MATRIXSYNTH: steampunk

Showing posts with label steampunk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label steampunk. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

SYNTESLA SDLF-1 Resonance Demo.

video upload by SynTesla

"The SynTesla SDLF-1 Filter offers a resonance rich in harmonics for a very musical rendering. For this short demo, the output mode is set to 'clean' and the resonance to 90%. All you need is a simple square wave to start traveling."

Also see SynTesla DLF-V1 Eurorack VCF Filter review

Thursday, July 04, 2024

Gen Thalz HNW Machine XL Steampunk Edition

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Gen Thalz

"'Less Drama More Gizmo!'. d[o-o]b"

via this listing

"Rare, discontinued analogue noise synth and effects unit, capable of transforming any audio input into harsh noise wall.

Manual available from Gen Thalz website.

Hardly ever played, never gigged, stored in smoke-free and pet-free home.

Original tube provided at time of purchase still in use."

Friday, March 22, 2024

Strange Motorised Sound Device

video upload by Pj Tardiveau

"This strange 'Steampunk' device is a motorised noise generator. I made it several years ago and never had a chance to demonstrate it on video. So here it is! ( and sorry for the annoying little sound sequence ) this device combines a low-frequency mechanical oscillator with an analogue delay and various modulation effects."

The top right reads Synth-FX SynTesla Companion. You can check out the SynTesla in previous posts here.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Udarniy zeH _ Steampunk Synth Live 09072022

video upload by Vitaly Doronin

"Synthesizers jam live and VJ with art color geometric deformation of Vitaly Doronin's watercolors
Steampunk Synth WSG , Doepfer dark energy 2, Jomox T resonator 2, Roland mc 101"

Saturday, March 12, 2022

SynTesla VII "Red Episcopate"

SynTesla VII "Red Episcopate" sound only video upload by Pj Tardiveau

"The SynTesla VII 'Red Episcopate' is a cutsom made polyphonic synthesizer for the Polish band BWPP. It is based on the 'Logue' serie ARM architecture by Korg."

Pics via @pierre_tardiveau

You might recall previous incarnations of the SynTesla from previous posts here.

Note the Rage and Anger knobs pictured further below.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Steampunk synth J jam #jamuary2022

video upload by Vitaly Doronin

See this post for more.

#jamuary2022 #jamuary
synthesizer Steampunk jam
Roland TR-6S
loopy pro ios app
Korg NanoKontrol2

Monday, April 05, 2021

olivier grall's grallophone & SynTesla Synths

video by Grall Olivier

You might remember the SynTesla II here. "first demo of my one of a kind synth the GrallOphonE

conception Pierre Jean Tardiveau and Olivier Grall .

realisation Pierre Jean Tardiveau

no talk"

And some pics of various models via Pierre Jean Tardiveau's Insgagram. Very steampunk in design. See the pics for features. It appears Olivier Grall is playing the SynTesla IV above.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Steampunk WSG by Vitaly Doronin

Published on May 24, 2014 Vitaly Doronin

Playlist (first three are the WSG):

1. WSG synth filter test
Тест фильтра на предмет резкости смены частоты на регуляторе coarse(грубая настройка частоты)при максимальных значениях резонатора и fine cutoff(тонкая настройка частоты).
для форума

Filter test for sharpness of frequency change on the coarse control (coarse frequency setting) at maximum resonator values and fine cutoff (fine frequency setting).
for the forum
2. WSG synth in steampunk style
Weird Sound Generator (WSG) from MFOS ( and made by me in the design of Steampunk
FX: Cathedral stereo reverb-ELECTRO-HARMONIX,
T-Resonator II-JOMOX
real time video live in Resolume avenue.
3. Steampunk synth WSG
Импровизированный перфоманс на
синтезаторе собранным из радиодеталей набора Weird Sound Generator (WSG) от компании MFOS( и вооплощенным мною в дизайне стимпанк.
Cathedral stereo reverb - ELECTRO-HARMONIX
T-Resonator II - JOMOX
Видео монтаж в реальном времени в программе Resolume
Приятного просмотра!)
An impromptu performance on the synthesizer by electronic components of the set of Weird Sound Generator (WSG) from MFOS ( and made by me in the design of Steampunk
FX: Cathedral stereo reverb-ELECTRO-HARMONIX,
T-Resonator II-JOMOX
real time video live in Resolume avenue.
Pleasant viewing!)

Monday, July 01, 2019

SynTesla II DIY Steampunk Synthesizer

Published on Jul 1, 2019 Pj Tardiveau

"DIY Steampunk Synthesizer doped with tesla vacuum tubes by Pierre-Jean Tardiveau."


Friday, September 14, 2018

Jade Rose: First Flight (1st song on DIY modular)

Published on Sep 14, 2018 Jade Rose

Album link:


Cool system and track. The copper faceplates give the system a steampunk vibe.

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Plasma Dischargers on a Korg Volca

via @shabiey

"Plasma dischargers firing nicely and keeping the VCOs in tune"

Steampunk brass knobs as well.

Sunday, December 10, 2017

Folktek Mescaline fun 2

Published on Dec 9, 2017 Cray

A bit steampunk at 1:54.

