Wednesday, November 03, 2021
Discovering Electronic Music (1969-1983)
Discovering Electronic Music (1969-1983) video upload by Fran Blanche
Note this is new cleaned up, single video, version of Discovering Electronic Music first posted here back in 2009.
"This film by Bernard Wilets was originally produced around 1969-70, but this reel that I present is the updated version from 1983 which includes new added Fairlight sequences with Rory Kaplan. The original sections are VERY 1969 and the color of this print is still remarkable. Great footage of Moog modular synths right in their heyday and lots of screenshots of waveforms and such. Is it coincidental that so much Bach is being played on the Moog? Calling Wendy Carlos! The film features several people who went on to make their names in electronic music, including Rory Kaplan, Douglas Leedy, and Jean-Claude Risset. This reel was transferred from my own 16mm archive print using my Eiki Telecine. The Eiki has a 5 Blade Shutter that projects a 24fps print at 30 frames per second for a flickerless NTSC transfer. A special diffusion plate eliminates the 'hot spot' of the projector, and the sound is pulled right from the optical track. Enjoy!
Join Team FranLab!!!! Become a patron and help support my YouTube Channel on Patreon:
#Moog #Music #film
- Intro music by Fran Blanche -"
This one was sent my way via John L Rice.
Surf and Drone - Grendel DC-2, Grendel Formant Filter, RA-99 Grenadier
video upload by EA78751
"This synth demonstration from Rare Waves uses the Grendel DC-2 as a tone source. Grendel Formant Filter provides vowel filtering, and Grendel RA-99 Grenadier is performing the LFO duties. Rare Waves Hydronium is used as a MIDI-CV converter to set the pitch of the DC-2's oscillators. In the picture you also see a prototype Polyphonic Strobe Tuner, which provides a real-time pitch analysis. Also heard in the mix are prototypes of a Surf Sound Synthesizer and Spring Reverb. Rare Waves is an American synth manufacturer, our website is, check out what we're making now!"
Oberheim OB Xa 80's mega synth!
video upload by Matt Johnson Jamiroquai
"You can download my samples here!
All rights reserved."
The Modular Lives!
video upload by nbor
"I designed and built a couple eurorack case from scratch. It now lives! This is the first audio from this wonderful new adventure."
TBD for VCV Rack --work in progress--
video upload by Creative Technologies
"TBD Eurorack module ported to VCV Rack, again with 99% the same code basis. Have all your favourite plugins in one plugin ;)"
Prophet-5: One Year On, Part 2 Of 6
video upload by Sequential
"We're celebrating the one-year anniversary of Dave Smith’s modern classic, the Prophet-5 (and Prophet-10) Rev4!
As part of the celebration, our family of Sequential friends asked Dave for the inside scoop on the vintage Prophet-5 and the Rev 4 — one year on. Watch all six installments here as we post them. And to learn more about the Rev 4 Prophet-5 and Prophet-10, visit our website:"
Prophet-5: One Year On posts
Basimilus Iteritas Alter Sound Pack
video upload by Omri Cohen
"Here you can get this sound pack together with other sound packs, patch walkthrough videos, additional VCV patch files, and more -
All of the sounds are 48kHz, 24bit WAV files
00:00 - Introduction
00:53 - Some Sounds
05:12 - Example 1
07:46 - Example 2
10:38 - Example 3"
Korg Poly-800 - "Ambika" 64 Custom Ambient Sounds
video upload by
"'Ambika' Soundset is here!
64 custom patches for wonderful vintage machine - Korg Poly-800
Korg Korg Poly-800 is a great 38 years old vintage synth with great sound & sexy look.
While some people thinking that the interface is limited – we made deep vintage strings, warm pads & swells & musical bells and plucks & fx to show that this machine is Deep!
You will get 64 highly usable presets:
Ambient & Atmospheric sounds combined with Valhalla DSP Supermassive virtual vst effect (free of charge) included in the pack
DRY Demo:
The patch bank comes as an audio file (wav) for the built-in tape interface of your Korg-Poly800.
Included instructions how to load the bank."
Ambient Explorations pt.25 ( Buchla 200E 2x)
video upload by Piotr Garbaczonek
"Thanks for watching!
