MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Abstrakt Instruments Avalon

Showing posts sorted by date for query Abstrakt Instruments Avalon. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Abstrakt Instruments Avalon. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Avalon Service Note 12: Adding Filter PWM input (updated)

video upload by Abstrakt Instruments

"Avalon Service Note 12: Adding Filter PWM input

Please note: This video was updated on July 16 after finding Resistor R328 was the incorrect value.

If you have an Avalon from the 6th run your unit may be missing a surface mount resistor relating to the filter PWM input. The result is that the filter CV offset feature and MIDI filter control are not working. This issue affects about 25% of 6th run units, approximately 80 units total.

Serial Numbers Affected: AVxxxx201704 between 0930 and 1044 (i.e.from AV090201704 to AV1044201704)

Please also see the service note here: [PDF]

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline Synthesizer w/ SEM Filter, Original Box & Docs

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Friday, September 08, 2023

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline - Black w/ Green LEDs

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"The avalon bassline is a high quality analog bassline synthesizer with integrated sequencer. The core circuitry of the avalon is based on the revered Roland TB-303 bassline synthesizer, to which a new layer of analog and digital circuitry has been added to position the avalon as the premier bassline synthesizer.

This unit is in Mint condition in the original box with power cables and the highly sought after SEM filter cartridge."

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline Synthesizer w/ Original Box & Feature Sheet

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"Great TB-303 style bass line synthesizer. Black with Red LED version."

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Honeysmack Live at Revolver Upstairs March 2023: Improvised Acid Techno Hardware Set

video upload by Honeysmack

"This was an epic live acid techno show at Revolver Upstairs on March 11, 2023. All recorded and improvised live on the dance floor, in the backroom. The audience are an essential part to all my performances — it is you 🫵🏼 who make the energy, so thank you 🙏🏼

It has been almost 25 years since I first played Revolver way back in the late 1990s. There will be a new release taken from this performance, more details soon! No computers or DJs were hurt in this performance.

❤️ Big thanks again to Camilo, Henry and all the staff at Revolver who made this happen.
🎥 Video shot and produced by Richard DeSilva
🙏🏼 Thanks to Rudeboy, Tarek, Mike Callander, Acid Safari, Chiara Kickdrum and Kevin

🎛 Gear used for this jam:
Modular synth
Roland TR-8
Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline
Elektron RYTM MkI
Elektron Octatrack MkI
Playdifferently Model1 mixer
Eventide Space and Timefactor pedals

📡 This channel is supported by my Patreon supporters who get a first look, join here: and yes I offer one-on-one tuition/lessons/coaching on how to make and perform live acid techno."

Saturday, April 01, 2023

Trying To Create A Killer Bassline For New Track From Scratch!

video upload by Ricky Tinez

"I'm on a mission to create an awesome new bass line using the Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bass Line synthesizer. In this video, you'll see me start from scratch with nothing but an idea in mind and go through the ups and downs of the creative process, trying out different ideas, recording loops, adding effects, and even vocalizing my ideas out loud to see what works.
Along the way, I hit some roadblocks and even reach a point where I feel like it's just not going to work out, but I don't give up!"

Friday, March 03, 2023

Happy 303 day: Ambient Dub Techno Jam with 7x 303s

video upload by Honeysmack

"Happy 3.03 day! What better way to celebrate than try something completely ridiculous and play 7x 303 at the same time? I was up for the challenge! While it might seem fairly easy, it actually did my head in for a while. I had to think about how to make this interesting, rather than have a stupid cacophony of acid bashing our ears. So I opted for the downtempo ambient dub like sound. In simple terms space the 303s out and give them room socially. Here it is and after the jam I provide some short commentary on my approach and how it was recorded. The jam was recorded in one single take, no additional sounds or post production. Please let me know what you think, am I crazy?

/ honeysmacked

🕹 This channel is supported by my Patreons who get a first look, become a member here: and yes I offer one-on-one tuition/lessons/coaching on making and performing live techno.

🕹 Gear used for this jam:
Roland TB-303
Roland TB-303 Devilfish
Roland TB-03
Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline
Behringer TD-3 (x2)
Behringer TD-3MO
Elektron Syntakt (for kick and hihat sounds only)
Eventide Space reverb pedal
Eventide Timefactor delay pedal
TC Electronic Flashback delay pedal
Mackie 1202 mixer
Playdifferently Model 1 mixer
Elektron Analog Heat Mk1 (on master output)

00:00 Ambient Acid Dub Jam
08:02 How I put this together"

Thursday, March 03, 2022

Splitradix - Dessential Haas

video upload by splitradix

"This is a live recording of a lot of my synths playing at the same time. A slightly better sounding version will be available to buy on Bandcamp soon."

Featuring the Abstrakt Instruments Avalon. Rare GenoQs Octopus sequencer to the right of the mixer. Sequentix Cirklon and Elektron Machinedrum featured as well.


Monday, June 21, 2021

Honeysmack Live: Synth Stream - Rave at Home 4

video uploaded by Honeysmack

"Live improvised performance recorded at my studio for Synth Stream - Rave at Home 4. Originally streamed on May 29, 2021.

