Saturday, December 17, 2005

Sonar Axe

Theremin like MIDI guitar controller. Yep... Via GetLoFi, which mentions something about having to wear goggles and rubber gloves? Hmm... Better keep the alcohol away from this one; unless, of course, you like the smell of burnt rubber. Looks like two massive sodering irons to me.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Essential Retro

Looks like James Grahame of Retro Thing has a book out and... it has synth. : ) Title link takes you there (scroll down the page to see what's in the book). Looks like a fascinating trip down memory lane as well as current retro design. Very cool. Would make a great stocking stuffer. Congrats James!

"My new book is entitled Essential Retro: The Vintage Technology Guide. It covers a few hundred of my favorite vintage and vintage-style gadgets.

Since I'm a synth addict, there's an entire chapter dedicated to electronic musical instruments. I start with a look at some classics like the ARP Odyssey and Sequential Circuits Prophet 5, but I couldn't resist including a few modern 'vintage analog' devices from Dave Smith, Clavia, and even the real analog growl of the Alesis A6 Andromeda.

Check out for more details. People can buy signed copies direct from the site, and it should be available on Amazon in the USA and UK early next week. Priced at $19.95 in the USA, £11.95 in the UK."

Charles Cohen's Buchla on Flickr

Nice shot of Charles Cohen's Buchla on Flickr.

Nord Lead Demos

Title link takes you to some Nord Lead demos by SpeckO on Sonic State's the-gas-station.

Distorted Music Festival Pics

I recently posted about the Distorted Music Festival in Melbourne Australia. Title link takes you to shots of the festival including synths. Via Andee on AH; this was Andee's first live gig and he had a blast.

"Well, I had my very first ever live gig and it was a blast! I had to get the
A6 and my 20kg+ road case up 2 flights of stairs to do it, but damn it was
worth it:)"

"It was part of the distorted music festival in melbourne ( so
not only had a great time performing, but also got to see and meet a bunch of
artists I've admired for years, not to mention getting onto a compilation CD
with the likes of converter, architect, scorn and mono no aware!"

My New Wallpaper

More amazing synth pics added to benj-sp's Flickr set. Amazing, synth pics. My new wallpaper. Again. Title link takes you to more.

Access Virus Ti and SH-101 Demos

Title link takes you to samples of the Access Virus TI sent to me by Jose Sogo Flores. Two of the samples are the Roland SH-101 followed by the Virus. Impressive. Also make sure to check out the third sample of the Virus. Absolutely liquid sounding; talk about bubbly. If the name looks familiar, he recently sent in those amazing G2 Minimoog samples. Enjoy, and thank you Jose!

Korg Flickrfest

Title link takes you to more. Lots of Korgs in this set.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Real World Digital Audio - Peter Kirn

Looks like Peter Kirn's book, "Real World Digital Audio" is out! Congrats Peter! I look forward to reading my copy. Title link takes you to the Real World Digital Audio site. Click here for Peachpit Press' page. Who's Peter Kirn? Why, Editor in Chief of Create Digital Music of course. Title link takes you to more info on

"Real World Digital Audio is a comprehensive resource that offers practical advice on making great music with modern technologies—a valuable reference whatever your musical genre or preferred audio application. You’ll learn how digital sound works, and then apply that knowledge to getting your music to sound the way you want. From recording, mixing, and producing CDs, musical scores, and video soundtracks, to performing live with your laptop, this is the definitive guide to the art of creating digital music."

Orgon Modular

There's an Orgon modular up for auction. I tried searching for more info on Orgon Systems and found some reference to kit synths like PAIA. Also found the title link on Synrise in German; click here for a Google English translation.

Update: via the comments: "they sold the Enegiser see SOS reviews, then started selling modules a bit hafter Blacet had a few going. so what 1999-2000? check the AH archives."

SOS on Orgon.