I spent a little bit more time trying to figure out how to use the Buchla, and I think this was recorded at a point that I am relatively comfortable in, but don't have the patience, energy, and will to figure it out more, so here is a very simple episode of 'Ambient Explorations' featuring 2 Buchla 200E's. If you want to see patch notes and my routing, check out my Patreon here:
This is my with some links:"
New Rossum SP-1200 Officially Announced at $3,999.00
"Why did you take this approach with the SP-1200 reissue?" video upload by Rossum Electro-Music
What are some challenges working with vintage digital technology vs vintage analog designs?
via Rossum:
The latest in the SP-12™ family, the Rossum SP-1200® is an authentic reissue of the iconic classic SP-1200 sampling percussion system. Building on the engineering of 2020’s 35th Anniversary SP-1200 Renovation, including study and analysis of many vintage units using modern technology not available during SP-1200’s original production run, the team determined that virtually all original components ought to be used in order to deliver the sound at the very highest standard of precision. E-mu Systems co-founder and original SP-12 and SP-1200 designer Dave Rossum has duplicated the original analog and digital electronics of the landmark 12-bit drum machine sampler as closely as is possible thirty-five years after its debut. Throughout the process of creating the SP-1200 reissue, Dave was delighted that with very few exceptions, authentic components exactly the same as those found in the vintage classic instrument could be used throughout and took great care to maintain the classic SP-12 and SP-1200 circuit board layouts. Inside and out, SP-1200 is faithful to the original operation and preserves the coveted, authentic sound and character of the classic vintage instrument. Through this labor of love, Dave was able to create an instrument that should sound exactly the same even to the most discerning ears.
Changes and enhancements were made where they were compatible with the original design, without compromising the classic vintage sound. Sampling memory has been expanded to the maximum capability of the original sound engine. An all-new memory card storage solution with new functions seamlessly integrated into the operating system allows musicians to conveniently save, rename, and delete files and folders, and supports importing vintage SP-1200 disk images packaged in the popular .HFE format. Also included in every box, a 3.5” “floppy” disk 💾 containing modified software for original vintage SP-1200 units adds a new Set-up Special function allowing users to transfer all sounds and sequences from an original SP-1200 to the Rossum SP-1200 reissue over a standard MIDI cable. Whether using 3.5” disks or the popular floppy drive emulator modification, users of classic SP-1200 units are able to recall and remix their work on the SP-1200 reissue.
SIEL Opera/Dk600 Expander EX600 - HD Demo (1985)
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
video upload by Alberto Napolioni
Testing a Rare SIEL EX 600
It is the Rack version of the Siel Opera 6 / Dk600.
Here with upgraded mod with CC midi controlling.
Fx used:
Oto bam reverb
Oto bim delay"
Siel MIDI Expander SN 212/33 w/ TAUNTEK MIDI Mod + Case via this auction
"Ideal for those who want the amazing sound of Siel Opera 6/Dk600 but need space in studio.
Or for who have already a Siel Opera 6/Dk600 and want to play with a monster doubled voices (12 voices x 4DCOs) turning your Siel Opera in a polytimbric synth with split mode.
Comes with TAUNTEK upgrade installed on it which gives all these new features:
1) all controllers, except for the two wheels, of the expander can be controlled via midi (CC)
2) omniMode
3) all sounds can be loaded in one go via midi."
video upload by Alberto Napolioni
Testing a Rare SIEL EX 600
It is the Rack version of the Siel Opera 6 / Dk600.
Here with upgraded mod with CC midi controlling.
Fx used:
Oto bam reverb
Oto bim delay"
Siel MIDI Expander SN 212/33 w/ TAUNTEK MIDI Mod + Case via this auction
"Ideal for those who want the amazing sound of Siel Opera 6/Dk600 but need space in studio.
Or for who have already a Siel Opera 6/Dk600 and want to play with a monster doubled voices (12 voices x 4DCOs) turning your Siel Opera in a polytimbric synth with split mode.
Comes with TAUNTEK upgrade installed on it which gives all these new features:
1) all controllers, except for the two wheels, of the expander can be controlled via midi (CC)
2) omniMode
3) all sounds can be loaded in one go via midi."
Sequential OB-6 Tutorial Lesson 5: LFO
video upload by EthanJamesMusic
"This is a tutorial series for anyone who wants to learn how to do their own sound design using the Sequential Circuits (former Dave Smith Instruments) OB-6 synthesizer. The goal is to break this subject down into understandable and digestible bits of information that you can apply to your own electronic music. I am primarily a media or film composer, so we will learn ambient, techno, and EDM style sound design using the synth.
This fifth video shows the various assignments and shapes of the LFO. Please leave a comment with any questions or requests and a like if this was helpful."