As with all my performances, all unrehearsed, improvised and recorded in one take. Key gear in use for this performance:
Roland TR-8
Roland TB-303
Roland MC-202
Elektron MachineDrum
Elektron Analog Four MkI
Elektron Octatrack
Elektron Analog Heat
Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Bassline
Moog DFAM x2
Playdifferently Model1 DJ Mixer
Modular gear (there wasn't much just a few modules that I can remember): Entity Bass Drum, Wogglebug, Metron, SY0.5 and Rainmaker.

Follow here for more improvised Acid Techno performances:"

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon + SEM Filter Black With Green LED

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"Here's a mint condition, hard to come by, Abstrakt Avalon in the rare and psychedelic black with green LED color scheme. These don't come up often! This unit is perfect in every way. Gently used in a smoke-free environment. Always stored covered (dust-free). Will include the rare SEM filter cartridge and the original packaging for both the Avalon and the SEM filter"

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

New Abstrakt Instruments VS-1 Analog Synth - New Classic Oberheim OB-X Inspired Rackmount Synth

Published on Jan 14, 2020 Abstrakt Instruments

Update: I thought it worth noting that this project is being done with Tom Oberheim's blessing. From the Kickstarter campaign:

"Tom Oberheim of and Oberheim Electronics is aware of our plans to market an OB-X-centric synth. We asked permission and he did not have any reservations with our plans and said good luck! We have also offered a royalty per unit but there was no interest. However, even though the VS-1 is by nature a boutique offering and won't break any sales records, we will indeed be paying a royalty in deference to the original design."

You might remember the OBX Rack Synth Kit Stretch Goal Added to Abstrakt Instruments' Kickstarter for OB-X replacement boards. It looks like they are taking it a step further and offering a completed version named the VS-1 for non-DIYers, or those that just don't have the time or resources to build their own. The project is currently seeking funding on Kickstarter here. Abstrakt Instruments, of course, are the people behind the Avalon Bassline 303 clone, which has become highly regarded by many as the best 303 clone with extra features. P.S. See Abstrakt OB-X for additional posts and demos leading up to the new VS-1.

Some details from the Abstrakt Instruments VS-1 Kickstarter follow - click through for additional pics and info.

"The VS-1 combines vintage analog sound with modern features, designed for those that find modern synths over-perfected. Based on the discrete analog design of the iconic Oberheim™ OB-X, the VS-1 utilizes many of the same design trade-offs, including a signal path comprised of discrete transistors, op-amps, & 3080 OTA's utilizing through-hole components. Combined with modern digital control, a clean & simple interface, and packed into a 3U rack... this is the essence of the VS-1.

It’s all about the tone. Based on the classic OB-X, each voice consists of two analog VCO's and a 12dB OTA Filter (LP/BP/HP) and VCA.

VCO's Two discrete VCO's per voice with saw and pulse waves. Pulse width can be adjusted from 0% to 100%. VCO1 can be modulated by VCO2 (crossmod) and VCO2 can by hard-synced to the frequency of VCO1. VCO's can also be modulated by two analog LFO's, two digital LFO's per-voice, and a DADSR 5-stage envelope generator.
Noise Analog white & pink noise.
Portamento Analog polyphonic portamento gives a natural clustering effect between voices as the analog components are never perfectly matched. Although this requires many additional components it has been included - another example of small imperfections that impart character. In addition, digital portamento with both fixed rate and fixed time modes is also included.
12dB OTA Filter The classic resonant 12dB multimode filter is the desert island filter, simply awesome in a polyphonic synth. The classic OB-X had a fixed lowpass mode, the OB-R has lowpass, bandpass & highpass modes.
Panning VCA's Each voice retains the classic 3080 OTA VCA but also includes a stereo panning VCA that can be modulated by several sources. The spread control make it easy to pan voices across the stereo field.
Envelope Generators Each voice has a dedicated analog ADSR for the filter and VCA. In addition there is a global five-stage DADSR with (20) modulation destinations.
Analog LFO's Two global analog LFO's with triangle, square and S&H waveforms can be sent to VCO1 frequency and pulse width, VCO2 frequency and pulse width, and filter cutoff.
Digital LFO’s Two LFO’s per voice with triangle, sawtooth, reverse sawtooth, square, and random waves with (20) destinations. LFO’s also have dedicated attack-decay envelopes and can be free-running or synced to the arpeggiator, sequencer, or MIDI clock for tempo-synced effects.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon White

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"Mint condition Avalon Analog Baseline with SEM filer cart. This is the white on white variety. Just like the original TB-303, but WAY easier to program, and has swappable filter carts and sub osc. All analog, sounds amazing!"

TB-303s were silver, no?

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Analog Bassline Synthesizer (Black/Blue) + 3 filter carts SN AV0702201704

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"Have Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Analog Bassline Synthesizer (Black/Blue) + 3 filter carts for sale.

