MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for soundmachines

Showing posts sorted by date for query soundmachines. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query soundmachines. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Monday, September 11, 2023

SoundMachines NS1 NanoSynth with NanoBridge

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via CONTROL Reverb

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You can find demos of the SoundMachines NS1 in previous posts here.

soundmachines SD1 Quick overview

video upload by soundmachines

"Quick overview of the SD1simpledrum module functions and sounds.
Sequencing using various other modules. Engaging advanced mode and using build in synth voice for melody lines."

Monday, May 15, 2023

Soundmachines - Gesprächskonzert SUPERBOOTH23

video upload by Superbooth Berlin

"Soundmachines presenting their growing product line during this Gesprächskonzert at SUPERBOOTH23. Here Soundmachines show the t-generator, t-formant, t-spectrum, t-quadstrip and more!"

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Soundmachines Modulor114

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via this auction

Thursday, January 06, 2022

Acids Neurorack - The First Deep AI-based Eurorack Synthesizer

video upload by Acids Team - Ircam

Note Artisan Electronics has a Neurorack module system (4:52 here), however it does not appear to be AI based. There is also this user labeled Eurorack system with "brainwaves/EEG signals as source of modulation (the Neuro portion of it)", but again no AI (there is also soundmachines' BI1brainterface (no AI). (Update: there was also the Hartmann Neuron and Jomox Neuronium, both based on neuronal networks.) As for AI applied to synthesis in general, you can find posts mentioning artificial intelligence here. I believe the earliest reference would be John Chowning in 1964: "Following military service in a Navy band and university studies at Wittenberg University, Chowning, aided by Max Mathews of Bell Telephone Laboratories and David Poole of Stanford, set up a computer music program using the computer system of Stanford University's Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in 1964."

Description for the above video:
"The Neurorack is the first ever AI-based real-time synthesizer, which comes in many formats and more specifically in the Eurorack format. The current prototype relies on the Jetson Nano. The goal of this project is to design the next generation of music instrument, providing a new tool for musician while enhancing the musician's creativity. It proposes a novel approach to think and compose music. We deeply think that AI can be used to achieve this quest. The Eurorack hardware and software have been developed by our team, with equal contributions from Ninon Devis, Philippe Esling and Martin Vert."

More information

Deep learning models have provided extremely successful methods in most application fields, by enabling unprecedented accuracy in various tasks, including audio generation. However, the consistently overlooked downside of deep models is their massive complexity and tremendous computation cost. In the context of music creation and composition, model reduction becomes eminently important to provide these systems to users in real-time settings and on dedicated lightweight embedded hardware, which are particularly pervasive in the audio generation domain. Hence, in order to design a stand alone and real time instrument, we first need to craft an extremely lightweight model in terms of computation and memory footprint. To make this task even more easier, we relied on the Nvidia Jetson Nano which is a nanocomputer containing 128-core GPUs (graphical unit processors) and 4 CPUs. The compression problem is the core of the PhD topic of Ninon Devis and a full description can be found here.

Targets of our instrument
We designed our instrument so that it follows several aspects that we found crucial:

Musical: the generative model we choose is particularly interesting as it produces sounds that are impossible to synthesize without using samples.

Controllable: the interface was relevantly chosen, being handy and easy to manipulate.

Real-time: the hardware behaves as traditional instrument and is as reactive.

Stand alone: it is playable without any computer.

Model Description
We set our sights on the generation of impacts as they are very complex sounds to reproduce and almost impossible to tweak. Our model allows to generate a large variety of impacts, and enables the possibility to play, craft and merge them. The sound is generated from the distribution of 7 descriptors that can be adjusted (Loudness - Percussivity - Noisiness - Tone-like - Richness - Brightness - Pitch).

One of the biggest advantage of our module is that it can interact with other synthesizer. Following the classical conventions of modular synthesizers, our instrument can be controlled using CVs (control voltages) or gates. The main gate triggers the generation of the chosen impact. Then it is possible to modify the amount of Richness and Noisiness with two of the CVs. A second impact can be chosen to be "merge" with the main impact: we will call this operation the interpolation between two impacts. Their amounts of descriptors are melt to give an hybrid impact. The "degree of merging" is controlled by the third CV, whereas the second gate triggers the interpolation.