EthanJamesMusic Sequential OB-6 Tutorial Lessons
"This is a blank recorded diskette" - Mirage vs Steve Reich (minimalist / phase / process music)
video upload by 磁鬼頻率
"Inspired by Steve Reich's 'Early Works' album. Track made using a mirage, a cirklon patience and time. VHS glitch art by me."
Voltage Modular VM900 System 35 Sequence
video upload by boxoftextures
"Built a Moog System 35 modular system using the VM900 Collection modules in Voltage Modular. Essentially the System 35 is one row of modules, but in this case I've also added the Sequencer Complement B Expansion Cabinet as well. I've also built the larger System 55, which adds another row of modules to the cabinet, and am planning to make the smaller Model 15 as well. Can't quite duplicate them exactly but they're darn close. One of the things that's not the same is the signal routing modules, which aren't in Voltage Modular, although to be fair you don't at all need them in the software version the way you do in hardware. Another difference is that there's "only" a selection of modules as opposed to everything Moog ever made. That's also not a problem either. As an example, the 921ABB dual oscillator module in the System 35 isn't included in the VM900 Collection, but the 921ABBB from the System 55 is, so while not 100% authentic you can just pretend your System 35 doesn't have those extra B oscillators. Another difference is the keyboard interface modules, but again, because this is software that's not really a problem. Lastly the half-height row of the cabinet, the one at the bottom with the Console Panels, isn't part of either Voltage Modular or the VM900 Collection. But once again, that's not really an issue as you do have the functionality of those modules in the software regardless.
This video was recorded uninterrupted from start to finish, with no cuts or edits in the video at all. Note that it takes a few minutes to patch together enough modules for the thing to actually make noises, perhaps around 5 minutes or so. Also, I start from the bare System 35 and patch it all from scratch, with captions and highlights to show what I'm doing. Downloadable patch files will be posted for my Patreon subscribers shortly, so if you'd like to grab those head on over there and join up if you'd like."
The Sequential Prophet VS Synthesizer (1986) Synthwave
video upload by RetroSound
"all synthesizer sounds: Sequential Prophet VS Vector Synthesizer (1986)
drums: LinnDrum (1982)
recording: multi-track
The Sequential Prophet VS Synthesizer from the year 1986 is a fantastic hybrid synth with the typical 80s sound. Here can you find the full Prophet VS playlist with single sound demos and one synth demo tracks. Enjoy."
TENET — FREEPORT (OST) Patch on RAVEN & UNICORN controlled by OffGrid (BLE MIDI) by birdkids
video upload by birdkids
"Recreating the percussive lead arpeggio from Ludwig Göransson marvelous TENET #OfficialMovieSoundtrack - track title 'FREEPORT'
Patch: RAVEN dual SAW (hypersaw detune) to UNICORN BOOM's opto Compressor. OffGrid is controlling the external arpeggiator's trigger time via the PADs polyphonic aftertouch, additionally, the Motion Controller's axis Left Roll modulates the RAVEN VCF brightness.
#eurorack #patch #modulation #midi #gesture #motion #control #analog #saw #hyper #offgrid #raven #unicornboom #soundtrack #tenet #synthesis #production #proaudio #touch #sounddesign
OffGrid — Play against all odds."
You can find additional OffGrid posts here.
eurorack image synthesizer | Spectral Synth Scanner | ENG
video upload by ilia Osokin
"Spectral Synth Scanner is a unique prototype of an instrument from an electronic laboratory in France."
Note the first "image synth" would be the ANS from 1937 to 1957. Also see this post. More recently, there have been a number of ANS based creations including Alexander Zolotov's Virtual ANS for iOS, Photosounder, and Silhouette eins. A search for them on the top right of the site will bring up additoinal posts on each. You can sort the resutls by date or relevance. You can also check out the ANS label below for all ANS realated posts in order.
Matrix 6 paired with a Moog Cluster Flux
video upload by Miguel d'Oliveira
"A few of my favourite sounds (I believe these are the original patches?) on the Oberheim Matrix 6R run through a Moog Moogerfooger.
In my opinion, a match made in heaven."
Hidden Moog Grandmother Control with Ableton Live & MIDI. Tutorial
video upload by Anton Anru
"In this tutorial, I'm showing how to control hidden Grandmother parameters via MIDI CC, with DAW - Ableton Live and MIDI Controllers. There are many settings inside Moog Grandmother, that can't be accessed from the front panel. I prefer changing them via MIDI, as I find the menu system non-intuitive. Moreover, some parameters can be changed via MIDI only, e.g. Swing Amount or Arp Gate.