"A UNIQUE oportunity for you to own a classic ORGON SYSTEMS modular synth. Built exclusively by the man himself Geoff Waterston. The power and sonic versatlity of this machine is gaurenteed to blow you away. Check out the specs below and you will see that this is a once in a lifetime chance to grab a beast like this one! 21 modules 6x ADSR envelope (mk2) 3x hi spec VCO (lin FM, sync tri saw sine pwm) 3x dual LFO (6 lfo's in total) 2x VCA (log and linear mode) 1x VC waveform animator (very cool) 1x noise gen (white pink red blue) 1x multimode fiter mk2 (hi low band notch self osc) 1x ENIGISER filter mk2 (VC res, 25 filer modes, yes thats 25 different filters in one panel, sounds very sweet) 1x audio mixer with inverters 1x PSU 1x multi conection May the best man win!"

Bizarre Guitar Synth

More freaky dream material. Title link takes you to shots saved from this auction. Text below in it's ALL CAPS glory, also saved for posterity. You never know when you'll want to look this thing up again to frighten little... Seriously though, you gotta wonder what this sounds like. Via Music Thing.


Marx & Arbiter

Remember that QY and DSI in bed post I almost didn't put up? Well Jj is the guy in that shot. He sent me a few links including some samples of his QY and Evolver and this lovely shot of his cat. Sweet dreams....

Don't even think of touching that Ensoniq ASR-10 rack.

4 OSC Opto-Theremin in Gameboy Case

On GetLoFi. Title link takes you to more including a video.

Synthi AKS Shots

Via this auction. Click the title link to open this case.

Alesis Ion - Ralistic Drum Kit

Right click title link and save. Via programming wizard Kenneth Elhardt on AH. Amazing.

" It's a full drum kit I spent days on. Since it's a pain in the neck to play drum sounds on a keyboard monophonically and multitrack them to create the end result,
it is rather short (52 seconds). This demo shows, tight snappy toms, huge heavy toms, metalic snare, snare with attached tambourine, snare with emphasized head sound and reduced "snappy", hi-hats (should have played at higher pitch), cymbal crashes / splashes / taps, and more. I used some of the techniques from my MOTM renaissance demos in programming them."

Some Nice Synth Pics

Looks like Carbon111 put up some synths for sale on SYNTHWIRE. Some really nice shots in the post. Enjoy. And yes, this is kosher on SYNTHWIRE, as long as you put up something postworthy, like nice pics, or interesting tidbits of synth info, etc. The idea is that the post is worthwile even if you aren't looking to buy.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Waldorf XT - New Flickr Shot

Title link takes you to a bigger shot.

Two Octave Juno-106

Nice! An no, this is not real. How I wish.... I have a thing for portable lap synths.

Via Henrik Nydell:

"Saw that you put up an imaginary AlphaJuno-10 on the blog
and thought of my project that hopefully will be realised
some day, the SH-106, a 2 1/2 octave Juno-106."

Update: See this post for a real one, the "Junior 106."

Novachord Sample disk and CD Coming

I recently posted on Phil Cirocco's Novachord restoration project. Well, multiple sources indicate that Phil plans on creating both a sample CD for others to sample and use and a music CD to showcase the Novachord. Very cool.

Analoghell Manuals

Click here for downloads for the following docs.

Arp 2600 Fundamentals Of Music Technology (1.24Mb)
Arp 2600 Owner's Manual (10.27Mb)
Arp 2600 Service Manual (8.16Mb)
Arp 3620 Keyboard Owner's Manual (3.74Mb)
Arp 3620 Keyboard Service Manual (2.13Mb)

Moogulator's Neuronium Site

Title link takes you to Moogulator's Neuronium site with pics, video and general info. He also mentions a possible stripped down version on the way called the m-resonator. Interesting bit is that he comments the m-resonator as being more of an filter/effects box minus midi. If you haven't heard of the Neuronium Resonator, it's an interesting device consisting of what Jayemsonic referes to as six analog resonant neurons that can interact with each other. Rather than do injustice trying to explain it myself, just click this link for the Jayemsonic page on the Resonator. Also look at the star pattern on the Resonator above. Six knobs for six neurons to play off of one another, one ring to rule them all.