Thursday, October 07, 2021

Soundmachines Modulor114

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via this auction

Tuesday, February 09, 2021

Soundmachines NS1 Nanosynth Modular Synth

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via this auction

"Soundmachines NS1 Nanosynth - tiny patchable modular synth."

Friday, August 21, 2020

62HP EP2: Sample And Scratch Groovebox

Perfect Circuit

"For this second episode of 62HP we put together a groovebox system that combines sample based sounds with a simple synth voice, effects and a pseudo scratching sound with a fader for cutting the sound.

The ALM Squid Salmple generates most of the sounds with it's 8 channels of sampling. Everything is sequenced with the Malekko Varigate 8+. Erica Synths Pico Voice is used for a synth line and the Pico DSP adds effects to the case. The "scratch" sound is made with a sample looping on the Squid Salmple, the pitch is modulated with the Soundmachines LS1 and the sound is cut in and out with a Jesse Dean Designs JDDX2R Fader. Everything is housed in an Intellijel Palette case and the 1U Quadratt is used as a mixer.

Module List:

ALM Squid Salmple
Malekko Varigate 8+
Erica Synths Pico Voice
Erica Synths Pico DSP
2X Soundmachines LS1
Intellijel Quadatt
Jesse Dean Designs JDDX2R Fader

available here:"

Saturday, May 09, 2020

soundmachines modulör114 tutorial series by Stèv

Published on May 9, 2020 Davide Mancini

"Welcome to the first part of the modulör114 tutorial video series. Stév will lead you through the most important and the less known features of this modular synthesizer in the next few weeks!"

1. soundmachines modulör114 tutorial videos 1 - Starting up in SYNTH! mode and first patching.
2. soundmachines modulör114 tutorial videos 2 - Using the Modulör114's powerful MIDI interface!
3. soundmachines modulör114 tutorial videos 3 - Integrating the modulör114 in a complex patch

soundmachines (arches) tutorial series by Stèv

Published on May 6, 2020 Davide Mancini

"Welcome to the new (arches) video series! Stèv will guide you through the knowledge of this deep and powerful product. From the basic stuff up to the most complex applications."


1. soundmachines (arches) video tutorial section 1: Setting up keyboards and arpeggiators
2. (arches) user interface tutorial part 1: Setup controllers, keyboards and arpeggiators.
3. soundmachines (arches) video tutorial section 2: Setting up and using lightstrips in various modes!
4. soundmachines (arches) video tutorial section 3: Using (creatively) the thumbpads!

Tuesday, May 05, 2020

soundmachines modulör114 tutorial videos 1 - Starting up in SYNTH! mode and first patching.

Published on May 5, 2020 Davide Mancini

"Welcome to the first part of the modulör114 tutorial video series. Stév will lead you through the most important and the less known features of this modular synthesizer in the next few weeks!

In this installment, you will go through connection and powering up the unit in SYNTH! mode (internal normalization of a simple additive analog synth structure), check the oscillators, the mixer and all the signal path. Then you will start patching generators (like the LFO) to other modules (ENVelope), up to playing with the ribbon controller through the quantizer!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Unique Buchlaish-VCS3ish-Sergeish-Moogish NEuroRack System

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Published on Feb 29, 2020 Stephano Gavilanes

via this auction

"Excellent condition. Unique system, features an exact replica Wood Powered Case of the legendary EMS VCS3 "Putney" synth, adapted for eurorack. It incorporates brainwaves/EEG signals as source of modulation (the Neuro portion of it), via module plus headset.

Why settle for an original Putney, or a clone, when you can go far and beyond the too well known sounds of it. See Video Demo using just one patching idea!

