MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for ANS

Showing posts sorted by relevance for query ANS. Sort by date Show all posts
Showing posts sorted by relevance for query ANS. Sort by date Show all posts

Friday, May 07, 2010

206 - Two Juno-106s in Custom Case

flickr by alanmdicker

via Kerry

Update via Alan: "I had bought the second Juno for parts to fix the first but on closer inspection the second Juno was actually in better condition that the first. I had tried linking them up with midi as the Juno outputs sysex messages for all its parameters so you can control one from another and then I thought why not stick them together and have one awesome synth rather than one and a bit broken ones.
got the wood for the base from the local hardware store and placed all the PCBs inside and mounted them as they are mounted in the original only one behind the other. fix a foil grounding sheet to the wood also and then joined the digital earths from both machines together over the CPU board where I also hardwired the midi out to in from the master unit to the slave unit and looped back again for midi dumps from both machine I have diodes in that circuit so theres no data loops or messages going the wrong way thats then weird two one midi board on the rear on the new case in out through. I had to hardwire a couple of the mod wheel parameters over the two module boards and I also moved the tune pots from the rear to sit up on top along with a volume knob for the slave unit. so I can detune the two synths. the slave units chorus on the audio board has been deactivated and the dry mono signal now runs through the same audio board ans the master sharing the same chorus. I though two lots of chorus would sound far to messy. You can control the slave unit from the master units font panel together or program the slave unit separately. Or control just the master units controls by selecting from the three different program modes on the rear switch. each unit can still have its own midi channel and so can be used as a bi timbrel synth or a fatter twin osc machine on the same midi channel. You can load programs from the master to the slave unit but not back the other way but the tape input and outputs can load to your selected devices from the same jacks as all rear jacks are wired over each other from the two audio boards. The twin power supply share the same power switch and what else.... Oh yeah it sounds massive ;o) I like to create complementary patches for front and back for example I have one kick sound on the front and a bass patch on the slave units and for another I have the filter set up the same way only inverse on the Slave unit to make a vocal sounding patch.. Here is a recording I made a while back of it. Still a few tweaks need doing never finished and I intend to make a better looking case for it one day. Thanks for the interest guys. Not sequential but still very nice. Alan"

Update: video here.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Doepfer Half Monster Modular and Serge Blue fun Station

Published on Aug 9, 2013 belempa1·11 videos

"Aprés bientôt 3 ans de déménagement , et quelques modulaires en moins . Il fallait réapprendre un peu la synthèse analogique :-) .
2 patchs , un avec le Serge et les 16 pas du séquenceur . Beaucoup de modulations typiques aux grandes possibilités de synthèse du Blue Fun Station .
Et le Doepfer pour la petite rythmique .

Depois de quase 3 anos de mudança , e alguns modular a menos.
Teve que reaprender a síntese analógica :)
Dois sons, um com o Serge e 16 etapas do sequenciador .
 Muitas modulações típicas , do grande potencial da síntese do Blue Fun Station .

E o Doepfer para a pequena rítmica.

After almost 3 years of moving , and some modular less .
 He had to relearn some analog synthesis :) .

Two patches , one with Serge and 16 steps sequencer . 
Many typical modulations , with great potential for the synthesis of Blue Fun Station .

And Doepfer for small rhythmic.
( Google Tranlate )."

Monday, April 10, 2023

SynTesla IX Custom synthesizer - DIY synthesizer

video upload by Pj Tardiveau

"My home made synthesizer dedicated to pads ans strings.. check it out!"

See the SynTesla label below for more.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Advance Instruments H1E LF Valve Oscillator SN 1527

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
Published on Nov 25, 2016 orangecoals

"1st part -- just pure tones of unit - straight into soundcard

2nd part - straight into soundcard - through filter plugin and delay plugin

3rd part - are 3 overdubs -- using 2 overdubbed sounds to make a chord and the third playing with the pitch through small stone phaser guitar pedal and some spring reverb."

via this auction

Wednesday, March 18, 2020


Published on Dec 25, 2019 KurtzMindfields


1. ELECTRONICAZZ PART 1 - Wired Jan (official video)
New project for april 2020, back to electro-jazz flavors!
Recorded at Studio Nuage7 - Domaine de Sourzy -
Live Session réalisation: Raphaël Vezzosi & Théodore Schlumberger.
Keyboards: NRSynth Retro One, ARP Pro-Soloist, OBmx, Moog Sub37, S.Electronics SE1 (Synthbass), Roland A90 (Hammond), Rhodes MKI, Walforf Zarembourg( Clavinets), EMU Longboard 61 (Brass Pad) & drums programming
Extract from coming album Electronicazz
Music Jean-luc Briançon (Kurtz Mindfields)
2. Electronicazz part 3 - Giorgio (official vidéo)
first extract from the new coming album ELECTRONICAZZ (april 2020)
back to electro-jazz flavors with analog gear.
Somes sounds are inspired by mister Moroder ....
3. Electronicazz part 2: The NRsynth studio session
Extract from the session at NRSynth place (Clones analog synth créator: ).

