MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for Instruō

Showing posts sorted by date for query Instruō. Sort by relevance Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by date for query Instruō. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Folded PWM Tš-L

video upload by Instruō

"In this video, we explore some sound examples from a folded PWM synth voice using the Tš-L as the primary audio source.

Connecting the PWM Output to the Wavefold CV Input allows for four levels of timbre control via the PWM knob/PWM CV Input, the PWM Waveform Crossfade knob, the Wavefold knob, and the Symmetry Bias knob. The sequencer or keyboard sends voltages to Tš-L while simultaneously triggering the envelope generator. The CV output of the envelope generator opens the filter and VCA, allowing Tš-L’s signal to pass through. More traditional East Coast patches would incorporate separate envelope generators for the filter and VCA."

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Patching with: David Pollock | cnōc cnōc

video upload by Instruō

"This is David Pollock.
David Pollock does a lot behind the scenes here at Instruō.
He also patches!
This is David Pollock patching.
This particular patch demonstrates some techniques focussed around the cnōc.
Please enjoy David Pollock's patching :)"

cnōc was introduced in 2022.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Lúbadh as a Delay - ‪@TheUnperson‬ - Channel Takeover

video upload by Instruō

"Lúbadh doesn't just loop... It also delays!
With the V2 firmware it really became a "modular module" in which each deck can be customised to behave in as many delay effect contexts as we could come up with.

Ally (aka The Unperson/@TheUnperson ) has produced this fantastic Lúbadh video to feature on the channel.
It's a wonderful collection of extremely musical patches with a focus on the Lúbadh functioning as a delay effect.

00:00:00 Instruōduction
00:01:31 Brief Overview
00:03:02 Constant recording delay
00:03:32 TIME pot parameters
00:05:10 "Freezing" the buffer
00:05:40 Patch 1
00:06:35 Patch 1 Explained
00:08:40 Patch 2
00:09:34 Patch 2 Explained
00:09:50 Preset Management
00:13:28 Patch 3 Explained
00:14:50 Patch 3
00:15:19 Patch 3 Expanded
00:17:15 Patch 4
00:17:42 Patch 4 Explained
00:20:16 Patch 5
00:21:53 Patch 5 Explained'

Monday, June 17, 2024

Quantizing with Dàil from Instruo

video upload by NOISEBUG

"The Instruō dàil is a high resolution quantiser, precision adder, MIDI-to-CV interface, and USB MIDI Host with a very small form factor suitable for any system.

As a quantiser, scales can be defined locally as well as externally via MIDI. The USB Host port will accept and power class compliant devices offering convenience and immediacy to melodies and sequences.

As a precision adder, existing signals can be offset by any defined chromatic interval. Transpose anything with accuracy using the calibrated buffered throughput which runs parallel to the quantiser engine. This feature alone makes for a great companion to any sequencer or 1V/octave source within a system.

No longer is a single repeating octave of quantised notes a limitation. dàil features a fully bipolar quantiser engine through which any multi-octave spanning scale/chord/arpeggio can be engaged immediately from your MIDI keyboard. Patterns can also be programmed onboard with precision with the ability to auto fill from a wide range of major and minor starting points.

Small form factor, big feature set!

dàil will suit any scale of system adding flexibility and immediacy to your melodic needs.

dàil | (verb) divide something into parts #synthesizer #synth #eurorack #modularsynth #analogsynthesizer #eurorackmodular"

Sunday, May 19, 2024

SUPERBOOTH 2024: Instruo - Dail Quantizer

video upload by sonicstate

"At Superbooth 2024, Jason from Instruo introduced their latest innovative product - the Dail Quantizer*. In a conversation with Sonic State, Jason explained that the *Dail Quantizer has been in the works for a while, with initial designs dating back to 2020. Due to the chip shortage, the product had to undergo a complete redesign, but the functionality has been well thought out over the years. The Dail Quantizer serves as a monophonic quantizer, precision adder, and MIDI-to-CV interface, providing a versatile solution for musicians looking to enhance their sound and performance.