This leads me to pair Grandmother with some MIDI device, software or hardware, to ease the workflow with additional parameters. In this video, I'm sharing my experience.
📥 Download Max4Live MIDI Controls Presets for Moog Grandmother + Ableton Live Template.
📦 Get Patches for Moog Synthesizers.
Everything is here:
🎛 MaxForLive device MIDI Controls by killihu:
00:00 How to access hidden parameters via menu and midi
01:01 Important parameters monophonic timbres (Trigger Mode, Legato Glide)
01:53 Performance parameters (Swing Amount, Arp Gate)
02:19 Ableton Max4Live device - MIDI Controls
03:30 MIDI Controls Presets for Moog Grandmother (Oscillator Parameters, Arpeggiator and Sequencer Controls, Single/Multi Trigger Mode, Glide Types, Local Control On/Off)
06:11 How to get a wider range for Arp/Seq with internal clock. Strange behavior (or issue?) of the Rate
09:20 My recommendations on USB controllers for Ableton Live
10:07 How to install/import Max4Live presets to Ableton Live
10:43 Ableton Live Project/Template for Grandmother: prepared Audio Tracks with Tuner, Spectrum, Utility, a MIDI Track with my MIDI Controls presets, a Drum Rack with DS Drums, Return Tracks with Reverbs and Delay
12:47 MIDI Controls by killihu, their website with useful tools
13:29 What about other DAWs?
14:02 Dawless setup and workflow. Standalone MIDI controller (Arturia Beatstep Pro)"
Hydrasynth Deluxe multi patch: North Of Here RA
video upload by the sun god RA
"A split (with crossfade) between lower preset A072 Waxroll Piano RA and upper preset E079 Scary Cello RA"
Empress Effects Zoia w/ Original Box
Vintage 1970s Univox Jazzman by Crumar Keyboard SN 13450
Herbs and Stones Liquid Foam
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Gives wonderful 303 style lines in a very experimental and fun way. Comes with 8 banana cables and non-original 9 volt power suppy.
Liquid Foam is a modular monophonic analog groovebox that revolves around a dual sequencer designed to encourage complex pattern exploration.
By making connections with banana-type patch cables it can generate anything from straightforward 4/4 loops to ever-changing byzantine synth lines, off-key tantrums and organic percussive phrases.
At the core there’s an analog VCO with two stages of waveshaping, a decay-only EG that can be inverted any step, a 2-pole resonant low pass VCF and a CMOS-based final overdrive stage.
Liquid Foam can sync with virtually any other machine via its clock input mini jack and it sends a 5v clock out/through pulse for further syncing and chaining."
Video in the listing, Herbs and Stones Liquid Foam - patch from scratch, posted here. See the Herbs and Stones label for more.
via this auction
"Gives wonderful 303 style lines in a very experimental and fun way. Comes with 8 banana cables and non-original 9 volt power suppy.
Liquid Foam is a modular monophonic analog groovebox that revolves around a dual sequencer designed to encourage complex pattern exploration.
By making connections with banana-type patch cables it can generate anything from straightforward 4/4 loops to ever-changing byzantine synth lines, off-key tantrums and organic percussive phrases.
At the core there’s an analog VCO with two stages of waveshaping, a decay-only EG that can be inverted any step, a 2-pole resonant low pass VCF and a CMOS-based final overdrive stage.
Liquid Foam can sync with virtually any other machine via its clock input mini jack and it sends a 5v clock out/through pulse for further syncing and chaining."
Video in the listing, Herbs and Stones Liquid Foam - patch from scratch, posted here. See the Herbs and Stones label for more.
Akai AX80 Synthesizer With Tauntek Mod Installed
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Comes with the tauntek mod!
This grants real time filter changes, cc, saving patches via sysex and more!
Button 10 can require a firm press, but otherwise this unit is perfectly functional."
via this auction
"Comes with the tauntek mod!
This grants real time filter changes, cc, saving patches via sysex and more!
Button 10 can require a firm press, but otherwise this unit is perfectly functional."
Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 3.1
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"This is an original Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 rev 3.1! This example was serviced by vintage synthesizer repair/restoration experts RetroLinear in 2017. They replaced the famously hot and unstable power supply with a modern one that is cooler, more efficient, and reliable. The unit was recapped, keyboard contacts cleaned, keyboard rebushing-ed, and calibrated. All features are in working order and there are no known issues. It sounds fantastic and is an inspiration to play!"
via this auction
"This is an original Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 rev 3.1! This example was serviced by vintage synthesizer repair/restoration experts RetroLinear in 2017. They replaced the famously hot and unstable power supply with a modern one that is cooler, more efficient, and reliable. The unit was recapped, keyboard contacts cleaned, keyboard rebushing-ed, and calibrated. All features are in working order and there are no known issues. It sounds fantastic and is an inspiration to play!"
Roland Jupiter-6 61-Key Synthesizer with Europa Mod SN 322403
White Cwejman S1 MK2 Semi-Modular Monophonic Analog Synthesizer SN 297
Yamaha TX816 FM Synthesizer Fully Loaded with 8 TF1 Midi Rack Modules SN 1512
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction

"The TX816 is a monster of DX and FM digital synthesis. It is a unique system in that it is a rack unit that could take up to eight TF1 modules. A TF1 module is basically a DX7 condensed down to a single circuit board with almost no front panel controls. Definitely designed for use with external hardware and software controllers the TX816 allows you to easily carry around up to eight DX7s! Software such as MOTU Unisyn, Emagic SounDiver, or even another DX7 can be used to program the sounds in each module via MIDI.
Each TF1 module consists of a 16-voice, 6-operator digital FM synth engine. So a complete TX816 with all eight TF1 modules would offer up to 128 voices and 48 operators! Each TF1 also features an independent audio out (XLR) and MIDI I/O for a total of eight audio outputs and MIDI I/O's. It also has one global MIDI in/out port with 8-part multitimbrality, but no common stereo or mix output.
The TX816 was designed for demanding live use where portability, polyphony, and lots of outputs are a must! The TX816 is fully compatible with all other DX synthesizers including Native Instruments FM7 software-based plug-in. You can use the TX816 like it's eight separate DX7s or mix and pan each module together to layer your sounds into one monstrous DX powerhouse! It has been used by Kitaro, Chick Corea, Michael Jackson, Europe, and Scritti Politti.
In the early eighties these sold for anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 depending on how many TF1 modules were installed (from two to eight typically)."
via this auction
Each TF1 module consists of a 16-voice, 6-operator digital FM synth engine. So a complete TX816 with all eight TF1 modules would offer up to 128 voices and 48 operators! Each TF1 also features an independent audio out (XLR) and MIDI I/O for a total of eight audio outputs and MIDI I/O's. It also has one global MIDI in/out port with 8-part multitimbrality, but no common stereo or mix output.
The TX816 was designed for demanding live use where portability, polyphony, and lots of outputs are a must! The TX816 is fully compatible with all other DX synthesizers including Native Instruments FM7 software-based plug-in. You can use the TX816 like it's eight separate DX7s or mix and pan each module together to layer your sounds into one monstrous DX powerhouse! It has been used by Kitaro, Chick Corea, Michael Jackson, Europe, and Scritti Politti.
In the early eighties these sold for anywhere between $2,000 to $5,000 depending on how many TF1 modules were installed (from two to eight typically)."
Roland SVC-350 Analog Vintage Vocoder
ROLAND JD XI synthesizer live performance
video upload by Mark and Marj Music
"ROLAND JD XI synthesizer live performance
Composed By Mark Anthony Somoso"
Korg Wavestate - No talking demo - Part 1
video upload by Andrea Di Lorenzo - Music Lab
"Hi, everyone!
Here's to you the amazing Korg Wavestate, the new frontier in Wave Sequencing synthesis, originally introduced by the Korg Wavestation (but also the Prophet VS, the Yamaha SY22, the Yamaha TG33 and some other legendary synths).
◉ The new Wavesequencing 2.0 that lets you create an ever-changing sound of incredible depth;
◉ Vector joystick X/Y for the control of the 4 layers;
◉ Filters derived from MS-20 and Polysix;
◉ Onboard effects;
◉ Gigabytes of raw samples;
◉ 37 full-size keys;
◉ 64 stereo voices;
◉ and much more.
Wavestate can give you extensive modulation capabilities and with the new Sample Builder you can also load up to 4 Gigabytes of your own multisamples.
But most of all, I really love its overall stunning sound quality, reminiscent of modular synthesizers, groove boxes, algorithmic generators and much more.
In this demo I just go through some presets among my favourites. No additional effects or outboard processing here. What you listen is what you get!"
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.