MATRIXSYNTH: Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday, April 01, 2022

Обзор Sequential Take 5. Создание атмосферных звуков.

video upload by C-Land

No thumbnail for this one at the time of this post. Hit the play button to start.

Elby Designs - 1973 EuroSerge System

video upload by NOISEBUG

"The Elby Designs 1973 EuroSerge System is inspired by the early paperface era of Serge Modular, with a few new modules sprinkled in to add more functionality. The EuroSerge modules use 4mm banana jack plugs to give you an authentic Serge experience in the eurorack format. As some of you may know, patching with banana cables forces more possibilities in experimental routing and bleeding CV goodness, by allowing CV's to feedback into other modules where the banana cables are stacked into each other, creating an instrument that moves and breathes.

The Syntax Euro Bananas module adds more routing capabilities with the outside word and other banana or 3.5mm based gear. Being that the Euro Bananas modules is passive, meas you can rout CV or Audio in and out of the 1973 EuroSerge System with ease, making this system a plug and play well rounded instrument. Housed in the Doepfer A-100P6 case makes this system a portable suitcase that can be taken on gigs without any worries of damaging your system in transit.

The classic analog Serge sounds is very present in this system and begs for the user to experiment and create crazy textures, soundscapes, or even your classic analog sequenced based music, all routed out through balanced outputs, making the 1973 EuroSerge System a true studio piece.

1973 Serge Paperface Era Modules
- 1973 VCO x 2
- Ring Modulator
- 1973 VCF
- Envelope Generator
- VCA (Gate)
- Programmer / Sequencer
- Negative Slew
- Noise Source

New Additions
- Syntax Euro Bananas
- Universal Slope Generator
- Analog Shift Register
- Audio / CV Mixer
- Transient Generator
- Dual Stereo Panning Output Mixer

*Housed in a Doepfer A-100P6 with a linear PSU2
*Ships with 25 banana cables
*This system has all 4mm banana jacks for the true Serge experience*"

Vice Virga | A Sequential Switch by Noise Engineering

video upload by Cinematic Laboratory

"Vice Virga is an 8-input, 8-output sequential/addressable switch. It allows you to chain sequencers, swap outputs on a VCO, remix trigger patterns, or mix up every connection and wait for happy accidents to occur."

See this post for additional details.

Oberheim Xpander: Sound Design

video upload by wedream2

"In this video I demonstrate some unusual sounds on the Oberheim Xpander. Nothing to 'see' hear; it's all about the sound. Some of the sounds are modified using the mod wheel. Many of the sounds were not intentionally created, but seemed to happen within the sound design process. With 5 LFOs, 5 Env generators, 3 tracking generators, 15 filters, 3 zones in multi mode, and more, the Xpander is capable of truly unique sounds."

SFF2022 - Présentation du SYNTHR4

video upload by Les Sondiers

"Présentation du tout nouveau SynthR4 par son concepteur, avec une d"mo de Kurtz Mindfields."

SFF2022 - Présentation du KODAMO INFINI

video upload by Les Sondiers

"Présentation par Stéphane et Masami du tout nouveau Kodamo Infini."

See the Kodamo label below for more.

Grone Expander by Manecolabs

video upload by

"Short video exploring the 4 touch oscillators and effect section for this drone synthesizer."

Cool skull knobs.

4 voice touch controlled drone module
2 Drone oscillators same as Grone
2 wavetable oscillators
2 multi waveform lfo’s
Modulated delay section
Dirt stage at output
Can be used stand alone or processed through grone external input


Sixteen seconds delay reissue from Manecolabs

video upload by Manecolabs

"re-creation of the 1983 looping delay, limited 50 units edition" Pre-order at"

invisiSYNTH - The Worlds Most Invisible Synthesizer

video upload by midierror

"Introducing the world's first completely invisible synthesizer, 4 light years in the making.

The iconic invisiSYNTH seeks to reinvent how you see synthesizers, delivering an imperceptible aesthetic which blends seamlessly with it’s surroundings, in absolute harmony with your studio.

Made possible by particle phase cancellation, the finished unit is rendered from dark matter beyond the human visual spectrum, making it imperceptible to the naked eye, although bats, badgers, and bowie can somehow see it.

The game changing invisiSYNTH comes with 4 GTFO oscillators, 9 pitchfork filters, 3 XK8s, a proton beard, 4 vector STIs, digital CBDs, and a upturned trigonometry matrix, capable of outputting 16,974 crosswave prisms per nano-second.

Putting a lightweight keyboard with a heavyweight sound at your fingertips - its 100% non-tactile transparent keybed comes in two variations: with 49 key and 61 key versions, and a limited edition tabletop module available this time tonight.

All of the components and parts of the invisSYNTH have been responsibly sourced from the finest non-existent artisan craftspeople on the planet. Each environmentally friendly unit comes individually numbered with a certificate of authenticity - and a guarantee that Behringer won’t copy it, or your money back!

Offering an impalpable experience limited only by your imagination, the invisiSYNTH is sure to be one of the most invisible synths…. you've ever seen.

Voiceover by"

Perfect Circuit Presents : The Future of Music Technology

video upload by Perfect Circuit

"Prepare for a revolutionary presentation.

Perfect Circuit is an independent electronic instrument shop with an online store at and a Burbank showroom at 2405 Empire Ave. Open seven days a week, 12-8 PM, get your hands on the most excellent gear!