The Dail Quantizer features three pages controlled by a toggle switch, allowing users to easily navigate between quantizer, precision adder, and scale programming modes. With the ability to set different scales, from major triads to pentatonic scales, users can customize their sound with ease. Additionally, the Dail Quantizer offers multi-octave spanning quantization, allowing for complex spread voice patterns and modulation of quantized signals.

Dail Quantizer Price: 289 GBP"

The Instruō dàil is a high resolution quantiser, precision adder, MIDI-to-CV interface, and USB MIDI Host with a very small form factor suitable for any system.

As a quantiser, scales can be defined locally as well as externally via MIDI. The USB Host port will accept and power class compliant devices offering convenience and immediacy to melodies and sequences.

As a precision adder, existing signals can be offset by any defined chromatic interval. Transpose anything with accuracy using the calibrated buffered throughput which runs parallel to the quantiser engine. This feature alone makes for a great companion to any sequencer or 1V/octave source within a system.

No longer is a single repeating octave of quantised notes a limitation. dàil features a fully bipolar quantiser engine through which any multi-octave spanning scale/chord/arpeggio can be engaged immediately from your MIDI keyboard. Patterns can also be programmed onboard with precision with the ability to auto fill from a wide range of major and minor starting points.

Small form factor, big feature set!

dàil will suit any scale of system adding flexibility and immediacy to your melodic needs.

dàil | (verb) divide something into parts

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Instruō Introduces dàil Eurorack Module

video upload by Instruō

The Instruō dàil is a high resolution quantiser, precision adder, MIDI-to-CV interface, and USB MIDI Host with a very small form factor suitable for any system.

As a quantiser, scales can be defined locally as well as externally via MIDI. The USB Host port will accept and power class compliant devices offering convenience and immediacy to melodies and sequences.

As a precision adder, existing signals can be offset by any defined chromatic interval. Transpose anything with accuracy using the calibrated buffered throughput which runs parallel to the quantiser engine. This feature alone makes for a great companion to any sequencer or 1V/octave source within a system.

No longer is a single repeating octave of quantised notes a limitation. dàil features a fully bipolar quantiser engine through which any multi-octave spanning scale/chord/arpeggio can be engaged immediately from your MIDI keyboard. Patterns can also be programmed onboard with precision with the ability to auto fill from a wide range of major and minor starting points.

Small form factor, big feature set!

dàil will suit any scale of system adding flexibility and immediacy to your melodic needs.

dàil | (verb) divide something into parts

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

East Coast Tš-L

video upload by Instruō

"In this video, we explore some sound examples from an East Coast synth voice using the Tš-L as the primary audio source."

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Instruō Introduces dåpf Dual All-Pass Filter Effects Processor Eurorack Module

via Instruō

"Introducing dåpf, the first dedicated effects processor in the Instruō product line. The Instruō dåpf is a set of two analogue all-pass filters.

You might be asking yourself, “What is the point of a filter that passes everything?” All-pass filters don’t actually attenuate frequency amplitudes directly, but rather alter the phase relationship of frequencies across the spectrum. All-pass filter stages appear in the vast majority of voltage-controlled filter topologies as well as serving as a core building block within DSP.

The normalled I/O of dåpf allows for cascaded or independent use of the two all-pass filter circuits, offering everything from classic phase-shifting to psychoacoustic stereo enhancement and synthetic Doppler effect.

• Two parallel all-pass filters
• Independent attenuverters for voltage control
• 1-Pole/2-Pole configuration for left channel
• Cascaded normalisation
• Global 1 volt per octave tracking"

