video uploads by Vadjuse
This one was spotted and sent in via Meska.
1. Teaser. Kaleidoscope mimics a blip blop machine.
2. Teaser 2. Kaleidoscope mimics a boom-tysch machine.
Some raw drums exploration.3. Kaleidoscope. Reload Zone. Post-Apocalyptic Ambient.
In this video I experiment with the generative sequencer of the Kaleidoscope.4. Kaleidoscope. Hypnotic Resonance
The pattern is relatively simple:
1. VCA1 (which means it belongs to track 1) works in a cyclic mode, i.e. it restarts itself.
2. With its end it starts VCA2 (which means it belongs to track 2).
3. VCA2 modulates the period of VCA1, and VCA1 modulates the period of VCA2 (fm synthesis at the rhythm level). Because of this, the length of the pattern wanders a little and creates a pleasant dynamic.
4. Modulation envelope 1 (MODENV1) also works in a cyclic mode and restarts itself, but with a completely different period than the VCA1. This creates an additional rhythmic layer in the overall sound.
5. MODENV1 modulates the wavefolder level of track 2.
6. Track 1 modulates the frequency of track 2, and track 2 modulates the frequency of track 1.
7. All this is seasoned with a comb-filter in delay mode, which creates another rhythmic layer.
The presets for track 1 and track 2 used in this video can be downloaded and loaded into your Kaleidoscope. After the release of the synthesizer, I will publish these and other patches so that you can play with them and modify them yourself.
On the home stretch, Kaleidoscope will be released soon.
On the video new PCB version with
typeC plug
4 channel DAC
improved encoder filtering section
In this video I experiment with a relatively simple patch.
The cyclic modulator changes the symmetry of the triangle wave. From a symmetrical triangle to a saw. This changes the spectrum.
As a result, the filter resonance periodically amplifies individual harmonics. The filter frequency is modulated by the volume envelope.
Since the filter frequencies can be precisely tuned to the MIDI note frequencies, the modulation results in all the natural harmonics of only one octave being cycled through. This makes it seem like there is some kind of sequence in the patch, although in fact there is none - it's just a native process.
At high resonance values, the signal is overloaded in the filter feedback circuit.
The signal is also additionally overloaded in the overdrive block.
All this gets into the comb filter, which works as an echo.
I've been glued to this patch for about a day, which makes me a little sick of it, but I still like it.