MATRIXSYNTH: Search results for ANS

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Showing posts sorted by date for query ANS. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2013

Virtual ANS: Drawing the Music on iPad (with MIDI Keyboard)

Published on Sep 19, 2013

"Virtual ANS is a software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS - photoelectronic microtonal/spectral musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1938 to 1958.
The app is cross-platform and available for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and OSX.
More info:"

See the ANS label below and scroll for info and demos of the original ANS.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Virtual ANS - New Cross Platform Synthesizer From the Creator of Sunvox

Published on Sep 19, 2013 Alexander Zolotov·113 videos

"Virtual ANS is a software simulator of the unique Russian synthesizer ANS - photoelectronic microtonal/spectral musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1938 to 1958.
The app is cross-platform and available for iOS, Android, Windows, Linux and OSX.
More info:"

Virtual ANS: Intro
Virtual ANS: Sound to Image and Vice Versa
Virtual ANS: Image to Sound Conversion
Virtual ANS Universe
Virtual ANS Live Jam: iPad + Android Phone + Monotribe

Update: If you are not familiar with the ANS, be sure to see this post. It is an incredible pice of synth history. "The ANS synthesizer is a photoelectronic musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1937 to 1957..." Also see the ANS label below.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Doepfer Half Monster Modular and Serge Blue fun Station

Published on Aug 9, 2013 belempa1·11 videos

"Aprés bientôt 3 ans de déménagement , et quelques modulaires en moins . Il fallait réapprendre un peu la synthèse analogique :-) .
2 patchs , un avec le Serge et les 16 pas du séquenceur . Beaucoup de modulations typiques aux grandes possibilités de synthèse du Blue Fun Station .
Et le Doepfer pour la petite rythmique .

Depois de quase 3 anos de mudança , e alguns modular a menos.
Teve que reaprender a síntese analógica :)
Dois sons, um com o Serge e 16 etapas do sequenciador .
 Muitas modulações típicas , do grande potencial da síntese do Blue Fun Station .

E o Doepfer para a pequena rítmica.

After almost 3 years of moving , and some modular less .
 He had to relearn some analog synthesis :) .

Two patches , one with Serge and 16 steps sequencer . 
Many typical modulations , with great potential for the synthesis of Blue Fun Station .

And Doepfer for small rhythmic.
( Google Tranlate )."

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


Published on May 15, 2013 RADIOKLOW·85 videos

"Schopfung is a collective work of electroacoustic music and video I conceived with the students of Philosophy and Electronic Music Workshop I created and have been supervising for two years in Lycée Edouard Herriot of Lyon. This work explores the question of natural and artistic beauty through music and image ans is based on a famous meditation of Hegel about this problem in his Aesthetics."

Some additional details including the synths used throughout the piece via Marc-Henri:

"As it vas programed, the students and I presented our work during a performance monday evening at 17h30 at the theatre of our High School (Lycée Edouard Herriot, in the city of Lyon).

We divided the performance in various pats : a first piece of music and video you will find here, a first live improvised set, a second video and music piece (Hadikat Raja XXI you already know because the students thought it fitted with our theme) and a last short improvised set. The live sets will be presented apart un a single video.

Here is the collective work of music and video by which we began.

Is is called Schopfung (Creation) un reference to Haydn's oratorio, Die Schopfung,(The Creation). Our them was the question of natural and artistic beauty after the mediations of Hegel about it in his Aesthetics. The idea of a link between this philosophical program and the concept of creation was suggested to us by fabulous recordings of electromagnetic waves from the solar system planets achieved by Voyager I and II during the seventies.

We used natural recorded sounds, various synths, and voices of two student girls members of the group.