Ancestor 1 = ARP 2600, Ancestor 2 = Moog Modulaire sequences, Ancestor 3 = minimoogD, Yocto = TR808. Rhodes across analog Tri Chorus ans Phaser.
Title "The Last Ride".

Monday, October 12, 2020

Forms - Screen Ensemble

Forms - Screen Ensemble from Playmodes Studio on Vimeo.

This one reminds me of a virtual ANS meets tracker. Details and pics follow:

"Forms -Screen Ensemble- is a generative visual music jukebox. Driven by chance and probability, this automata creates endless, unrepeatable graphic scores that are immediately transformed into sound by means of sonification algorithms. Images become sound spectrums, making it possible to -literally- hear what you see. The dream of Kandinski.

Each screen of this networked ensemble plays a particular instrumental role: Rhythm, Harmony or Texture.

Performed by this trio of automats, a visual music symphony evolves over time giving birth to unique sonic landscapes that will never be repeated again: from tonal ambient music to raging rhythms, surreal electronic passages or dance-floor beats.

Forms - Screen Ensemble was presented at 2020's edition of Ars Electronica festival in Barcelona, thanks to a grant given by NewArtFoundation, Institut Ramón Llull and


Sunday, January 02, 2022

Loumavox Mystery Forgotten Synth is a Fake After All

Loumavox : Révélations video upload by Loumavox

Follow-up to this post. Should have saved it for April fools.

Googlish (original French below):

"So here it is, it's over, off the masks. You've been looking, you may have found. Like us for over two years now.

The story of Louise and the Loumavox, this is the most beautiful of stories: an idea imagined by two young girls who firmly believed that a little Moselle girl helped by her brother could have revolutionized the history of electronic music, almost exclusively reserved for men, with her campaign. their teacher and their class ended up believing it too.

We all dreamed it together and we told our dream. Made, built, tinkered between two or three confinements and re-confinements with the help of a mad scientist of sound, a patient director and a few enthusiastic accomplices.

The Loumavox exists, we have met it. Ok, it is not that old but it has already matured well and he sings like no one else!
As for Louise, something tells us that she is no longer very far from us."


"Alors voilà, c’est fini, bas les masques. Vous avez cherché, vous avez peut-être trouvé. Comme nous depuis plus de deux ans maintenant.

L’histoire de Louise et du Loumavox, c’est la plus belle des histoires : une idée imaginée par deux jeunes filles qui croyaient dur comme fer qu’une petite mosellane aidée par son frère aurait pu révolutionner de sa campagne l’histoire de la musique électronique, presqu’exclusivement réservée aux hommes. Et leur prof et leur classe ont fini par y croire aussi.

Nous l’avons tous rêvé ensemble et nous avons raconté notre rêve. Fabriqué, construit, bricolé entre deux ou trois confinements et reconfinements avec l’aide d’un savant fou de son, d’un réalisateur patient et de quelques complices enthousiastes.

Le Loumavox existe, nous l’avons rencontré. Ok, il n’est pas si vieux que ça mais il a déjà bien muri et il chante comme personne !
Quant à Louise, quelque chose nous dit qu’elle n’est désormais plus très loin de nous."

Monday, February 19, 2024

Exploring the New studio #6 Glitch ambiance

video upload by Meska

"Another teste of the new studio, glitch ambiance :
Gotharman's zybraz sampled by the OT
Drums by gotharman's LD3
noise effect is live sampled instrument throught typhoon ans warps vocodeur
lonely note Softpop2
crakle sound diferent flavour of noise to planard2 to ikarie filter.

Thank you for watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly "dark and expérimental" music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with.

You can stream my albums and EPs at

If you'd like to support the channel​ consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"

Saturday, December 24, 2016

23 12 16 Pittsburgh Analog Replicator & Bugbrand DRM1

Published on Dec 24, 2016 batchas

"Some excerpts of the last session in 3 parts, using mostly Pittsburgh Analog Replicator and Bugbrand DRM1 driven by Pittsburgh Timetable in the second part.

