Sunday, August 21, 2005

More Synth Shots

Roger Manning of the Moog Cookbook, Jellyfish and Imperial Drag recently had these on the bay. I pulled them up and saved them for posterity. Thanks to Martin for sending this my way.

Arp Quadra
Arp Odyssey Pics SN 0300
Moog Sonic Six
Moog Opus 3
Moog Source SN 4373 B

Moog Opus 3 Mods:
The pitch wheel was replaced with a custom-made clear wheel, lit by a Forest Green high intensity LED.

The LFO was modified to go both faster and slower than stock.
It can go so fast at maximum, that audio rate FM'ing is possible with the pitch or filter.
Its LED was changed to violet, as well.

Arp Odyssey style "gel cap" slider caps were added in the same Opus 3 color scheme.

Additional 1/4" input jacks have been added.

1. VCF Audio input
2. VCF CV input
3. Chorus/Delay Audio input
4. Envelope/LFO delay Gate input

These inputs allow external sounds to be processed through the Moog filter and analog delay sections.
The filter can be swept or modulated externally now.
An analog sequencer controlling the filter while playing organ chords is amazing, btw. : )

Finally, a gate input (standard V-trig) allows the unit to be used as a triggerable unit for external processing.
The external gate will trigger the envelope generators and the LFO delay.


I've been debating whether or not to get a Nintendo DS. After checking out the Electroplankton site, the debate is over. Electroplankton is from Toshio Iwai who also created the Tenori. Elecktroplankton is like a Nintendo DS theramin on steroids. Click through title link for the website with more info, sound and video. IGN has a good review as well.

Solton SM100

Another from Pinkus. The Solton SM100. This was a 12 DCO polysynth. More info at Synth Museum. Title link takes you to a bigger picture. I've never heard one before. I didn't realize Solton made full blown synths like this. In Pinkus' opinion this is one of the top 5 synths ever made. I've never heard one. It's interesting, when I think of Solton I think of auto-accompaniment systems. The color scheme completely reminds me of a Korg Poly 61. The resemblence is uncanny. I wonder if one influenced the design of the other.

Update: Some comments from Pinkus
"this and the keyboard version is the only analog they has dcos but 18 ssm chips! same ones in has a knob
thats labeled "brilliance" that is...should i say brilliant? it pushed
the filters hard and definitely goes to 11...the lowest setting makes
the sound significantly different from the highest...nothing like
resonance though...simply briliant
-pinkus bigblackarc on aim

Arp 2600 x3

Incredible black and white shot of three Arp 2600s in a row with Sequential Studio 440. The picture below does not do this shot justice. Click the pic to see it in full glory. Sent to me from Pinkus. Thank you Pinkus!

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Oberheim OB-SX

Interesting thread on VSE on the Oberheim OB-SX including sample, pic and some intesting manufacturing history.

"Yep, that's an earlier version of the OB-SX, just like CTB says above.
This model was first shipped in Sept 1980 and remained in production until sometime in the first part of 1981 when it was replaced by the Mk II version which came in the same color-scheme as the OB-Xa.

The earliest production run of the OB-SX came with discrete VCA's whereas later ones were all-Curtis (like the OB-Xa). Note also that the OB-SX had only one 3320 filter (connected in the 2-pole fashion*) as opposed to the two filters found in the OB-Xa (one set to 2-pole, the other to 4-pole).

The serial number on the OB-X, OB-Xa, DMX, DSX and OB-SX consist of 6 digits; the first two (eg "81") represent the year of manufacture, the following two (eg "40") indicate in which week of that year it was built. I'm not quite sure about the last two digits, but I reckon that for example a unit having "01" at the end of its serial number would have been the first unit being built in that particular week. This serial number system is very convenient when you want to date a particular specimen. Later products like the DX, DX-1a (a later DX sporting midi) as well as the OB-8 used a similar serial no. system except, for some reason, the first digit "8" was replaced by the letter "B" (sometimes "C").

* so you won't get that big punch that the OB-Xa is known for.

The sound samples do sound amazing though.

More Flickr shots from Rrooyyccee

Looks like two more added to his set including this one tagged under synth, keyboard, midi, analog and moog:

Dan's Tower of Moog

Dan posted this image on AH in tribute to Bob Moog. Mini on mini. I like. : ) BTW, updates on Caring Bridge. Send your prayers and thoughts that he is well taken care of on the other side. Pray that those he leaves behind will make it through this. If you don't pray, send your love and good vibes.