The List:
-Pittsburgh Modular - LPG
-2hp - Delay
-DSO 112 - Digital Oscilloscope
-Moog - DFAM MoogFest 2017 Engineering Workshop Edition #4 w/knobs upgrade.
-Intellijel - USB Power (x2)
-Intellijel - Line In
-Intellijel - Digitank (x2)
-Intellijel - Quadratt
-Intellijel - Headphones
-Soundmachines - BI1 Brainterface
-Toppobrillo - Dual Function Generator (Buchla Inspired).
-Thomas White - Quad Resonant Lopass Gate (Don Buchla Inspired). First design!
-Lyra8 - FX
-Shakmat Modular - Time Wizard
-Flame FX6
-Pulp Logic - Express Pedal
-Pulp Logic - DC (x2)
-Pulp Logic - Invert
-Pulp Logic - XOR
-Pulp Logic - Slew
-Pulp Logic - Att-Vert
-Pulp Logic - Cyclic Skew
-Pulp Logic - NSL-32
-Pulp Logic - Mix-A
-Pulp Logic Mix-B
-Hexinverter - Jupiter Storm (Extra module).
-SSSR Labs Kotelnikov (replaced Jupiter Storm).
-Toppobrillo - Triple Wave Folder w/knobs upgrade.
-Endorphin.ES - Furthrrr Generator (Buchla inspired faceplate and knobs).
-Epoch Modular - Rob Hordijk's Benjolin w/Buchla knobs upgrade.
-Synovatron - CVGT1
-Horstronic - Joystick w/knobs upgrade.
-Arc "Serge" - TKB
-EMS VCS3 "The Putney" exact Powered Wood Case Replica adapted for Eurorack (14U/84hp). Comes with power adapter.
-NeuroSky MindWave Mobile Headset V.1 (will include a newer unit for you to configure it with brainterface module).
-Lamp - USB (2 dimming levels).
-Patching cables, some stackables."

Saturday, March 07, 2020


Published on Mar 7, 2020 Robotopsy Robotopsy

"Audio demo of the Kermit MKIII from Industrial Music Electronics.
Every sound source comes from the Kermit MKIII only...... well except the Kick drum in the first patch that comes from the HDMKIII.

Main Tempo from DC1 Drumcomputer from Soundmachines
All Kermit MKIII's output channels goes to two Bionic Lester MKIII before going to Two Double andore MKII's VCA Audio input
Constant Kick with the Hertz Donut MKIII triggered by the DC1
Kermit MKIII's Preset CV is in trig random mode so each trig generates a random patch of the unit.
Bionic Lesters MKIII are also in Trig Random mode
Sequencing with Stillson Hammer MKII + Pressurepoints + Z8000

Kermit MKIII's preset CV and attenuater are in Morph
Each channels of the Kermit goes to Bionic Lester MKIII before going to the Evin 209 Matrix mixer.
2 mix of the Evin goes to the Tyme Sefari MKII for droning
1 mix goes to the Bionic Lester v1 for optimum bass booster and aliasing madness before going to the optomix for Kick Bass.
The last mix of the Evin goes to the Polyvok Filter ( VCF ) before going to the DAMKII for some click percussions.
Reverbs - EQ - Compressor - Filters with Ableton LIVE

Kermit Channel A for Audio
Kermit Channel B as envelope assigned to the Amplitude of channel A to act as VCA Env combo
Kermit Channel C modulate waveform of channel A
Kermit Channel D modulate the waveform of channel B
Stillson Hammer MKII for Sequencing Kermit's channel A and B
Kermit's channel A output is splitted to the Bionic Lester MKIII A input before the Tyme Sefari MKII then the Tyme Sefari MKII's output back to the Bionic Lester MKIII B input.
Using Stillson Hammer v1's gates to the A Sound Of Thunder and Bionic Lester MKIII's CV inputs.

I'll explain the lasts patch later I got to pee.........."

Monday, October 28, 2019

West Coast Recorder - New Artinoise re.corder Demo Videos

Published on Oct 28, 2019 Davide Mancini

"Artinoise re.corder plays with soundmachines new eurorack modules. Re.corder is connected to the Mac that simply routes MIDI from Bluetooth to USB into the MODULÖR114. From here pitch/gate and modulation reach t-generator module. FOLD input is connected to the modulation output (inclination)."

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Artinoise re.corder

Published on Oct 17, 2019 Davide Mancini

Note Davide Mancini is the man behind Soundmachines. Official press release further below.

"re.corder is a new take on a traditional instrument used worldwide in schools as a simple and durable tool for music education.

By enclosing a simple but powerful electronic into a mute-able, fully acoustic wind instrument a whole world of functions opens up.

From enhanced school teaching, to a class re.orchestra, to an app-based virtual teacher, up to a standard MIDI controller for the music production studio, re.corder, with is portable nature, is the instrument for everyone.The bundled app (iOS and Android) puts several applications at your fingertips! The two UI versions (for children and for grown-up girls and boys!) put a teaching functionality, a comprehensive sound library, a multi-player (no-pun intended!) environment and a simple yet sophisticated looper to create music everywhere you are.