Until 0:17 = first part is how the patch started. how it surprisingly did sound after I powered on the systems.
0:18-0:54 = second part is a sweet spot I stumbled on while playing ans changing settings to find a sound I liked. I loop it here quickly to make it more noticeable.
From 0:55 on = last part. End of the session.

If you compare the beginning with the end of the session you’ll see how I got lost so to say :)
Did not really matter as it’s always fun, but the original idea was to develop the first part!"

Monday, May 17, 2021

Why is the Roland JUNO-106 still so popular?

video by synthlegends

"In this video you listen only to Roland JUNO-106 sounds (Multitrackdemo also including drums). I used to own a JUNO-106 several years ago, then sold it, because I also have a JUNO-60. After some time I missed it and decided to buy another JUNO-106. The Reasons are:
1. it sounds different from the JUNO-60 (there is another filter)
2. it has great MIDI functions to implement it in a modern setup
3. it has portamento
4. the self resonance is really outstanding for technoid sounds
5. three Key Modes, including unison mode, which is easer to access but it sounds only useful for drums ans industrial bases
6. it's perfect sounding in a mix and a great production tool
7. it has a broad sound palette and is useful for modern styles
8. it's great for drums and bass

The JUNO-60 has got an arpeggiator, the 106 not. So what, in a recording session I use it from my DAW or an external one. For Jamming with a drummashine without computer, the JUNO-60 makes more fun.

So I decided that the JUNO-60 is great sounding, but not a substitute for a JUNO-106.

The reasons, why it is still so popular are:
1. It always sounds great and it has a wide sweet spot
2. It is simple to program
3. It covers a range of 80 to 90 % of all bread and butter sounds you really need
4. It is capable of a lot of genres, italo disco, 80-ies pop, electro, techno, house and much more"

You can find one for sale here

Friday, January 29, 2010

Music for Crumar Bit01 by Fabrizio Marzi

"8 track, 43 min. of original music played with a Crumar Bit01 only." You can listen to it here.

Also on

"New Manual and schems available about Elka OMB5 Ita, Elka 707 German, Siel Cruise Manual, Farfisa SyntOrchestra Schems. New Pics of CRB Computer Drum, Elgam Sapphire Deluxe, Excelsior Drum, Farfisa Mini Compact, Crumar OMB, Welson Symphony ans SuperMatic S12 Drum."

Sunday, January 10, 2021

06 01 21 Ace Tone FR-6 and BugBrand modular [01]


"First time patching the FR-6 since I repaired it and modified it.
Since I recorded this video I cleaned it ans added knobs. Looks really great now!
And I'll paint the grey panel in black soon."

Saturday, February 09, 2019

SynthFest France 2019 Set for June 7 - 9

SynthFest France 2019 - Tombola Vintage

Published on Feb 9, 2019 SynthFest France

Un Yamaha CS20M pour 10€ !

SynthFest France is set for June 7-9, 2019.

"Le SynthFest France 2019 (6ème édition) se tiendra à Nantes du vendredi 7 juin au dimanche 9 juin 2019. Comme les années passées, beaucoup d’exposants seront présents. Le SynthFest France accueillant toujours plus de visiteurs au fil des éditions, 3 concerts sont organisés cette année, comme en 2018. Des show-cases en journée seront également programmés afin de permettre à toutes et à tous de venir voir et d’écouter un maximum d’artistes. Merci au public déjà fidèle qui fait le déplacement à Nantes tous les ans et sans qui le SynthFest n’existerait pas, et bienvenu aux nouveaux. Venez nombreux !"


"The SynthFest France 2019 (6th edition) will be held in Nantes from Friday, June 7 to Sunday, June 9, 2019. As in past years, many exhibitors will be present. The SynthFest France welcomes more visitors over the years, 3 concerts are organized this year, as in 2018. Showcases during the day will also be scheduled to allow everyone to come and see and listen to as much as possible. artists. Thank you to the already faithful public who make the trip to Nantes every year and without whom the SynthFest would not exist, and welcome to the new ones. Come many!"

Thursday, November 25, 2010

RIP Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson

Sad news in via

"We are saddened to announce the death of Peter Christopherson.

Sleazy passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 24th November 2010 at his home in Bankok."

Image via The Wire
Photograph by Leon Chew

Below via @chris_carter

He will be greatly missed.
His influence will live on.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Vinate Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe Part IV, live. (better image & sound)

YouTube via Nimanty | October 05, 2010
Note the custom sequencer on top of the Eminent 310
"Jean Michel Jarre performing Equinoxe Part IV, live in concert.
Images slightly enhanced (contrast, color ans sharpness) and sound remastered for improved clearity and stereo imaging.