Oasis used a Synthi?

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

Ebay auction on a Synthi used by Paul "Bonehead" Arthurs (Ex-Oasis)?

Friday, August 19, 2005

EMS Synthi-E on the Bay

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

This one was sent to me by someone that goes by Ground Films. Man, what a beauty. Don't think I've seen one this nice before.

"Here is the EMS SYNTHI E (educational) synth! There were only 230 EVER MADE, many of which were DESTROYED. This one is MINT AND LOOKS LIKE IT WAS NEVER USED! EVERYTHING works perfect!"

More Synth Podcasting - Creot Radio

This one in via Vintage Synth Explorer. V22.0 Synthetic Creot features Spitznagel/SMX, pictured below. Good stuff.

Make Synths, Not War!

Via GetLoFi. This ought to make the DIY crowd happy. : )

Radio NoizGodz

Some really interesting work from David Messenge of Noizgodz soon to be podcast. Just when you think it's going to fall into a given niche it evolves into something else. Really nice. Well worth the listen. As the note says below, download first then play locally.

> >> >> > Download only from site... don't stream..I don't have a read me file
> >> >> > up
> >> >> > yet but as soon as I get an RSS program this series will go up on
> >> >> > podcast alley at least..WARNING 4 hours of audio so
> >> >> > beware...
> >> >> > Luv..
> >> >> >
> >> >> > D. (T.G.S.)

Some synths from the studio:
BANK B: Synthesizers/Samplers/Sample Playback Modules

1 Korg T3
2 Kawai K5000S
3 360 Systems Midi Bass 1
4 360 Systems Midi Bass 2
5 Ensoniq ESQ-1
6 Korg DSS-1
7 Yamaha TG-33
8 Roland JX-10
9 Korg Poly-800 w Moogslayer mod
10 Korg EX-800 w Moogslayer mod
11 Kawai K5m
15 Roland GR-50
16 Roland GP-8

Besides the studio
setup listed in the attached document the Korg Prophecy and MS-2000r are used
on the tracks under the vocals. I had to sell them and the Evolver and my MAM
MB33 mk ii earlier this year-the intro is the beginning of "Breath Of Life which
is on " Frictional Reaction" which you will find here...

the rain sounds are captured with the condenser mic hung at the window...most of
the FX are stock
from Audition...

Synth Pics - PME Records

In via AH. A good set of synth pics. Including this Crumar Trilogy. Such a pretty synth.

More on the Trilogy here. Also worth noting from the comments on this post (always do your research before buying a synth):

"Although the trilogy looks nice, prospective buyers should be aware of two things...the Trilogy uses a divide-down oscillator scheme and the machine is "paraphonic" - only *one filter, even on chords, similar to the Korg Poly800.

These things hamstring a synth that *looks* like its a lot more powerful than it really is :/

Best Regards, James"

Buchla on the Bay

Some nice Buchla on the bay. Now if only this site made enough to support my synth habit... : )

I hate when pictures on the bay dissapear forever, especially the rare ones. I copied these up so we have em as long as this site is up.

Buchla 270 Quad Preamplifier

Music Thing

Wow! I got a post on Music Thing. Very cool. : )

x0xb0x updates

Check out Music Thing for more on some x0xb0x updates including a great Flickr set of one getting built. The x0xb0x is a clone of the Roland TB-303 using the same circuitry.

Moog - a night for the nerds

One more on Bob Moog before I start adding other content today. Click here for a page on a gathering of 300 people in Queens Hall in Edinburgh to hear Robert Moog and Jen-Jacques Perrey. There are two videos on the site well worth watching. I love the Moog demonstrates Moog video. It's just Bob playing with OSCillators - just listening to sound. It's funny I can't really play music that well. There were times when I thought who am I kidding. I then realized who cares and more importantly I realized my real passion for synths. It's not to play music, but rather to play sound. I'll sit there and play stuff just to hear and manipulate sound. This video reminds me of that.

Update: Try saving the video locally and then playing it. Otherwise it takes a bit of time to load.

Moog Movie

Click here for the main site. Trailer for more on Bob Moog's unique perspective on connecting to your instrument.

Moog video presentation from SETEM

Click here for a great video from SETEM.

Moog Archives

Bob Moog Interview - Bob the Tool Maker

You'll find it on RL Music here.