Here is the approximative timetable of our various sound and music tracks. (All sounds except the natural sounds and the girls voices and the Bulgarian voices of Voices of Passion by Eastwest ,are original creations of the various instruments - when a sound, natural of coming out a synth or a natural voice is treated by the GRM Tools, I always give this precision)

I send you my best friendly regards,

0:30-4:50 : A deep bass group of sounds which are recordings of electromagnetic waves by Voyager I and II

Little Phatty : 01:28-01:50, 03:53-04:20 : ring like sounds

01-31-2:20 and 3:49-04:00 : PPG Wave 2V software of the Waldorf suite

02:26-03:48 : Filtatron of Moog various sounds including sparkle and rings like sounds

04:50-08:34 : all sounds by the Virus TI

08:35-09:00 : fire natural sound

08:55-09:42 Virus TI sounds

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Moog attitude by Frank Herrgott

Published on Nov 4, 2012 by Frank Herrgott

"I just bought the Moog Voyager (rack version) and was very enthusiastic about the sound. I did this demo to share some of the sonic possibilities of this beast. I use only the sounds of the moog voyager and did use only verbs, Eqs, compressors ans delays as effects. I also mention that it is the first timle that I use Adobe Premiere (video editor), it's a great soft.Thanks for passing by, see you soon on the net.... and have fun with the Moog Attitude! Frank Herrgott"

Tuesday, October 16, 2012



"This optoelectronic hurdy-gurdy was commission by the Acces(s) Festival, Pau France in October 2012.

TONEWHEELS is an experiment in converting graphical imagery to sound, inspired by some of the pioneering 20th Century electronic music inventions, such as the Light-Tone Organ (Edwin Emil Welte, 1936 Germany), the ANS Synthesizer (Evgeny Murzin, 1958 USSR), and the Oramics system (Daphne Oram, 1959 UK). Transparent tonewheels with repeating patterns are spun over light-sensitive electronic circuitry similar to that used in 16 & 35mm motion picture projectors to produce sound.

The TONEWHEELS Hurdy-Gurdy presented at Acces(s) is not an "interactive" artwork in the common sense. While it does not reward the impatient museum visitor with flashing lights and noises at the simple touch of the button, it does invite participation in the process of technological music creation. Although it first appears to be a very traditional instrument known to many folk-music cultures, it functions in a very different way which can only be discovered by playing it.

The artist would like to thank Tobias Traub of Oroborus Customs e.K. and Carlo Crovato for their invaluable assistance in creating this instrument. Circuits designed by Jessica Rylan and Eric Archer are also used within the system.

More information on this project can be found at"

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

40 ans d'electro avec Jean-Michel Jarre

YouTube Published on May 15, 2012 by adnmusic
Some synth spotting with Jean-Michel Jarre

"Entrée Libre 15 mai 2012"

Monday, March 12, 2012

Unique Soviet Synth ANS (BBC The Soundhunter 4)

YouTube Uploaded by toitoitoy on Oct 27, 2011

See Eduard Artemyev, Coil, and the ANS Synthesizer for quite a bit more.

"The Soundhunter
4 March 2006
Saturday 4 March 2006 5:45-6:00 (Radio 4 FM)

Isobel Clouter goes on an epic quest around the globe in search of disappearing sounds. 4/5.

Isobel is in Russia hearing about painted sound experiments and learning about early musical inventors.

More info"

BBC Radio's The Sound Hunter and the ANS Machine

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Synth Spotting in Brian Comnes Studio

Don't miss the pic of the back of the rack below for some spaghetti wires.

"Oberheim Matrix1000
Novation Bass Station Rack
Evolver with rack unit for 5 total voices
Kawai k5000r
Novation Drum Station
MAM Warp 9 filter
EHX Bi-filter
Next (MAM) Res-30 resonant fillter
16 stereo port submixer (2 ranes SM82s)
BiAmp SR240 stereo spring reverb (killer)
xoxBox (#150)
APC40 ans Ableton Live
Sequential Circuits TOM
OTO Buscuit
Audible Disease Infection 2
Korg ER1
Alesis AirFX
Flight of Harmony Quad Plaque Bearer
Moog MP201 CV/MIDI pedal
several Moogerfoogers
a GI20 MIDI guitar interface fed by a RogerLinn Adrenalinn III

not in the pic are my Metasonix and Frostwave toys

The monitors are Genelecs. the subwoofer is some cheap thing and the monitor on the wall is the recording PC"

Friday, July 01, 2011

АНС - ANS Synth In Action - Video & Audio of the Rare ANS

YouTube Uploaded by lgmusiclgmusic on Jul 1, 2011 ANS audio at 5:21.