Title link takes you to the SCHIPPMAN site. According to Moogulator they are now shipping their filters. Dig the plexiglass. Make sure to check out the downloads page for samples and the pictures page for more shots including what looks like the shell of a knob ladden monster synth. Reminds me of an old EMU Emulator on steroids. Damn!

Alesis Fusion 1.2 OS Update

Via Harmony-Central News. Title link takes you there.

New Synthesis:
"With four types of synthesis, the Fusion’s sound capabilities have always been stellar, and now V1.20 up’s the ante once again with the addition of several new synthesis functions. The Fusion’s filter capabilities get a boost with the addition of the RP low pass filter derived from Alesis’ popular Ion synthesizer and three formant filters. The Fusion now facilitates up to four sample oscillator layers per Program as well as up to four insert effects per Program. There is also a new parameter that has been added to the oscillator to have it reset its sample in monophonic legato mode.

Also part of the V1.20 update, two new process functions have been added to Sampler Mode: “Quantize Region” and “Reverse Region”. These functions enable programmers to change the bit rates of samples from 1 to 15 bit (Quantize Region) and reverse samples (Reverse Region)."

Yamaha GS1

The Old Crow recently posted a link to a picture of his Yamaha DX1 and GS1 on the Yamaha CS80 group. I hadn't looked up the GS1 before, so I of course decided to check it out. I found a Sound on Sound article on the synth and the beginnings of FM synthesis. The GS1 was Yamaha's first FM synth and paved the road to the DX line of synths much like the GX1 was the precursor to the CS80, CS60, and CS80. It's a fascinating read. Title link takes you there.

Screaming Jupiter 4 Track

Title link takes you to a post on VSE by emage, with a link to 14.6M mp3 of his Jupiter 4. Takes a bit to dowload, but it's worth it. Nice track.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Yamaha Recalls S90 ES?

According to Synthtopia News, Yamaha is recalling the S980 ES as it may cause ear damage when turning it off and on under high temperature - white noise spike. Yikes! Title link takes you to the post, a quite funny one at that.

New Prophet 5 Soft Synth

Title link takes you to a post on VSE with a link to a Prophet 5 emulation. It does has that SCI sound over Oberheim, Roland, Moog, ARP, Yamaha, Korg etc.. Worth checking out.

Roland GR Synth Site

Found a cool site on the Roland Guitar Synths with samples. I always wanted to hear what these old analogs sounded like. Title link takes you there. Link via Legion on AH.

Kawaii K4 and HR-16 resurrected

Mickael from Quebec, Canada sent me a couple of shots from his Kawai K4 and HR-16. The buttons on each began to die, so he had them fitted with heavy duty switches. Interesting. Title link takes you to a bigger shot of the Kawaii K4 below and the Alesis HR-16. You can also check out his site for some more shots and samples of his music.

Sound Master Memory Rhythm SR-88

Interesting item popped up for auction. As usual, I have no affiliation with the seller or the auction. Just pulling the shots and info for posterity. Title link takes you to more shots.

"Produced in the early 80's - from the same era as the Roland Boss DR-55. Controversy still rages as to who copied who - Boss or Sound Master?

It's totally analogue and is in SUPERB condition, with it's original box, owners manual and sample-pattern book.

There are 6 x 16-step (4/4) patterns and 2 x 12-step (3/4 or 6/8) patterns, with A and B variations of each. You can play just A, just B, A followed by B or A then B every 4,8 or 16 bars (like a fill-in).

There are 4 totally analogue and groovy voices - Kick, Snare, Closed Hat and Cymbal (actually more like Open-Hat).

There is a foot-switch input for stop-start and, for you sequencer-heads, a Clock Out +5v trigger on every pulse or every Cymbal beat.

It runs on four Walkman batteries or an AC adaptor (not included)."

A Bit of Prophet 5 History

John Bowen recently posted the following on AH. I asked him if it would be ok for me to put it up as a post and he said yes. This is in regards to the the 1978 NAMM show and the birth of the Prophet 5 and 10. The Prophet 5 was the first fully programmable polyphonic synthesizer. Title link takes you to a shot of the Audities Foundation Prophet 10, which also came up on the thread (note the Prophet 10 label).