I wasn't planning on posting for the rest of the day to reflect on Bob. I spent the day outside with my wife and almost 2 year old daughter, in a way celebrating my daughter's hope in her life ahead of her. We all have a life to live and only so much time. This sort of news always makes this more real. I miss the early years when you either had no concept of it or it was soooo far out you never worried about yourself or those you cared about - you had plenty of time. I thought Bob had plenty of time and I thought I'd be fortunate to one day meet him in person. Life can be too short. I'm back home and my daughter is sleeping. I'm online and watching an interview of Bob Moog on the RLMusic site. I wasn't going to post, but I figure if it's about Bob, why not share it.

There is a transcript on the site as well. The following is "the connection" that makes Bob the master toolmaker for musisions:

"With so many of my customers buy vintage analogue equipment, why do you think in your opinion has this interest in vintage equipment come back to today’s home & professional studios – why is there such a resurgence of interest?

It’s a question that’s asked so frequently, I could be flippant and say “oh it’s just fashion” I have a sense it’s a lot more than that. I have a sense that now that musicians have a lot of experience of digital instruments, in particular, have bumped up against the limitations of digital instruments when it comes to getting really great sound or getting there heads in there and shaping the sound. These very basic evangelist of analogue stuff are becoming clear. In the early years they were enamoured with all the novelty of all this digital stuff like the DX7 being a polyphonic synthesizer with new sound for $2000 dollars. That was a very distracting thing. Then the sample playing instruments- the EMU stuff and the Kurzweil Stuff and all the long string of digital stuff from Roland Korg and Yamaha came out with. There was a certain amount of excitement because it was so new but that’s died down now & musicians are missing really this sense of being able to connect with the sound. I think it’s much more difficult to do that with digital instruments. There is a tactile nature that’s a part of it but it’s also a uniquely human thing that goes on that has to do with more than just how it feels or the harmonics."

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Bob Moog Update - Let's all think about Bob today...

Via AH.

New Arp 2600 Sound Demo

Update: Just found out this sample was done by Heath Finnie, whom I posted about earlier. Small world. : )

In via Vintage Synth Explorer. Starts with effects then dives into a more full lead sound. Amazingly rich sound. Makes you wonder if the software emulations like the WayOutWare TimewARP or the Arturia ARP 1600V can do this.

And even more PolyEvolver Samples from Stefan Trippler

These are more traditional sounding. Enjoy.

Crumar Bit One/Bit 01/Bit 99

Click here for a web page dedicated to the Crumar Bit One, Bit 01, and Bit 99. Some good information there including patches, FAQ, manual, and even editing software. The Crumar bit series came out in the mid 1980s starting with the Bit One. They were six voice polyphonic, DCO based analog synths. According to synthtech earlier Bit Ones used 6 SSM2044 VCF chips and later models used 6 CEM3328 VCF chips. The thing that always confused me about the Bit series were exactly how they differed. I found this Sound on Sound article which goes in full detail. To keep this post short, the Bit One was the first version of the synth. It had a number of limitations that were corrected in the second rendition, the Bit 01 Expander Module (rack), which was then followed three months later by the keyboard version, the Bit 99 (same as Bit 01 with keys). The SOS article is a good read with tons of more information, so if you are interested in knowing more about these synths definitely check it out. There is an interesting bit in there about how the Bit 99 could have been Gordon Reid's first midi keyboard had it come out just a bit earlier. He ended up with a JX8P instead. Anyone else painfully aware every time I use the word bit in this post? I actually had more but I pulled them because it was just a... bit... too... much.

The Bit series in all it's fashionable colors (colors have no impact on sound, unless of course they influence your zen state while plugging away).

Crumar BitOne (only came in black)

Crumar Bit01 Black

Crumar BitO1 White

Crumar Bit99 Black

Crumar Bit99 White

Digitally Controlled Analog - New Flickr Shots

via Flickr

Doepfer Schaltwerk (big white sequencer), Doepfer Regelwerk (small white sequencer), JoMoX X-Base 09, Ensoniq DP/4+.