"Станислав Крейчи исполняет картину Светланы Богатырь на синтезаторе АНС.
Москва, музей Глинки, 1 июля 2011."

"Stanislav Krejci now plays Svetlana Hercules synthesizer ANS.
Moscow, Glinka Museum, July 1, 2011."

This one in via ::vtol:: See the ANS label below for more.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Tarkovsky's 1972 Solaris Soundtrack Featuring Rare ANS Synthesizer

The soundtrack to Tarkovsky's Solaris is now available for download on Root Strata here. via Wikipedia:

"The ANS was used by Stanislav Kreichi, Alfred Schnittke, Edison Denisov, Sofia Gubaidulina and other Soviet composers. Edward Artemiev wrote many of his scores to the movies of Andrei Tarkovsky with the help of the ANS. Notably is Artemiev's score to Tarkovsky's Solaris in which the ANS was used to abstract, sci-fi effect.[1]"

See this post for more info on the ANS Synthesizer and it's history. See the ANS label for additional posts.

Solaris on Amazon

Bottom pic: The ANS at the Theremin Center (February, 2006)

Thursday, November 25, 2010

RIP Peter "Sleazy" Christopherson

Sad news in via

"We are saddened to announce the death of Peter Christopherson.

Sleazy passed away peacefully in his sleep on the 24th November 2010 at his home in Bankok."

Image via The Wire
Photograph by Leon Chew

Below via @chris_carter

He will be greatly missed.
His influence will live on.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Vinate Jean Michel Jarre - Equinoxe Part IV, live. (better image & sound)

YouTube via Nimanty | October 05, 2010
Note the custom sequencer on top of the Eminent 310
"Jean Michel Jarre performing Equinoxe Part IV, live in concert.
Images slightly enhanced (contrast, color ans sharpness) and sound remastered for improved clearity and stereo imaging.

Detail: it seems obvious that Jarre is not playing live but insstead playbacks the session. On 2:00 for example he seems to dial knobs randomly without result.
On 1:37 he clearly is not in sync with the actual phrase of the track (playing more notes). Enjoy this classic footage of Jarre. - Nimanty -"

And a couple of teasers from the man himself on an upcoming London performance that will be on UStream.

YouTube via jeanmicheljarre | October 05, 2010

Friday, May 07, 2010

206 - Two Juno-106s in Custom Case

flickr by alanmdicker

via Kerry

Update via Alan: "I had bought the second Juno for parts to fix the first but on closer inspection the second Juno was actually in better condition that the first. I had tried linking them up with midi as the Juno outputs sysex messages for all its parameters so you can control one from another and then I thought why not stick them together and have one awesome synth rather than one and a bit broken ones.
got the wood for the base from the local hardware store and placed all the PCBs inside and mounted them as they are mounted in the original only one behind the other. fix a foil grounding sheet to the wood also and then joined the digital earths from both machines together over the CPU board where I also hardwired the midi out to in from the master unit to the slave unit and looped back again for midi dumps from both machine I have diodes in that circuit so theres no data loops or messages going the wrong way thats then weird two one midi board on the rear on the new case in out through. I had to hardwire a couple of the mod wheel parameters over the two module boards and I also moved the tune pots from the rear to sit up on top along with a volume knob for the slave unit. so I can detune the two synths. the slave units chorus on the audio board has been deactivated and the dry mono signal now runs through the same audio board ans the master sharing the same chorus. I though two lots of chorus would sound far to messy. You can control the slave unit from the master units font panel together or program the slave unit separately. Or control just the master units controls by selecting from the three different program modes on the rear switch. each unit can still have its own midi channel and so can be used as a bi timbrel synth or a fatter twin osc machine on the same midi channel. You can load programs from the master to the slave unit but not back the other way but the tape input and outputs can load to your selected devices from the same jacks as all rear jacks are wired over each other from the two audio boards. The twin power supply share the same power switch and what else.... Oh yeah it sounds massive ;o) I like to create complementary patches for front and back for example I have one kick sound on the front and a bass patch on the slave units and for another I have the filter set up the same way only inverse on the Slave unit to make a vocal sounding patch.. Here is a recording I made a while back of it. Still a few tweaks need doing never finished and I intend to make a better looking case for it one day. Thanks for the interest guys. Not sequential but still very nice. Alan"

Update: video here.

