel. I also used the 'Accent' feature to make the sequences groove more (it can easily be heard on the intro).

DRUMS / ACID RIFF: The drums are coming from the Kord Drumlogue hybrid drum machine. It was also the opportunity to use its individual outputs (the little volume knobs don't work when using these outputs... really wish there was an easy way to fix this as the outputs are too hot for guitar pedals 😏).
The last acid-like sequence is from the Nano synth of the Drumlogue, going through the Darkglass Microtubes X (analog distortion) + Dreadbox Lethargy (analog phaser).

The DB-01 and Drumlogue Nano synth are both being ducked by the Pill Pedal (triggered by the 4 to the floor pattern of the Drumlogue).

* Hardware used *
- Korg Drumlogue: analog and digital drums, Nano synth (through Microtubes X distortion, Lethargy phaser and Pill ducking pedal).
- Korg Minilogue XD (+ Sinevibes Rerun): chimes
- Erica Synths DB-01 Bassline: bass"

Thursday, April 20, 2023

KORG Dense by Sinevibes

video uploads by Sinevibes

KORG Dense by Sinevibes - 12 example presets

"Dense by Sinevibes is a vintage virtual analog oscillator plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. Product page:"

Priced at $29

Dense is a vintage virtual analog oscillator plugin for KORG prologue, minilogue xd and NTS-1. Its foundation consists of four separate oscillators with saw, square, triangle waveforms – generated using a technique often used in the early virtual analog synthesizers. In addition to mutual detuning, each oscillator has its own random pitch drift LFO, and global pitch can also be slightly off on every key press – together, these features simulate tuning instabilities and per-voice discrepancies in old analog synthesizers, going from very subtle to “badly needs calibration”. Dense includes a total of 50 sound source configurations with different settings for the individual oscillator parameters such as waveform, coarse tune, output level, as well as optional ring modulation or bit depth reduction for an even wider sonic palette. To add final polish, there’s a one-pole high-pass filter and an additional sine LFO for vibrato. Thanks to the various fluctuations and dynamic interactions happening between the oscillators, as well as between the oscillators and the synthesizer’s filter, Dense can produce beautiful vintage-style sounds that are full of life and organic movement.


Four virtual analog oscillators with saw, square, and triangle waveforms
50 oscillator configurations featuring different settings for waveforms, coarse tune, fine detune range, output level, ring modulation, and bit depth reduction
Four random modulation generators (one per oscillator) for simulating vintage analog-style pitch drift
Adjustable key pitch randomization for simulating vintage synthesizer tuning discrepancies between multiple voices
Adjustable one-pole high-pass filter with cutoff frequency key tracking
Built-in sine LFO for additional global pitch modulation
Built-in lag filters for noise-free, ultra-smooth parameter adjustment and modulation

Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Pitch drift and randomization testing in upcoming Dense plugin

video upload by Sinevibes

"New vintage-style oscillator plugin is coming very very soon for KORG synthesizers…"

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Vintage synth vibes with upcoming KORG oscillator plugin

video upload by Sinevibes

"In this sound example we’re testing our upcoming KORG plugin further: this time it’s showing a new quality reduction feature, which sounds incredible when paired with our Stator tape wobble simulation effect"

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Coming soon… new KORG oscillator plugin by Sinevibes

video upload by Sinevibes

"We’re working on a new lush multi-layer oscillator plugin for KORG synthesizers. Stay tuned!"

Monday, February 20, 2023

Sinevibes Corrosion v2 - with Dreadbox Hades

video upload by Sinevibes

"Dreadbox Hades analog bass synthesizer working together with Corrosion v2 multi-algorithm distortion plugin by Sinevibes. Four different algorithms are shown here: Triangle Foldback, Binary Shred, Parabolic, Triangle Clip. Product page for Sinevibes Corrosion v2:"

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Cyclone TT-303 mkII + Sinevibes Vague

video upload by Sinevibes

"In this video we're showing two different acid basslines from Cyclone TT-303 mkII, processed through our Vague binaural time diffusion plugin. Product page:"

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Tweaking: Korg Minilogue XD [NO TALKING]

video upload by SYNTHWAY

"Just some musical ramblings and live tweaking sounds on the Minilogue XD, my current go to synthesizer for some fun purposes. It is a very nice instrument for the price, the effects are way better than with more expensive gear, expandability with the SDK is a nice way to keep it alive (already purchased Sinevibes Node, video soon).

Been away for quite some time, promisse I'll be back more often, maybe even focus a bit more on playing stuff, rather than showing sounds only."

Wednesday, February 08, 2023

KORG Triton + Sinevibes effects

video upload by Sinevibes

"KORG Triton is really great at creating old-school synth sounds, and it works wonderfully well with the Sinevibes plugin suite. This demo includes four flavors of modulation effects: Dipole, Blend, Vague, and Stator."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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