Follow-up to this post.

Friday, September 15, 2017

Steampunk Mutable Instruments Shruthi Synth Digital/Analogue Hybrid

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Shruthi synthesizer (electronics designed by Mutable Instruments) in a steampunk vintage style box with brass panel. It is a digital/analogue hybrid monophonic synthesizer with digital oscillators but analogue filter and VCA. This one is fitted with the "4-pole mission" variable state filter with several flavours of resonance. Four extra knobs have been added to control the Shruthi's CV inputs and their function can be programmed uniquely for each patch using the routing matrix. (Note: by default they do nothing unless allocated in the routing matrix).

The operation manual can be found here.

Just for clarity, Shruthi is an open source design and the "official" Mutable PCB's have not been used in this build. However the electronics are 100% as per the Mutable Instruments design. I am a Mutable "Trusted Builder".

The "light bulbs" are actually LED's cunningly designed to look like light bulbs. There is a battery compartment (6 x AA) on the underside for portable use, but it can also be powered externally via the socket on the back. The brass is beginning to show a "patina" which adds to the vintage feel."

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Dr. Blankenstein Workshops Coming to Maker Faire Detroit 2016

via @Dr_Blankenstein

"A shout out to #upcycling genius @TimSway in @TheHenryFord museum interview"

You'll find the interview here along with details on the event.

"At Maker Faire Detroit 2016, Drew Blanke—more formally known as “Dr. Blankenstein”—will arrive, trailing a rolling suitcase full of broken toys and noise-making creations along behind him. Over the weekend of July 30-31, 2016, Blanke will hold workshops to teach people how to “up-cycle electronics into one-of-a-kind 21st century art.” He asks that guests interested in participating in the workshop bring along broken electronics from home—to “open them, inspect them, and learn from them.” He will also have a few of his own creations available for hands-on demonstrations."

Left: one of Dr. Blankenstein's creations. Like a steampunk electronic guitar.

Below: "Dr. Blankenstein is pictured here demonstrating one of his creations to Herbert Deutsch, co-inventor of the Moog synthesizer."

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Yew Tree Magic's Steampunk Shruthi Sound Designer Edition

This one in via Martin Walker of Sound on Sound and Yew Tree Magic. In addition to the Steampunk style case, there are a number of mods available. If you already own a Shruthi SMR4-mkII, step-by-step guides for the mods are also available on site.

"Housed in a polished wood and brass steampunk-styled casing, the SDE (Sound Designer Edition) is an extensive mod by Martin Walker, giving a host of extra features to the Shruthi-1 with the SMR-4 MkII analogue filter, including:

SHAPES: six filter shapes (LP2, LP4, BP2, BP4, HP2 and Notch).

FLAVOUR: six resonant types from extra IR3109 acid squelch, soft resonance, germanium limiting, to evil half-wave rectification.

FMOD: allows the audio signal to directly modulate the filter cutoff frequency - cue rubbery, wobbly sounds and FM mayhem!

DRIVE: for adding overdrive and distortion effects.

FEED: variable filter feedback for extra tonal changes and circuit-bent mayhem.

RESCMP: three different resonance compensation treatments mimicking Roland, Moog and Korg filter types.

Extensive audio demos and step-by-step circuit mod guides are provided at, so you can add any or all of the mods to your own Shruthi SMR4-mkII synth."

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Antique Style Steampunk Synth Case with Keys & Knobs

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

"Synthesiser case made from MDF and a whole lot of body filler, speakers work and all knob are connected to pots but no other electronics are inside. Made as a prop, hopefully can find a new home/use."

Sunday, October 05, 2014

JM Gakken Laboratories Aetherial Resonator Focus Analog Synthesizer

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction

This one appears to be a Gakken SX-150 in a custom steampunk style case.

Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Steampunk Field Detector Working Film Prop Synthesizer Analog portable

Published on Jun 3, 2014 J Tracy·19 videos

"We did the props for a local small film ('Dr. Argyle's Advancements in Propulsion'-release TBD) and this is an extra made for demo purposes which is a double of the "Field Detector" contracted designs they ultimately purchased.
Its essentially a very simple analog synthesizer along the lines of a stepped tone generator/Atari Punk Synth with the speaker in the box, along with an amp circuit which makes it MORE than loud enough to play in a room and have everyone hear. Runs on 9v so is portable."

Sunday, June 01, 2014


Published on Jun 1, 2014 Jan Cumpelik·9 videos

"Drone machine by Buranelectrix."

A bit steampunk in design.

Note, this is the first Buranelectrix post.

based on classic NAND synth
4 oscillators grouped into two pairs with separate controls for each pair
each pair can be switched to fast or slow speed
second pair can be synchronised to first pair, or be free-running.
main control pot for speed of whole drone
handmade case
copper front panel with blue backlight
6.35mm mono output jack
power supply: 9V DC (5.5/2.1mm plug) - not included
case dimension: 110mm(w) x 70mm(d) x 30mm(h)"

Monday, December 16, 2013

Synthetic Sound Labs Modulation Orgy Eurorack Synth Module

Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.

via this auction


Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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