Instruō - dåpf Overview

video upload by Instruō

"This video is long... But the second half is very much optional expansion and deep dive into some theory of all-pass filters.
The first few examples are much quicker, more practical examples of dåpf patched.
Thanks for watching :)"
00:00:00 Instruōduction
00:03:24 Overview | Stereo Enhancement
00:04:19 Stereo Enhancement - Subtractive patch sound source
00:04:55 Stereo Enhancement - Traditional stereo panning
00:06:13 Stereo Enhancement - Spectrally transparent waveshaping
00:07:22 Stereo Enhancement - dåpf inputs/outputs
00:09:42 Stereo Enhancement - Controls and CV inputs
00:10:14 Stereo Enhancement - 6dB/12dB pole switch
00:11:18 Stereo Enhancement - Mono to Stereo patching
00:15:41 Stereo Enhancement - Static phase shift
00:17:32 Stereo Enhancement - Level 1: modulation
00:19:40 Stereo Enhancement - Level 2: modulation + waveshaping
00:25:02 Stereo Enhancement - Level 3: modulation + timbre
00:27:50 Vibrato Everything
00:28:17 Vibrato Everything - What is vibrato?
00:29:35 Vibrato Everything - Non-FM vibrato
00:30:22 Vibrato Everything - (tangent: sine phase)
00:31:34 Vibrato Everything - (tangent: sine spatialisation)
00:32:37 Vibrato Everything - Non-FM vibrato (sine wave)
00:34:11 Vibrato Everything - Non-FM vibrato (sawtooth wave)
00:38:42 Vibrato Everything - Non-FM vibrato (complex audio)
00:40:46 Vibrato Everything - Non-FM... FM? ...PM! (Phase Modulation)
00:43:47 Feedback Processing |"Doppler"
00:44:33 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Lúbadh feedback patch
00:46:38 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Doppler shift description
00:48:08 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Doppler dåpf 1pole/2-pole
00:49:20 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Doppler dåpf 3-pole/-4pole
00:51:28 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Doppler dåpf in stereo!
00:52:02 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Delay feedback
00:54:54 Feedback Processing |"Doppler" - Audio rate modulation
00:56:32 Building a phaser - Deep dive into all-pass filters
00:58:44 Building a phaser - Phase shift of a fundamental
00:59:41 Building a phaser - Quadrature: sine | cosine
01:00:43 Building a phaser - Drawing perfect circles
01:01:41 Building a phaser - Drawing (non-)perfect circles
01:02:16 Building a phaser - Frequency dependent phase shift
01:04:22 Building a phaser - 1V/octave tracking
01:07:40 Building a phaser - More than one sine wave
01:08:58 Building a phaser - The harmonic overtone series
01:10:19 Building a phaser - Sawtooth wave low-pass filtered (reference)
01:11:15 Building a phaser - Phase shifting harmonic overtones
01:15:42 Building a phaser - Inside a phaser
01:18:00 Building a phaser - Stereo Phaser
01:22:19 Building a phaser - uPhaser Befaco FXBoy
01:23:46 Building filters - Any-pass filter?
01:25:05 Building filters - RC low-pass filter
01:26:03 Building filters - Spectral cancellation principles
01:28:35 Building filters - APF to LPF
01:30:10 Building filters - APF to HPF
01:32:03 Building filters - Parallel dual all-pass filters
01:37:41 Building filters - Resonant filters"

And a video from Divkid:

Wow! I didn't know All Pass Filters could do this // 3 Patches with dapf from Instruo
video upload by DivKid

"I'm always striving to learn and explore with sound and music and dapf (the new Eurorack module from Instruo) certainly brought a big slap of school day into DivKid HQ. I was aware of all pass filters, getting past the funny idea that "all" frequencies pass (so what's the point?) and knowing they were use for phase shifts. What I didn't know is how core and important to filter topologies they were and how creatively useful they could be.

Some exploring later and here we are, with 3 patches that really show the power of phase manipulation. While dapf makes a fantastically chewy phaser FX unit I didn't expect it would be such a great stereo expander for a single VCO nor did I know I could be MUSICAL and totally analogue 3 operator FM/PM (like the digital Yamaha DX and Casio CZ phase/FM methods) synth."