Sunday, March 07, 2010


via this auction
"Make insane analog effect loops, cool phrases, fat basslines or crazy percusion rhythms, change the sound in real time by tweeking the knobs on stage or in studio or connect it to your favorite effects (delay, flange, etc, etc)and create a wide sort of rhytm textures and soundscapes with this beautiful lighted analog sequencer synth box... And now create 16-step patterns ans save them in it's internal non-volatile memory, switch between the patterns while playing in real time and sync it to any midi device like a drumbox midi sequencer or computer and play live!!!

The instrument is powered directly from 110V or 220V AC. Dimensions: 167mm(W), 216mm(D), 83mm(H. incuded rubber feet and knobs)

The Medussa synth features:
one analog square and saw waveform VCO (voltage controled oscillator) with a huge pitch range, from subsonic to ultrasonic sound.

Glide module to add a portamento effect to the VCO.

One Low-pass vactrol based VCF (voltage controled filter)with cutoff and resonance controls and whith a decay knob which controls the cutoff parameter.

The Medussa features a 16 step analog-style sequencer.

Non-volatile internal memory to storage 3 sessions of 4 patterns each (while playing you can swith between the patterns in real time).

LCD blue back-ligthed display (very useful on dark stages).

5 buttons and pitch knob to control the sequencer (play/stop, cursor + and -, Ok and back buttons for intuitive control)

1/4 inch audio output, and a MIDI input to sync the Medussa with any midi device that sends midi clock signals, the Medussa can be synchronized at 1/4, 1/2, 1 and 2 times the tempo of the master clock midi device.

The instrument is ligthed with one ultra bright led that illuminates the panel layout and one ultra bright led to indicate the step that is being played, also very usefull (and nice) in dark stages.

The Medussa is packed in a cool laser cut clear acrilic case that shows all the hand made analog circuitry. It includes the power cord and user manual."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Music for Crumar Bit01 by Fabrizio Marzi

"8 track, 43 min. of original music played with a Crumar Bit01 only." You can listen to it here.

Also on

"New Manual and schems available about Elka OMB5 Ita, Elka 707 German, Siel Cruise Manual, Farfisa SyntOrchestra Schems. New Pics of CRB Computer Drum, Elgam Sapphire Deluxe, Excelsior Drum, Farfisa Mini Compact, Crumar OMB, Welson Symphony ans SuperMatic S12 Drum."

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Eduard Artemyev, Coil, and the ANS Synthesizer - Udpate

You can find a translation of the bottom two videos via Mr. Array in this post.

Eduard Artemyev, Coil, and the ANS Synthesizer

Mr. Array wrote in after coming across this gem. "I think the original score was written in the 70's, so the photos of the Emulator and such are a bit anachronistic. Cool track. This theme was later remixed in 2001 by the group PPK"

Eduard Artemyev - Siberiade theme

YouTube via gobodrodiont

"Эдуард Артемьев - музыка к фильму Сибириада"
"Eduard Artemiev - music for the film Sibiriada"

After a little digging Mr. Array found an interesting bit of history regarding Eduard Artemyev. He was one of the few composers that used the ANS Synthesizer.

Regarding the ANS via Wikipedia [per GNU Free Documentation License]: "The ANS synthesizer is a photoelectronic musical instrument created by Russian engineer Evgeny Murzin from 1937 to 1957. The technological basis of his invention was the method of photo-optic sound recording used in cinematography (developed in Russia concurrently with America), which made it possible to obtain a visible image of a sound wave, as well as to realize the opposite goal - synthesizing a sound from an artificially drawn sound wave.

In this case the sine waves generated by the ANS are printed onto five glass discs using a process which Murzin (an optical engineer) had to develop himself. Each disc has 144 individual tracks printed onto it, producing a total of 720 microtones (discrete pitches) available to the user. These are arranged vertically from low frequencies at the bottom to high frequencies at the top. The convolved light is then projected onto the back of the synthesizer's interface.

This consists of a glass plate covered in opaque black "mastic" which constitutes a drawing surface upon which the user makes marks by scratching through the mastic, and therefore allowing light to pass through at that point. In front of the glass plate sits a vertical bank of photocells which send signals to band-pass amplifiers, each with dB trim switches.