Get LoFi - blog on circuit bending

Crazy story on how I found this blog:

So I get an email today on a site focused on the Crumar Bit One, O1, and 99. I'm in a rush to head out so I pop on the site and decide to check it out later. Lots of good info but it hasn't been updated in a while, some dead links, etc. But before I head out I see a couple of sites in the sig of the email. And the thought pops in my head that I might find something I'd rather blog about there. I see SSM and think of SSM synth chips of yore. So I check it out but that's not what the site is about. I skip/miss the second link, as I have to head out. Later in the day I'm on Feedster and decide to search on my site for fun. GetLoFi comes up. I click through and wow, I find all this great stuff. I think "I need to blog this!" I then figure I should give the owner a heads up. I look for the contact info and I see it's someone that goes by circuitmaster. I think what the... I go back to the Bit 01 email and lo and behold it's circuitmaster, and the other link I never got around to... GetLoFi. The odd thing is I posted on circuit bending earlier today not knowing what GetLoFi was about, and the thing that instantly caught my attention on GetLoFi... This post on a 1-bit synth. 1-bit synth? Bit 01? : ) Really bizarre day... I think that FIZMO patch had something to do with it. Now I have to put that Crumar Bit post up. Until then, check out GetLoFi.

1-bit synth via GetLoFi:

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Ensoniq FIZMO

This is one whacked out synth. I was going through my swiffer wipe down on it (dusting it), and I hit the arp, twisted a couple of knobs and this thing comes out of it. It's like a whacked out orchestra tuning up in limbo and forever stuck there in a loop. Just whacked! See my old post for more on the FIZMO and misunderstood synths. Back to dusting... Click here for a 1 minute mp3 at 1M.

Circuit Bending

Retro thing has a post up on Reed Ghazala's new book titled, "Circuit-Bending: Build Your Own Alien Instruments." I'm with James of Retrothing in not messing with the old and increasingly rare vintage synths. Circuit bending is NOT synth modding. Modding usually ads functionality to a synth maintaining it's original sound and design - think adding audio input, midi or adding PWM to a synth. It ADDS to the synth. Circuit bending usually completely alters the device by creating bridges between circuits that weren't meant to be there. In a sense it's mutilating the device into something completely different. Interesting, but not something I'd want to happen to old synths. I always cringed when Trent Reznor trashed a synth on stage, well I guess DX7s were ok. : ) Joking aside, fortunately circuit bending has been relatively limitted to toys and cheap home keyboards.

Click here for Reed's Ghazala's circuit bending page. Make sure to check out his home page for more of his work and an interesting home page. : )

From his site:
"Circuit-bending is an electronic art which implements creative audio short-circuiting. This renegade path of electrons represents a catalytic force capable of exploding new experimental musical forms forward at a velocity previously unknown. Anyone at all can do it; no prior knowledge of electronics is needed. The technique is, without a doubt, the easiest electronic audio design process in existence.

The circuit-bent instrument, often a re-wired audio toy or game, is an alien instrument: alien in electronic design, alien in voice, alien in musician interface. Through this procedure, all around our planet, a new musical vocabulary is being discovered. A new instrumentarium is being born."

For fun I searched for "circuit bent" on the bay. Check out this circuit bent SK-1 currently up for auction.

Yamaha MK-100

It's funny. Every few months my parents-in-law come up to visit for the weekend or we go down to visit them. Frequently they go "garage sailing." I always tell them to look out for keyboards with knobs especially any "broken ones" that only play one note at a time. They typically come back saying no knobs, just Casio's and Yamaha home keyboards and I dismiss these thinking good, didn't miss out on anything by skipping that trip. Well... Now I'm beginning to think maybe I am missing a few gems out there - those home keyboards that offer that little extra. I knew about the Casio SK-1, but I just recently read about the Yamaha MK-100. Not only does it allow you to adjust the OSC waveforms and Envelope patterns, but it actually has a built in analog drum machine! And... It sounds good. I'm left wondering how many other home keyboards are out there like this. Yes there is the Radioshack Concertmate MG-1 Moog, but come on, we all know that is a real synth, a Moog Rouge repackaged. : )

Click here for Sealed's Deep Synthesis page on the MK-100 with some samples, and overview section and more. Now off to check out some circuit bent stuff.

Update: How could I forget about the Yamaha DJX searies! : )


More on the WERSI Matic CX1 sent my way. It's a synth, rhythm box in one. Cool little thing, isn't it?

Audio: WERSI Matic CX1 MP3

New JPG:


This demo track came in on AH. It features an ARP 2600, Minimoog, Fender Strat, and Line 6 DD4. Amazing track. It's a good showcase of the 2600 and Minimoog in this setting. BTW, it's a great track for blogging zen. : ) Click here for Heath's homepage with more.

Update: Some background on them. I thought Heathfinnie was the name of the band, but it's not. They don't have a name yet. I was trying to place the track above and I realize it put me in the same mood as Michael Brook, one of my favorite musicians. I remember seeing him open up for David Sylvian. Amazing show. It's good to have more music like this out there. I hope there's more to come.