Monday, January 15, 2024

Another Eurorack Drone January 15 2024

video upload by John L Rice

"Modules being used:
Vermona - meloDICER
Synth Tech - E352 Cloud Terrarium, E950 + E951 Circuit Bent VCO + expander
Happy Nerding - MMM VCF
BubbleSound - VCA4p
Instruō - [1]f
Erica Synths - Black Octasource
Mutable Instruments- Beads
Circuit Abbey - Unify
ADDAC - ADDAC812A Audio Meter

#modularsynth #eurorack #electronicmusic"

Thursday, December 07, 2023

Granular Guitar

video upload by Instruō

"làrachd is utilised as an input stage for the guitar.
The output from làrachd is patched to the Onset Input of arbhar.

When an onset signal is detected, arbhar begins recording the guitar. Once the buffer is full, we can use the Spray Knob and Scan Knob to explore which part of the recording we would like to hear.

The guitar signal normals to làrachd's envelope follower.

The Positive Envelope Output of the làrachd is used to modulate arbhars Intensity. As a result, when a loud input signal is present, fewer grains are triggered from the arbhars Continuous Granular Engine.

The Negative Envelope Output is offset using a vincâ and used to duck arbhar's internal reverb as well as adjust the Dry/Wet Mix when an input signal is present.

arbhar’s Pitch Deviation Knob is positioned fully clockwise meaning grains are transposed up and down octaves.

Finally, the left and right outputs of the arbhar are patched to the cuïr, which is used for gain staging and final signal output."

Thursday, October 26, 2023


video upload by DivKid

"The new ochd expander adds 16 outputs to ochd with 4 sections of different functions. We have unipolar outputs from full wave rectifiers, analogue diode logic giving 2 pairs of MAX/MIN outs, a cascading mixing trigger section for stochastic timings and a 4-bit DAC ladder section offering 4 flavours of slow noise stepped random patterns. It really is a mammoth addition of functions not just to ochd but to any Eurorack system.

The ochd expander was released as part of ØCHD-OBER-FEST an in-person event that was also live streamed. If you’d like to watch the event check that out here"

ØCHD-OBER-FEST (live event) with DivKid, Instruo & Signal Sounds // celebrate all things ochd!

video upload by DivKid

See the dealers on the right for availability.

"Launched in 2019 and designed in collaboration with Ben "DivKid" Wilson, the Instruō øchd has set a standard for compact and versatile modulation sources which can now be seen across thousands of eurorack systems.

The øchd's 8 analogue outputs can now be be tripled with a farther 16 unique control voltage sources by pairing it with the øchd expander ([ø] 4^2).

All outputs are derived from combinations of the 8 analogue triangle LFO cores to produce an extravagant range of variable voltages, triggers and 4x 4-Bit DAC based stepped random voltage sources which are best described as flavours of "slow noise".

Enhance your existing modulation capabilities immediately with this 4HP cluster of control voltage capabilities.

Note: øchd required, all cables included with expander"

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Instruō - Befaco FX Boy - microPhaser cartridge | All-pass filter tutorial

video upload by Instruō

"Here's something a bit different!

Befaco ( have launched this very cool module which uses the "game boy" cartridge form factor as a means of hot swapping analogue and/or digital circuitry as effects processors.

I caught up with Manu and Diego at Superbooth23 and learned of this mad idea. I very quickly asked how I could get involved and contribute a cartridge design.

Time was a bit of a crunch.
I set the target of a month following return from Berlin as a timeframe for getting a cartridge production ready.
Challenge accepted!
I believe I had the first two (heavily circuit bent) prototype cartridges in the mail to Barcelona in just over a fortnight.
The last 5 minutes of this video shows a bit of this process designing the first prototypes.

The FX Boy ships with 7 carts in total designed by a wonderful range of creative developers.
I'm very excited to be part of this project.

This video goes through some of the capabilities of my microPhaser effect and ends with some behind the scenes recordings of the rapid development of the circuitry.

00:00 Instruōduction
00:59 What is it?
03:21 microPhaser
04:23 All-Pass Filtering
07:06 Interference patterns
08:50 Phase Modulation
10:59 That's not a Sawtooth wave...
14:18 It's (not) just a phase
15:37 Winston interrupts
16:01 Complex Audio
19:57 Feedback/Resonance
25:16 Back in time (2023-05-12)
25:33 Making the microPhaser
27:58 Winston walk time
29:08 Circuit Bends
30:23 Testing the prototype"

Monday, October 09, 2023

Instruō - arbhar V2.0 Firmware Overview

video upload by Instruō

I've curated it with chapter markings to encourage hopping around to specific features/examples. I hope this will work as a video reverence in conjunction with the full written manual.