"The original Prophet was a 5 voice. Dave Smith thought to add the second
board (which was just another standard 5 voice board mounted above the
first) as an option, but the synth shown at that 1978 NAMM was a 5
voice, which Dave had barely gotten working earlier that morning (after
working on it almost nonstop the days & nights leading up to the show).
I was at the booth at 10 am as we opened the show, and somehow word had
gotten out about the possibility of us having a programmable
polysynth...we had most all the major manufacturers represented there,
right when the show opened, asking about it. We didn't know what time
Dave was going to show up, and tried to stay mum about the product,
while more and more people showed up. Some time after noon, Dave arrived
with the Prophet under his arm, and we cleared a space for it. He had to
do some quick tweaks and checks, and when he powered it up, it worked
right away (but was pretty badly out-of-tune).

As Michael says, we had enough orders after the show ended to feel great
about the Prophet 5's future, and took those orders to the banks to get
some investment capital to build them.

There were a few persons who Dave had already been selling the Model 800
(sequencer) and Model 700 (programmer) to, one of them being Pat
Gleeson, and when he saw there was an option to have 10 voices, he
immediately order two in that configuration. Dave hadn't really tested
the heat issue with the boards layered, but the first several Prophet
10s made soon proved obvious that there was a tuning instability
problem. After Dave looked further into the situation, he decided it was
not going to be a viable option, so we did recall them. I seem to
remember there were 6 in total sent out, and I the one at Korg R&D was
the only semi-functional one still around (however, there is now someone
doing restoration work on a different single manual P-10 for a museum).

But there was no 'desperate measure' requiring removal of one of the
boards, nor a change of the was always a Prophet 5, and if the
optional 5 voices were to be added, a different sticker was made for the
front panel. Simply an option that didn't work out.

John Bowen"

The Ultimate ARP Odyssey Page

Rob Williams recently posted an ARP Odyssey guitar patch on AH titled "Ted Nugent's Axxe." I decided to check out the patch and while there I checked out the site. If you haven't been there before it's worth a look. There are patch sheets, samples and more.

Quantum Wave

Can't find or afford a Waldorf Wave? Well, you might want to check out the Quantum Wave, John Bowen's most recent emulation. Title link takes you there.

Update: A little more info from the site: "originally a custom project for Hans Zimmer, it is based on the functional design of the Waldorf Wave, using the Creamware Waldorf oscillators and the LP filter from the Pro One emulation (with an additional 12 dB HP filter). It is structured as a 4-part synth, meaning there are 4 individual synths inside the device (this being my first multi-timbre synth project). Potential customers should note that the Creamware version of the Waldorf oscillator does not produce the same quality of aliasing as the original, and therefore you should not expect the Quantum Wave to produce a faithful emulation of the Wave's sound."

The Moog Cookbook

J-chot is on a mission to spread The Moog Cookbook goodness. He sent me a few good links below. If you haven't heard of them, and you are a synth fan, they are definitely worth checking out. They did a number of covers including modern and classic rock all with classic analogs and a couple of classic digitals including the DKS Synergy and... The Con Brio ADS200! To give perspective on this, according to the New England Synthesizer Museum there were only three Con Brio ADS200s manufactured and only one sold. Think about that... Move over GX1.

According to the last news (2000) posted on Moog Cookbook site (title link), the duo have been keeping busy doing some remixes for others, working with Beck and playing with AIR. Apparently they are in bits of a documentary titled, "Eating Sleeping Waiting Playing" featuring AIR. Pay attention folks, lots of nuggets worth checking out in this post and these sites.

J-chot's favorite shot of them (yep, that is one cool shot).