From Heath:
"The band is just me and a friend of mine, Jamie. We both play guitar and synthesizers so we can trade off on a lot of things. On this track he played guitar and I did all the synth parts. It was a live and done improv. Most of our songs to this point have been done inprov almost as demos since we are still writing songs in preparation of doing a release and some shows.

Basically this track started with Jamie playing a pattern on the guitar and I was just playing the filter on the 2600. So all the synth you hear in the first 10 minutes or so is just the filter of the 2600. No oscillators at all. I was just raising and lowering the resonance to be in pitch with him. After a while I set up the filter to modulate to the lfo and set up a hold so that freed me up to play the minimoog.

We don't even have ourselves a name yet."

The Beginnings of the Arp Quadra?

I love finding jems like this. This came in on a Vintage Synth thread on The Weather Report and Zawinul's use of the Quadra. Apparently he was the first to ever use one (probably not counting ARP of course).

"Speaking of the Quadra, did you know that Zawinul was the first artist to ever use
a Quadra? well, now you know it.

Quote from an article on Zawinul & the Quadra appearing in the June '79 issue of the Arpeggio newsletter:

"With the help of Alan Howarth* (Joe's keyboard tech between 1977-1979), then working as sales manager for Arp, Joe got his first look at the Quadra in 'August of 1978 when the original prototype was bought to L.A. for his evaluation. A few months later, Joe received the 1st test-run Quadra for use in a Weather Report concert in Havanna, Cuba"

Zawinul (commenting on the Quadra):

"It's got such a big and full sound" ...
"an excellent bass sound"

* the same Alan Howarth who a year or so later would find himself working with composer/director John Carpenter on soundtracks like "Escape From New Yourk" (late '80) Halloween II ('81) Halloween III ('82) etc."

"More Quadra info:

The original idea to build the Quadra came from a friend of mine, the owner of Pi Keyboards in Cleveland, Dave Yost. Sometime late 1976, Dave devised a circuit that allowed him to control an Arp 2600 from an Omni keyboard. The Arp factory rep came by the store and saw the keyboards, and was blown away by what Dave had done. A week later, we got a call from Phil Dodds, in product development at Arp, who wanted to know more about what Dave had done. (The same Phil Dodds who played the 2500 in Close Encounters). Dave sent a copy of the schematic to Phil, and the Quadra was born. Months later, at the July '77 NAMM in Atlanta, Dave was introduced as the "father of the Quadra", when the Quadra was introduced at the show.

I bought one of the first Quadras about that time and it was heavily modified by myself with the guidance of Dave when I worked at his store. It was lost in a fire in the 80's, (along with a Prophet 5), and I sure wish I still had that today.

Dave also did work with Wendy Carlos on her Moog Modular, including a just intonation module which was custom built at Pi in Cleveland."

Yamaha FX1 and FX3

Yamaha FX3 image from Ron The Music Maker

After reading about L. Ron Hubbard's love for the Yamaha FX3 (picture below), I decided to do a bit of searching to find out more about it. Most sites refer to it as an organ that is entirely FM based. I found this Sound On Sound article on the Yamaha DX line of FM based synths. There is a caption section on the FX1 and it's smaller offshoots, the FX3, FX10 and FX20. FX3, pictured below a "smaller" offshoot? Dang. Apparently there is only one working FX1 in the UK. It originally sold for £36,000 in 1986.

Update via the comments:
"Concerning the FX1 Yamaha, I purchased one new in, I believe, 1986, in Florida. I think I paid over $30,000 plus a 7" Knabe grand piano trade-in. I was a professional, playing a B-3 for years. When I saw the FX1, like L. Ron Hubbard, I was intrigued by the new line of FX's by Yamaha. I used the FX1 for a year on the job. Although I loved playing the FX1, I missed the B-3 Hammond. I have continued playing the B-3 since 1988. When I moved from Florida, I was going to sell the FX1, but decided to bring it with me to Missouri. I have kept it, and it's two matching speakers in climate control to this day. Yep, I still have it. It's in great condition and it worked perfectly the last time I played it two years ago. The organ is so unique, I just couldn't sell or trade it. I called Yamaha, and they didn't even have one in their possesion. If you want to reach me, I will answer."

Contact info is in the comments.