A dedicated tutorial on how to upgrade your arbhar can be found here:"

arbhar - Firmware update tutorial

The arbhar V2.0 firmware update is here!
In 2019 the launch of the arbhar heralded a new generation of granular processing in Eurorack. Sampled audio can be chopped into tiny grains, scattered, shaped, re-pitched, reversed, and layered for an endless range of audio manipulation from seamless frozen tones to mutated acousmatic madness. Each grain sounds with its defined specifications. When modulation is used, the "per-grain parameter" definition allows for true polyphonic layering.
With the introduction of firmware version 2 (2023) comes a complete rewrite of the entire codebase to implement both technical and conceptual improvements that will enhance the entire user experience of the arbhar. We have ensured that the overall feel of the module has been preserved as much as possible. Advances in efficiency and expanded features will allow the arbhar to explore many more sonic and musical spaces.
Meet the Lexer Method 2.0.

• Up to 88 stereo grains between two granular engines, allowing for polyphonic layering
• Mono and stereo input configurations
• Six 10 second individual audio buffers
• 1 volt per octave pitch tracking
• On-board random pitch deviation and grain direction probability
• Scan mode, Follow mode, and Wavetable mode
• Stereo pan, feedback delay, and reverb configurations
• Built-in condenser microphone
• Analogue input pre-amplifier and limiter
• Audio analysis with onset detection for automatic audio capturing
• Includes 2 HP passive CV Expansion module and 4GB USB flash drive
• User-definable configuration for complete instrument customisation
• Save, Load and Clone audio between layers
• Curate/recall entire performance configurations with up to 42 Scenes.
• USB import and export functionality

Tuesday, September 12, 2023


video upload by murratti 127

LOOPMAN • error instruments
bass drum • mosaic
scion • instruō
sample drum, black sequencer • erica synths
alan , pique, morcom, enigma, resonate • after later audio
roucha legio, yester versio • noise engineering
switch 4 • joranalogue
boundary • schlappi engineering
kermit mk3 • industrial music
mimeophone, maths,XPO, QPAS, 0-ctrl • make noise
night rider, M185, vector wave • ryk
passive LPG • intellijel
motion MTR • molten modular
Hope you like this video! Comments welcome!

Friday, September 01, 2023

Instruō Discontinues troika: A brief history

video upload by Instruō

"It has finally happened...
The troika is being retired from production!
The last 15 have been built (as of August 2023), and will be making their way out into the works.

It still completely staggers me how far Instruō has come since I was designing solo, and building individual modules in the spare bedroom.
To everyone who has shown support through the years, purchased modules, made modular music, and been part of this weird, niche-of-a-niche industry:
Thank you.

Instruō today has grown into a full on creative collective! I get to work every day with the most incredible team of developers/artists/makers.
We've come a long way, and in so many ways it feels like we're just getting started.
The troika was the OG! It was the first to gain "Instruō" as a branding.
For anyone that is newly familiar with Instruō:
Hello! :)
I hope you'll enjoy what we do.
If you're interested, this is where it all began:"

INSTRUō - troika [build video 1]

video upload by

"Module Demo starts at 14:00

Audio and video by INSTRUō

This video documents the design and build process of a 3 voice analog oscillator module."

Saturday, August 19, 2023

Instruō Superbooth23: THE MOVIE

video upload by Instruō

WARNING: This video contains flashing lights which may not be suitable for people with photosensitive epilepsy (There's also a wee bit of swearing!)

This is a movie that follows the creative crew that is Instruō.
In 2023 the company travelled to Berlin to present at the Superbooth trade show/festival.
At the time of these captured events, the expanded team at Instruō numbers 20+ personnel.
Pretty much the entire crew goes to Berlin as we show off who we are and what we make.
This is a look behind the scenes of a Eurorack modular synthesiser manufacturer as they present at the world's best Synth-show!