"can't BELIEVE you guys haven't done a piece on my favorite electronic band the moog cookbook! They were a two piece keyboard group band that did covers of songs in the late 90's with nothing but an array of beautiful vintage synthesizers. They made two AMAZING albums and then disappeared without a trace. Inside the cover booklet of each album was a list of all the synths they used on each song! I SUPER reccomend that you buy these albums. their live shows were supposed to be amazing as each of them were supposedly keyboard wizards. and guess what else? they were big in japan! I'm not surprised at all... It's sad that they disapeared though... they do an AMAZING cover/remix of Air's "Kelly watch the stars" if you can find it.. (oh trust me it's worth the search)

My fav pic of them:

Home page:


some of their GEAR:

more gearand band pics:

here's a little piece by the synth museum:

here's a music video:

there's other little bits and pieces floating around.... but you NEED to educate the world about The Moog Cookbook! [consider it done!] : )


Lostsignal825's "Skinmatic"

Nice! Anyone know what this is a schematic for?
Via this post on Moogulator's

Update via the comments. : )

"thats not a schematic, it's a circuit trace. If it is done in electricly conducting ink the tatoo just needs to have components attached to form a working circuit, except for the fact that the body is a conductor (no insulation between traces) so the circuit won't actualy work. wonder if this person has a MIDI jack in their ass.."

Monday, December 12, 2005

Euro-Rack Format Zeroscillator

Wow. This is absolutely stunning. Title link takes you to the Cynthia website with shots of all supported formats inlcuding MOTM, Blacet, DotCom, Modcan, and of course, this beauty, the Euro-Rack format.

Also check out the Cyndusties list for samples and more.

OB-Xa with Plexiglass Side Cheeks

Title link takes you to a bigger shot. Via this auction.

John Bowen Synth Design & Zarg Music

I was just checking out John Bowen's Zargmusic site and I thought I'd put up a post on it. I remembered reading about John Bowen being part of Sequential Circuits, but I had no idea how large the scope of his contributions to the synth world were.

He started as the first official Moog clinician in 1973 and later joined Dave Smith and Sequential Circuits in 1976. He is the man behind the original 40 Prophet 5 presets and he was SCI's Product Specialist creating 99% of factory sounds for nearly all of the SCI product line. He contributed to the design of SCI instruments. After SCI was bought out by Yamaha, he moved on to Korg where he became the Product Manager for the Wavestation synths, followed by the OASYS project the Z1, and the OASYS PCI. After Korg he joined Creamware and worked on a number of projects including Pulsar/SCOPE and the Pro One and Prophet 5 emulations. Via Zarg Music John has released number of synths including the acclaimed Solaris and the Red Dwarf synths.

An interesting tidbit of trivia according to the history page on Zarg Music is that John Bowen coined both the terms "wave sequencing" and "multitimbre." The basic concepts behind wave sequencing also come from John. Fascinating bit of synth history.

Title link takes you to the Zargmusic site with more. Be sure to check out the history page and samples of each synth. If you haven't checked out the Red Dwarf, make sure to do so. It's a semi-modular with a number of interesting modules including a CEM Oscs-Pair, Waldorf OSC, WaveTable Osc-Modular, CEM LP 24 dB Filter and much, much more.

Wearable Synthesis

Via Synthtopia News. Title link takes you there. "This conceptual model is similar to the analog synthesizer. In analog synthesizer, users can generate infinite original sound by connecting and tuning three modules, VCA, VCO and VCF. We have named our model “Wearable Synthesis” in the meaning of enabling original fashion expression by combining individual fashion items."

David Rogoff's CS-80 Gallery

Title link takes you to a set of Yamaha CS-80 pics, mainly of the inside. Enjoy.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Excel Spreadsheet Based Drummachine

Music Thing has a post up on an Excel Spreadsheet Based Drummachine. Yap... Reminds me of the Excel Spreadsheet Synth also featured on Music Thing. Title link takes you there.

Rhodes Chroma Tapper

Update from Chris in the comments section:
"If you do a search for "tapper" or "thunker" from the home page of, you'll find a number of mentions of this feature of the Chroma. It can also be turned off. In the interview I did with Phil Dodds and Tony Williams, I asked how the "thunker" came about:"