The glass plate can then be scanned left or right in front of the photocell bank in order to transcribe the drawing directly into pitches. In other words, it plays what you draw. This process can be aided with a step geared motor drive (strangely similar to an engineering lathe) or can be performed manually. The speed at which the score scans has no relation to pitch, but serves only as a means of controlling duration. The ANS is completely polyphonic and will generate up to all 720 of its pitches simultaneously if required.

Monday, March 17, 2008


via this auction
"CEM5530 Synth Part,30 channel Sample and Hold multiplexer. These are extremely rare I.C.'s. This is a new part,(not used or pulled from a synth). This part is found in the Prophet VS,Studio 440,Keytek etc... I have other CEM ans SSM parts available as well."
You can find a pdf for the chip on MOTM's CEM chip page.

Monday, February 18, 2008


No, that's not the actual drum machine, but an image in the Roboterwerke.pdf. Keep reading...
via Hajo:
"In about 1982, I had contact to Dieter Kolb, the guy behind the drummachine „ROBOTERWERKE“. As an attachment I did scan the original leaflat from this time. As I know, there were only a few machines build:

- Klaus Doldinger had one
- Tangerine Dream used one
- SUPERSEMPPFT aka Roboterwerke used it intensely

Go for you will find more informations. I can recommend all the LP, absoluteley perfect EM music, a bit Kraftwerk, a bit Tangerine Dream ans some Samba and Disco influences. At all, perfectly arranged.

Greating from secret Duesseldorf
Thanks Hajo! You can find the scan here.

Update via Hajo (see image below as well):
"to complete the information:
- the whole project was called WUNDERWERKE (Wonderworks)
- the machine was called ROBOTERWERKE
- the main person in the whole story was the frog „SUPERSEMPFFT“
- thei frog was smoking grass all time and made funny thinks
o look for SUPERSEMPFFT in the WEB, also YOUTUBE
o Dieter Kolb and Franz Aumüller, arranged a 6 Minute movie about the frog ( I have it here)
o A short version with totally different music will be found in YOUTUBE

- The www.WUNDERWERKE. DE Webside is off for a while, it was too funny !!!"

Supersempfft - I'm Gonna Make You Big My Friend
YouTube via Zrix1000
"Video footage from 1982 with the original track from the 1978 album Roboterwerke"

I did a quick search as suggested by Hajo and found this scan here. Do a search on the web including image search and you will find more.

Update via BirdFLU in the comments:
"If you don't want to pay 90 euros for an album before hearing it, you can hear some 30 second samples here"

Update 3/5/2008:

More info via Hajo:
"Franz Aumüller from Roboterwerke
By: Ryan Chimney

Q: To start, explain Wunderwerke. A website, a record label, a production studio.. or all of the above ?

Wunderwerke is a multimedia company that is producing music,videos,events, and magazines since 1978 when it was founded by Franz Aumüller and Dieter Kolb. FA is managing director. It is also a music publisher,distributor and a website. And since this year a galery.

Franz Aumüller

Q: You were particularly involved in the lyrics, stories and artwork for the band. When did you first begin working on your creations and did you imagine they would be used this way or was that its intention ?

A: Dieter and I have been frieds since kindergarden, when he started playing guitar in a band I was his biggest fan and designed the logo for the drum and the posters.Later, when he chaged to Hammond I helped him carry it on stage and later after the concerts back to the car. His parents had a shop for musical instruments. Dieter practised every day for hours in the basement (the shop provided us wih the latest models, I brought the records) and later we experimented with 2 tape-recorders. Franz Knüttel our classmate joined on drums and built our first sythesizer. later when we found out that his possibilities as a drummer were limited, he developed a drum machine. I came up with the name Roboterwerke and the story. Dieter studied music and had a fellow student Jof who made the first deal with CBS. Then I created the story and the lyrics for the first Lp. Although we sold more than 30 thousand copies we decided to become independent. The second Lp Metaluna was released on our own label Wunderwerke and sold not even 1 thousand copies... So we had to release the third Lp Futurist with RCA but at that time in Germany was the Neue Deutsche Welle and everybody was listening to songs with german lyrics. Therefore Futurist flopped too. Meanwhile I had spent all my money on a 6minute full animated movie, but since there was no music tv at that time it was never shown. We worked for annother year on the 4th Lp Cosmotropics that was not finished.