Purchased from Perfect Circuit Audio (Abstrakt Instruments official distributor) in 2018. Used 3-4 times, not using much lately. Always had dust cover on at my home, never transported or used professionally.
Comes in original box and power supply."

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments Releases New OS v1.07a for the Avalon Bassline

via Abstrakt Instruments

"We've just released the new OS v1.07a for the Avalon Bassline synth.

New features
- Can now enable/disable MIDI control of Accent & Slide.
- Modulation Envelope can now be triggered on all steps (even if rest or tie).

- Extended Note Range to C5 (Note #95).
- Changed MIDI Accent Input threshold to Velocity 100+ instead of 65+. This gives better response for the majority of MIDI controller keyboards.
- MIDI Program change is now only received on the Avalon's MIDI channel. In v1.06b and v1.06c program changes were received globally on all MIDI channels.

Bug fixes
- Pattern Chaining in Banks 5-7 did not work properly.
- USB-MIDI Filter control now working, was not working in v1.06c.
- Bank transitions between Banks 5-7 could cause sequencer to stop. This was very rare occurrence.

Download here

Direct link to updated reference manual here."

Saturday, August 03, 2019

Avalon Bassline Synth - Procedure for adjusting enclosure to sit flat

Published on Aug 3, 2019 Abstrakt Instruments

This video also gives you a glimpse of Abstrakt Instruments' workplace - and some of the music they listen to. :)

"Manufacturer recommended procedure for Avalon synth chiropractic adjustment. A bit tongue and cheek but this is how it's done.
The units are tested for flatness as part of QA before shipping but every now & then we get a support inquiry regarding an Avalon synth that is not sitting flat."

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon with Three Filter Carts

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"The ultimate 303. Comes with the Moog, Roland, and Oberheim filter carts. The Roland one is kind of janky, it never really worked well. The other two are great... especially the state variable OB, totally transforms the 303 in a good way."

Friday, June 21, 2019

Avalon Synth - Disassembly for parts replacement & repair

Published on Jun 21, 2019 Abstrakt Instruments

"This video shows how to open the bottom cover of the Avalon synth to replace the fuse or VCA IC. Furthermore it shows how to dissasemble the PCB stack to access the internals for repair.

Recommended Tools:

1) Phillips #2 JIS screwdriver

2) M10 Low Profile Nut Driver

3) 5.5mm Low Profile Nut Driver

4) Slotted Spanner

5) 12mm Deep Nut Driver/Socket

The replacement fuse is Littlefuse part number 045402.5MR.
The potentiometers are custom and will need to be ordering from us."

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

BURG - Jeremiah (eurorack, digitakt, strymon)

Published on Jun 19, 2019 ollilaboratories

If you like my stuff please support me on and

#eurorack #moogmusic #tb303

BURG is back with a new track! :) This time I wanted to make a bigger sounding song than the recent strymon session in a slightly higher tempo (117 bpm) but trying to keep the mood very minimal, e.g not overusing the instruments and overlapping too much but still keep the main vibe. Possibly that this one could fit during an early morning dancefloor? :D

There are a lot of things going on in this track.. Main sounds are, bass from the KORG volca bass + the Avalon Bassline driving the tune with percussion from the digitakt and modular + some hihats and snare from the TR-8s. A lot of random sequencing and shorter than 16 step sequences helps to build variation in a tune that else could have ended up too static.

Gear used:
- KORG Grandstage
- Moog Subsequent 37
- Clavia NORD Lead A1
- Novation Peak, Arturia Keystep
- Roland TR8s
- Elektron Digitakt, Analog Four
- Abstrakt Instrments Avalon Bassline
- KORG ms-20 mini, Volca Keys, 2x Volca Bass, Monologue
- Makenoise 0 Coast

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Analog Bassline w/ Ladder & SEM Filter Carts

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"Abstrakt Instruments Avalon Analog Bassline Black/Red Excellent condition with Oberheim SEM and MOOG Filter cartridges.

Amazing and hands down the king TB-303 clone synthesizer."

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Abstrakt Instruments LinnDrum PCB's & Assemblies Kickstarter Update - Eight Days to Go

If you want to see this happen you might want to back the Kickstarter here. They are currently only $2201 of their $4000 goal with 7 backers. Help spread the word. Abstrakt Instruments brought us the highly acclaimed Avalon Bassline, essentially a TB-303 on steroids.

A quick recap on the campaign:

"This is your chance to help fund and procure parts for the iconic LinnDrum (LM-2) Drum Machine. This is the second in our series of meticulously designed replacement parts projects for vintage synths & drum machines. This project follows up the completion of the Oberheim OB-X Parts Project. We've established a low funding goal of $4k to cover the cost of the custom parts to get the project off the ground.

Before getting into the details of the actual parts we'll clearly state what is being offered. We are offering bare PCB's and PCB Assemblies for the LinnDrum (LM-2) Drum Machine:

LinnDrum MXR PCB Assembly
LinnDrum CPU Board PCB
LinnDrum CPU Board PCB Assembly
LinnDrum CPU Board PCB Assembly (w/o switches)
LinnDrum 5VSR PCB Assembly"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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