WERSI Synthesizers

Turns out the grey synth in my last post is the WERSI Matic CX-1. I always think of organs and music auto-accompaniment devices when I think of WERSI. They also made a few synthezisers including the following two:

WERSI Synthesizer


Michael Leicher's Amazing Synth Collection

Update: Comments in fromt the Man himself! Thanks Michael!

"Hello together, yes parts of the Collection were sold to some people - i need more space for my Organs - i bought a lot of new (old) Organs. My heart belongs to the Organs - i play over 25 Years. Many of my Synths were never used by me - so i sold some of then to People who had fun and can use the Maschines in any case. My EBAY account is closed after selling some Synths. Now i collect Stars for my new TV Show. Until 2 weeks i meet Richard Clayderman in Paris - the most succsessfull Pianist in the World with over 100 Mio. sold Copys for making an Interview. Ok, thats all...

Regards and have fun on my page

Michael Leicher - Bochum "

Update: just in case you miss the numerous comments comming in. Unfortunately the majority of these synths here where not kept in the best functional and sometimes physical condition. Read the comments for more. Most of these were also auctioned off.

I was searching around for more info on the Yamaha FX3 and I ran into this site. Click here for the collection list. This link will take you to the photo gallery. Wow. Absolute insanity. There are things in there I've never seen before and things I never even knew existed in the synth world. For example, what is this grey thing?

Also check out this Jellinghous DX Programmer for the Yamaha DX7

And off his homepage. He looks like a young German Liberace. Check out that Yamaha EX-1! Man he's got Sparkle! ; )

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

New Yamaha VL1 demos

Colin just got his VL1. In via AH:


Got my VL1, sounds kinda warm through the Sre-555

Here is my first attempt playing a patch called " The Cool" :)

first the mono version - recorded in mono by mistake,
but the direct signal runs thropugh a Roland Sre-555 analog tape delay unit -
there is analog chorus, some spring reverb and off course the analog tape delay

- stereo version, first the VL1 signal + some spring reverb on one side,
with the sre-555 tape delay on the other, then I turn on the analog chorus which comes in the middle

I'm not that a good a player, and with no breath controller,
just using the mod wheel two to act like a breath controller, but it still turned out better than I expect! :)

watch the word wrap or just got into the directory


L. Ron Hubbard Synth Musician

I recently read about how L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, had and cherished a Fairlight CMI. I didn't realize how much he appreciated music. Some links in via AH:

Ron The Music Maker

“Dear Sir Fairlight:
“Please have the engineer store on your floppy disc that we have now been properly introduced. I am very glad to make your acquaintance. You have very charming circuits and I am certain that we can co-vibrate to the astonishment and ecstasy of a vast audience. With all praise to your exulted frequencies, consider me your friend.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Manikin Electronic: Memotron & Schrittmacher

In from schism of Analogue Haven. Digital remake of the Mellotron. Click here for the German page for the Memotron with some sound samples just added. For the English page click here: They also make the Shrittmacher, a midi step sequencer developed with Klaus Schulze (check out that display).



New Nord USA Website

Update: I have word that this is an official Clavia site. I first posted it as such then second guessed myself. It also has a user forum. Have fun. : )

Posted on the gas station. This is a resource site. Flash based with loads of pictures and sound. Absolutely gorgeous design.

Wayoutware TimewARP Arp 2600 Emulation Video on Sonic State

Last time I checked, the video wasn't live yet. It is now, and it's definitely worth watching. I'm not a guitar player, but the effects section of the video had me impressed. Also, the demo on setting the ranges of multiple paramaters to a given controller was pretty nice. Most synths let you assign a paramater to a controller like a knob. The knob then controls the paramater's range from min to max. With the TimeWarp you can set a range to control instead and you can assign various params to one knob. This effectively allows you to morph between how ever many paramaters you want, all with different ranges, at the same time. Now that would be fun.

Pic from Sonic State:

Buchla Schematics

Long list of Buchla schematics in via AH. Pulled this nice shot from the site as well. It's a CBS Performance System 03:

System built by Buchla consisting of
410 Module Cluster
242 Programmable Pulser
216 Keyboard
258 Dual Oscillator

Monday, August 15, 2005

Oberheim Polyphonic

Zawinul playing the FVS.

via Vintage Synth Explorer. Someone noted an Oberheim Polyphonic listed in the liner notes of a 1977 Weather Report album. This would of course be the Oberheim Four Voice (VFS).

And then there's...

the Metasonix Butt Plug... I mean probe. Guarunteed to get you going with that low frequency bowel rumble.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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