Arcaico Zaar "synth voice" (demo patch) #modular #eurorack #synth #drum #percussion

video upload by Arcaico Instruments

"Zaar is a module for creating percussive sounds, bass lines and synths. 4 analog voices, mixer with pan control, filter, stereo output, independent outputs for voice (these outputs are not controlled by pan, filter and level)."

Additional details and videos posted here.

Moog Minimoog meets Space Race Reverb by Alexander Pedals

video upload by Nicolas Melis

"Moog Minimoog meets Space Race Reverb by Alexander Pedals

I‘ve recently discovered Alexander Pedals and i think they are very synth/keys friendly 😊
What do you guys think?"

SCI Prophet 5 - Darker with visuals

video upload by Glen H

"**If you are photo sensitive or epileptic or have epileptic tendencies be warned this video has flashing lights**

Improvisation with Prophet 5 patch using Poly Mod on PW of Osc 1and lots of Valhalla SuperMassive Reverb. Great metallic/distorted tone :-)

Trying some different visual ideas to accompany the audio"

Cherry Audio’s Biggest Teaser Yet!

video upload by Cherry Audio

"Cherry Audio’s Dreamsynth has been such an overwhelming success that we couldn’t wait for another day to share this. Stay tuned!

'Deckard’s Last Dream' performed on Dreamsynth by Huston Singletary"

What can you do with 1 synth and 1 drum machine? You can have some fun.

video upload by Espen Kraft

"One drum machine and one synth, doing all the work. The John Bowen Solaris set up to use 3 independent arpeggiators, each one mapped out to the mid- and lower part of the keys, while a regular patch is left to be played, at the upper part of the keys. The Isla S2400 provides the drums with some samples I made of the Roland DDR-30.
The Solaris makes it possible to set the arps up with different resolutions, modes etc, which can be a lot of fun.
One patch is overdubbed later, for a little more texture. In a "real" live setting that would have been played by a sequencer."

Live Electronic in Car with Microfreak and Circuit

video upload by Tum Tum

"This video is another challenge from Cuckoo, this time to perform in an unlikely space. I thought maybe I'd try to sequence all of this and have it running while I drove around my neighborhood but in the end I couldn't get a good camera angle that was also safe - this is with the camera strapped to the steering wheel! So I'm just sitting in my car port which is a little boring. Still, playing in this car is actually pretty functional. This is the first car I've had with an aux input, and there's clean USB power for both the Microfreak and the Circuit. So this may be the first time I've made some car compositions, but probably won't be the last.

#jamuary 29 2022"

Hybrid DnB Set with Ableton and 2 Digitakts!

video upload by Electronisounds Audio

"I put this set together for Clownfest 8 - a TEN DAY online music festival!

I'm using the ERM-Multiclock to get a tight sync between Ableton Live and 2 Elektron Digitakts.

Whatever kind of music you are making - KEEP IT UP, Friends!
Don't stop making *YOUR MUSIC*!!"

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KadImprov #5 Prophet Rev2 - Erica SYNTRX - Moog Mother-32

video upload by KadiMusic

"Welcome to #KadImprov Sessions #5: 'The Signal '
Encountering new ambient pads with the #ProphetRev2.
The base waves melody was designed on the #EricaSynths SYNTRX [sintrex] and ‘The Signal’-arpeggio was designed with the #Moog #Mother32.

Thank you for watching and for your feedback."

Trans-X : Living On Video : Recreation

video upload by Luke Million

"Was in the mood for some classic Hi-NRG Synth Pop today. This is my recreation of "Living On Video" by the Canadian band Trans-X 🇨🇦🎹🕺

Gear used;

Moog Multimoog
Roland Juno 6
Simmons Clap Trap
Roland Tr-808 (Via Ableton Drum Rack)
Oberheim OB8
Sequential Prophet 5 Rev 3

Stream my music"

And the original:

Trans-X - Living On Video (Official Music Video)

video upload by UnidiscMusic

"Trans-X is a Canadian 1980s synth band formed in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. They are known for their hit song "Living on Video" which charted worldwide."

Takeshi Moriwaki played a vintage KORG Synthesizer . Nov 20 2021 musee KORG

video upload by Takeshi Moriwaki

"The sound was produced with a KORG keyboard amp and captured with an iPhone & Roland GO-MIXER pro. The second half was unsuccessful NG . Forgive me!"

Buchla 230 EF part 3

video upload by Todd Barton

"Essentially using the Env Follower as a random clock divider.

My Patreon:"

Todd Barton Buchla 230 EF posts

Bad Gear - The Drummer From Another Mother

video upload by AudioPilz

"Welcome to Bad Gear, the show about the world's most hated audio tools. Today we are going to talk about the Moog DFAM, the Drummer From Another Mother. Is this semi-modular monophonic analog percussion synthesizer just a hipster toy or does it live up to the great heritage of Robert Arthur Moog?"

AudioPilz Bad Gear posts

Big, Brilliant and Beautiful // Waldorf Iridium Keyboard review and demo

video upload by Starsky Carr

"A demo/review of the Waldorf Iridium Keyboard. It really is a beautiful bit of kit.. and so flexible. 5 synths in one plus a sampler - I can't really do it full justice in just over half an hour - but it's a great synth. Unlike its bigger and more expensive brother this is all digital, with a huge selection of filter types and synth engines."

This one was spotted and sent in via Soviet Space Child.

Yamaha SY35 Dynamic Vector Synthesizer (w/ MCD32)

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Sequential Circuits Prophet 5 Rev 3

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SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS PROPHET-600 Synthesizer w/ Gigli Upgrade

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Roland JX8P w/ Roland PG-800

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Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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