When I recently played a Rhodes Chroma for the first time I was astonished by the feel of the keyboard and the sound it produced. I had no idea what to expect, would this be a somewhat thinned down polysynth or would it have the brawn of the mighty poly analogs like the Oberheim OBXa, SCI Prophet 5, or Roland Jupiter 8. Well let's say it pretty much holds its own against these classics and actually outdoes them in some ways. The sound is absolutely full, thick analog, and the flexibility of routing and modulation options out does the above. But... this is not the point of this post. When I was playing with the Chroma I noticed a sort of thick clunk when pressing its membrane switches and for some parameters I heard this when moving its one editing slider. It through me off and I actually thought it was broken! I was actually a little relieved as at that point I figured there was no way I'd be tempted to buy this particular unit. But then it occurred to me that this might actually be by design. I played with a bit more and sure enough it was clear that this was on purpose. After using it a bit I began to appreciate the thudded tap - it added a certain weight and tactile response to editing the synth which would be missing without it. I find it fascinating that they took the time out to implement this and I'm left wondering if there are any other synths with it. At this point there is none that I know of. Title link takes you to more on this unique feature on the Rhodes Chroma site. BTW, I'm still blown away by the resources and support available on the Rhodes Chroma site. If there was ever a synth resource award, Chris Ryan would be on the top of my list. Links via Chris Ryan on AH.

Two links on the tapper: (picture)

Linplug Octopus - 8 Op Dual Matrix Synth

8 Op FM synthesizer for OSX and XP. Title link takes you there. Via Moogulator's blog. BTW, Machinessound is a great synth blog, well worth checking out and subbing to.

The Synth Elf - New Flickr Shots

Yep.... Some more after the hop.

Scaffbeat Studio 1 - New Flickr Set

Title link takes you to a nice synth Flickr-fest. Via Moogulator of, via Note: There is a video link on this last link but I had a bit of trouble getting to myself and had to head out. I will probably try again later, but I did want to call it out in case you wanted to give it a try.

Update: Click here to go to the movie. When you are there, scroll to the bottom of the page. You should see a FREE link. Click on it to get to the movie dowload.

SCI Six Trak Service Manual

Title link takes you to the 4.06M PDF of the SCI Six Trak Service Manual. Via Midi Mike of Thanks Mike!

Update: also here

Microns & Ion - New Flickr Shot

Title link takes you to a bigger shot.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Screamers - Synthesizer Punk Rock

There is an intersting thread going on AH titled, "Best punk use of synth." A number of bands were called out, some of which were questioned as far as whether or not they were punk in the classic sense of punk. Well, the Screamers definitely were classic punk. They had a small stint in the late 70s in Los Angeles. They were a four piece band with Tomata Du Plenty - Vocals (R.I.P.), Tommy Gear - ARP Odyssey, David Braun - Fender Rhodes electric piano, and KK Barett - Drums. The Screamers were a band from 1977 - 1981. Notice no guitar or bass guitar, just the ARP Odyssey, Fender Rhodes and drums. Title link takes you to the Screamers page on with some audio links (just above the pictures). Listen to them. What's crazy is that there are no guitars - this is not a bleepy synth experience, this is classic punk rock.

Other links worth checking out:

Inside a Prophet 10 - New Flickr Set

New Flickr set via Brandon Daniel on AH.

Update via Brandon in the comments: "note that this is a special kind of prophet 10, most of them had dual keyboards on them, only very early ones had a single keyboard"

The original Prophet 10 was essentially two Prophet 5s in a Prophet 5 case. It suffered from tuning instabilities due to tempature issues in the small case. A larger cased dual manual keyboard followed to take care of this problem. These shots as Brandon calls out is of the older single model.

NIN Gear Page for The Fragile

Title link via Kieth Seaman. < Old Man Voice> "Yap, I remember seein' NIN back in the day... a lil ole club called Helter Skelter. He had dreads and performed in a cage back then... Yap.... " < /Old Man Voice> At least I think it was Helter Skelter. It's all kind of fuzzy now. It was off of Sunset Blvd in LA if I remember correctly, so if you know please refresh my memory. But... I do remember seeing K.C. And the Sunshine band reunion at club 70s. Now that was a suprisingly good show... To be fair, NIN put on a hell of a show back then, amazing. But... Let's all remember, Skinny Puppy "taught the killing game first." Well before the likes of Madonna, oops I mean Marilyn Manson. Same thing right?


Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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