Q: The artwork and stories ive seen focus on a strange yellow cartoon character who seems to always be getting high or be tempted by others on his adventures. What is the history behind this little guy and does his story continue on after Roboterwerke albums were completed ?

A: The little frog is Supersempfft a caricature of Dieter who has the most amazing adventures through the universe but when he comes back to earth finds his superpowers vanished.

Q: If your characters from the album were animated it could have become an early or the first music video. Did ever you have any interest in this at the time?

We are still intersted,but...

Q: You are credited as producer on some of the albums, were there times when you aided in the music production or was it solely the lyrics and story.

A: Dieter an I developed a way of working together as a team.

Q: You are photographed with the amazing "GUITARET" did you play? Was it used on any Roboterwerke recordings ?

A: Our next project after Roboterwerke was 4D the 4th Dimension which was completely sampled with our Drumcomputer exept for the vocals.The Guitaret that I found on the fleamarket was used on the pr shots, because we didnt use any real instruments. We sold about 3000 tapecassettes when Virgin contacted us to be the first act on their new German label. At the presentation of the record at Virgin they loved it very much, but when I told them that all the instruments were collaged from records they were too afraid to release it. Later I played the tapes to Rusty Egan (I wrote the german lyrics for Visages The Anvil) he took them to New York to Africa Bambaata who used it for his Timezone : the Wildstyle.

Q: Seems you have be apart of so many elements of the art world, from writing to print/design to music videos. are you still involved in all of the above ? Was there an area you enjoy(ed) the most ?

A: What I always enjoyed most was producing experimental music videos.

Q: Dieter Kolb was the first to use a drum machine from his own creation. This seemed to attract a lot of attention from artists ranging from Kraftwerk to Herbie Hancock. Were you there to witness this? how long did it take for him to get noticed for his inventions and what, if any, machines did Dieter produce for them ?

A: The machines we showed to alot of artists were only prototypes we planned to sell them, but when we had them professionally made there were better and cheaper machines on the market...

Q: Considering Roboterwerke was the first or one of the first to play this new type of drum machine electronic music, what was your reaction as it began to become popular ?

We loved it!

Q: Im really curious about the track "Pinhead" seems to be dedicated to your love from playing Pinball. I cant understand all the lyrics but i hear "extra ball" in there and many of the sounds could easily be used as pinball background sound effects. Did you write the lyrics for this? Was pinball a favorite pastime of the band ?

A: Yes

Q: You mentioned Dieter stopped playing live in the early 70s. So Roboterwerke never performed live ?

A: Yes the Roboterwerke equipment was too difficult to take around. We only performed live on the first art electronica in Linz.

Q: I've read briefly that the band would spend time in the Caribbean enjoying the local music etc, were you a part of these trips? At what point did this influence the musical style of the group ?

A: We were big fans of dub music especially Lee Scratch Perry and King Tubby. We went to Tobago + Trinidad because we thought reggae was played everywhere in the Caribbean only to discover Steelband and Soca which we liked even better. We were there 4 times for the carnival season.

Q: Honestly the first id heard of the group was from eBay! I noticed the amazing album cover for "The Lion Sleeps Tonight/High on Tech" and then began tracking down anything i could find about the band. what do you think of the eBay phenomena ?

A: E-bay is great for finding things.

Q: Recently there has been a resurgence in the band's music including a re-released track on the MAGICK KUTS edits label, what do you think of this and are you surprised it took so long ?

A: We love it and would encourage everybody to make remixes. Lately DJ Flowrider has Played me a scratch version of the Roboterwerke Lps on two turntables which I loved because the mix of old school electronics and scratch."


wunderwerke - Share on Ovi wunderwerke - Share on Ovi
"here is an article in GERMAN, which I wrote in 2006 for a German EM Magazine SCHALLWENDE. Perhaps somepeople can read German. It is a kind of very funny
Hajo Liese from Düsseldorf"

A funny little booklet

And two more images:

You can see the bottom module in this image on the top of the rack in the image above.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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