Now LIVE on kickstarter!"

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

Quick Tip: Snare Drum Eurorack Modular Synthesizer Patch Tutorial

Published on Oct 1, 2019 Perfect Circuit

"Here is a quick tip showing one way to make a snare drum on a eurorack modular synthesizer.

You will need:
- a trigger source (clock or sequencer)
- two envelope generators (snappy exponential ones)
- a VCO (voltage controlled oscillator) with a sine wave output
- a noise generator
- two VCAs (voltage controlled amplifier)
- a mixer

The patch:
- trigger source to trigger input of both envelope generators
- envelope generator 1 output with short decay to VCO 1v/oct input
- envelope generator 2 output with longer decay to VCA CV control for both VCAs
- VCO and noise output to inputs of VCAs
- VCA outputs to mixer inputs
- mixer output is your snare drum

A snare drum is made of two sounds, a tonal part and a noise part. Here we made the tonal part by using a sine wave oscillator with a short decay envelope modulating the oscillator’s frequency. The noise part is made with a white noise generator. These two signals can then be mixed together and run through a VCA with a longer decay envelope.

To change the sound you could change the tuning of the sine wave or filter the noise. You could also adjust the envelope modulating the pitch of the sine wave and how much it affects the pitch. Adding distortion, saturation or compression to a snare can also improve the sound.

Modules used (left to right):
Make Noise Maths:
Make Noise STO:
Soundmachines LS1:
Intellijel Quad Att:"

Friday, August 16, 2019

ASMOC2019 (arches) + modulör114 + t-generator + t-spectrum + t-harmonic (new modules!!)

Published on Aug 16, 2019 Davide Mancini

"This is (more or less) the performance I did at this year’s ASMOC at Acusmatiq 2019.
The sound, sequences and wiggling comes all from the rig you see. One voice comes from the modulör (that also do the fx and the mixing of every other sources), two comes from the t-generator VCO (at the end passing through the t-spectrum processor) and the t-harmonic, 10 bands harmonic vco. The SD1 simpledrum supplies the percussive tones.

Davide Mancini of Soundmachines.


(arches) stepsequencer modes playing the t-harmonic harmonic oscillator

Published on Aug 16, 2019 Davide Mancini

"A sequence from the stepsequencer plays the t-harmonic oscillator. T-harmonic self modulates the number of harmonics, tilt and odd/even parameters. (arches) stepseq is quite articulate, in this video you may observe many of its capabilities. At the end I also use the transpose function."

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Frequensteiner, WMD PDO and Soundmachines Lightstrips

Published on Jul 30, 2019 SchneidersLaden

Mike Brown's creations live on.

"In this short video we show that with just four modules and a small case it is possible to build an unusual percussion/sequencer box that is played via two Soundmachines LS1 Lightstrips. The Phase Displacement Oscillator gives us the possibility to create something like a repeating four step trigger sequence, when tuned down to LFO territory. These four events then ping the filter. In the end of the video there are also some filter-sweeps by the legendary Livewire Frequensteiner! We have added some effects to the main output."

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

UNO Drum - Stutter FX

Published on Jul 10, 2019 ikmultimedia

"Watch, hear, and learn about the Stutter FX on UNO Drum. With this great and easy-to-use effect, you can create some great variation in your beats, ranging from classic to modern vibes.

UNO Drum is the ultimate beat creation station for anyone and everyone to create warm, punchy, high-quality, and inspiring grooves. Made in collaboration with Italian analog specialist Soundmachines, UNO Drum follows the acclaimed UNO Synth, combining massive analog tone with digital flexibility and convenience."

Monday, July 01, 2019

Stimming reviews IK Multimedia’s UNO Drum (Electronic Beats TV)

Published on Jul 1, 2019 Telekom Electronic Beats

"Our Telekom Electronic Beats TV’s resident gear expert, Martin Stimming returns to experiment with the IK Multimedia UNO Drum. The analog/PCM drum machine, made in collaboration with Italian manufacturer Soundmachines, has six true analog voices, 12 PCM voices with 54 samples and a 64-step sequencer. Let’s see what Stimming thinks of this budget-friendly machine for sale at just €289."

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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