Detail: it seems obvious that Jarre is not playing live but insstead playbacks the session. On 2:00 for example he seems to dial knobs randomly without result.
On 1:37 he clearly is not in sync with the actual phrase of the track (playing more notes). Enjoy this classic footage of Jarre. - Nimanty -"

And a couple of teasers from the man himself on an upcoming London performance that will be on UStream.

YouTube via jeanmicheljarre | October 05, 2010

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Tom Richard's Mini-Oramics Machine Based on Daphne Orams

Mini-Oramics Medley from Tom Richards on Vimeo.

"Early experiments with Mini-Oramics from composers Ain Bailey, James Bulley and Jo Thomas"

The video above should give you an idea of what it does. In short it reads what is drawn on the transparent sheet and generates audio through hardware. You can see an image of the hardware further below. The implementation reminds me of the ANS.

I spotted this one on the BBC website which has the following to say:

"An electronic sequencer and synthesizer has been built based on designs produced over 40 years ago by electronic music pioneer Daphne Oram.

Daphne Oram who died in 2003, co-founded the BBC Radiophonic workshop and developed a system of creating sounds and compositions using drawings.

The 'Mini Oramics' machine is thought to have remained unfinished in Daphne Oram's own lifetime, but experts argue that its approach to composition and performance would have been influential.

Tom Richards, the researcher who finally constructed the Mini Oramics, told The World At One it helped answer the question "what if this had come to pass in 1973?"

There has been quite a bit posted on Daphne Oram and Oramics here on MATRIXSYNTH over the years, so click through either link to dig deeper. Now would also be a good time to post a reminder on the Kickstarter Campaign to Republish Daphne Oram's "An Individual Note: of Music, Sound and Electronics".

The following images are from John Lely's website, posted on April 8, 2016.

"First full day working with Tom Richards’ Mini-Oramics machine, a device for drawing sound, based on the work of Daphne Oram. Here is a link to Tom’s videos of construction and early trials."

Note the hardware synth engine that is driven by the optical reader.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Superbooth 22: Silhouette - Silhouette Eins Synthesizer

video upload by sonicstate

"After many years of development, Pete at Silhouette presents his highly unique Silhouette-Eins synthesizer.

Each one is hand-built, and it uses a camera to convert images, or even video into waveforms that can be further shaped by the front panel and touch pad. It calls to mind the rare ANS or Oramics synths of the past but with bang up to date technology.

Available to order now. Price 3,800 euro"

See the Przygodda label below for more.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Roland ProMars Compuphonic MRS-2 (fully restored and serviced) with Original Box

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

Pic of the inside below.

"Promars entièrement révisé :
- les condensateurs électro chimiques ont quasiment été tous changés (Alim, carte contrôleur et Carte OSC)
- de nombreux CMOS ont étés remplacés
- la batterie de sauvegarde des patchs a été remplacée
- les flancs d’origine ont étés remplacés par des neufs en Noyer massif huilé
- le clavier a été réglé
- Synthé entièrement calibré et accordé

Tout fonctionne parfaitement.
Les potentiomètres et les sliders ne crachent pas, les mémoires de patch et les présets fonctionnent, accord parfait.
A noter quelques marques d'usures normales pour une machine de 35 ans.
Modèle 220V

Totalement révisé, il est bon pour de nombreuses années de bon et loyaux services."

"Fully serviced Promars :
- most of the condensers were replaced (Power board, control board, OSC)
- lot off CMOS were replaced
- patch memory accumulator was replaced
- original “wood” side replaced by real massive oiled walnut side
- keyboard fully revised
- synth fully tuned and calibrated

In fully working order and good cosmetic condition.
Some light scratches to be notified, but nothing exceptional for a 35 year old synth…
Pots and switches moves without any cracks or noises, memory function also works as it should, tune is perfect.
220V version for european market. To use it with 110V you will need a voltage converter not included in this sale.

Fully serviced and ready for years of problem-free use."

Sunday, October 06, 2013

A synthesizer and an application

Published on Oct 6, 2013 ryouichi harada·37 videos

MS-20mini monotribe
iPad modular
iPhone Virtual ANS [iTunes]

KORG MS20 Minis on eBay
Minibrutes on eBay

Saturday, January 16, 2016

ROLAND JUPITER 8 // the ORIGINAL // Synth Quest 9 Answer // 2nd Part

Published on Jan 16, 2016 LESINDES

"So this is the answer of the End Of The Year's Synth Quest PART 2 now. I really don't know what took you so long to answer it folks ;-) since it is one of the big absolute references ans there had been always the color hint -- what synth features blue, green, yellow, orange and red and white??"

Part 1 here.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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