Directed by Mathew Pieraccini
Edited by Jasōn H. J. Lim

"This 'documentary' is the beginning of a new form of content that I'm (Jasōn) working on in parallel to the endless stream of new instruments that we're developing.
It's a long time since it was just myself working solo back in the early days of Instruō
I now have the privilege of working with some of the most fun and creative people I've ever met.
We collaborate now as a creative coop. My hope is to showcase more who we are, what we're doing and how things work at the workshop here in Glasgow.
I've always been a fan of behind the scenes content so my plan is to open thing up a bit to showcase my collaborators and what they do inside and outside of roles at Instruō"

00:00:00 prologue
00:01:22 Instruōduction
00:02:05 THE TEAM ASSEMBLES, Glasgow 2023-05-08
00:03:02 BUS
00:03:40 Road Trip (UK)

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Instruō Superbooth23: THE MOVIE (TRAILER)

video upload by Instruō

"This is a movie that follows the creative crew that is Instruō.
In 2023 the company travelled to Berlin to present at the Superbooth trade show/festival.
At the time of these captured events, the expanded team at Instruō numbers 20+ personnel.
Pretty much the entire crew goes to Berlin as we show off who we are and what we make.
This is a look behind the scenes of a Eurorack modular synthesiser manufacturer as they present at the world's best Synth-show!

Directed by Mathew Pieraccini
Edited by Jasōn H. J. Lim

"This 'documentary' is the beginning of a new form of content that I'm working on in parallel to the endless stream of new instruments that we're developing.
It's a long time since it was just myself working solo back in the early days of Instruō
I now have the privilege of working with some of the most fun and creative people I've ever met.
We collaborate now as a creative coop. My hope is to showcase more who we are, what we're doing and how things work at the workshop here in Glasgow.
I've always been a fan of behind the scenes content so my plan is to open thing up a bit to showcase my collaborators and what they do inside and outside of roles at Instruō"

Sunday, July 09, 2023

Instruō Lúbadh & Cš-L // Tape Looper as a Glitch Ambient Machine

video upload by Dexba

"This video follows the live stream from two days ago!
A single voice from the Instruo Cs-L is being fed four different sequences coming from the TipTop Buchla 245t, passing through the two mixers of the 257t, being once again mixed into the Instruo [1]f before entering the Instruo Harmonàig. A touch of reverb coming from the Strymon Starlab, and the recording stereo into the Lubadh, using both the decks.
Tape emulation is cranked up, as the input volume, to get all the tape flavour even while passing through, and after a good amount of recording, you will hear the modulations ready to mangle the tape, overlaying some glitchy madness to the otherwise relatively calm background.
I hope you'll enjoy it! 🧡"

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Mysterious Eurorack Modular Piece | Instruō Arbhar, Lubadh, Cruinn, Harmonaig, Lion, øchd |

video upload by Piotr Garbaczonek

"Thanks for watching!
Took a month off from making YouTube videos, and moved into a new space in Brooklyn, from where you'll see a lot more content coming soon. I have some cool videos planned for the summer, but instead of having a strict upload schedule, like I had for the past two years, I'll just focus on making good content, and release videos on a rolling basis, and not be bound to a specific deadline. Hopefully, I'll average a video per week, but some videos may take longer to plan/produce, so just letting y'all know."

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Instruō Arbhar and Säich // Granular Hulusi 葫芦丝

video upload by Dexba

"Here it is: I am coming out with my modular setup, constantly evolving, and heavily biased on the Instruo (or better: Instruō) side.
Very few modulation sources, since they're kinda hard to come by, and let's admit it: it is more fun buying stuff like Arbhar, Lubadh or even the Strymon Starlab, rather than splurging one thousand euros on some VCA. Or not?
Anyway, here I am back in the eurorack, and this time I am here to stay.
There will be a lot of educational videos too, especially focusing on the Buchla - Tip Top module series, and obviously Instruo too :)
Hope you'll enjoy, and be excited like I am!"

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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