Friday, December 05, 2008

Roland OP-8

via this auction

Oberheim OB-12

images at this auction


Richard Devine & Josh Kay (Jeswa) live @ Nophest ATL 2008

Richard Devine & Josh Kay (Jeswa) live @ Nophest ATL 2008 from jeswa on Vimeo.
"Just jamming, nothing serious. A little unadulterated & obnoxious neo-acid.

RD: 808, 303 (Devilfish), Machinedrum, Monomachine, Kaoss Pad, Roland SBX-10 sync box.

JK: Doepfer Suitcase = Livewire AFG, Plan B Model15 (2), MakeNoise QMMG, Doepfer A-119, 188-1y (256), Doepfer A-149-1/2 and a few other goodies. I forget.

...and no computer."

Update via threv in the comments:
Nphest website:

Rebekah Raff Joins Plan B

via the Plan B list:
"It's with great pleasure I announce that Rebekah Raff will be joining
the Plan B posse effective Monday, replacing the spot vacated by Elias
Angulo who left to pursue other interests.

Rebekah, who studied at CalArts in mid 90s, is an accomplished
harpist and contributor to the esteemed Harry Partch Ensemble. She has performed with Outkast and toured with both Britney Spears and Kanye West. In 2007 she added analog synthesis to her arsenal.

I've had the pleasure, I dare say honor, of working with her for the past year, first with analog synthesis instruction with later efforts focused more in composition. I've pleased to say I've had an effect: She and her boyfriend Andy Kaulkin named their new kitten Mort and their dog Buchla!

As a sidebar here, in the hopes of gaining her approval I have from time to time shown Buchla (she's a gal) my new circuit designs. So far she is unimpressed but I remain hopeful that future efforts will arouse more enthusiasm.

FYI, I recently mentioned this christening to Don Buchla. His comment was striking: "At least I didn't get the cat". No joke!

Anyway, give a greeting to Rebekah. We're pleased to have her wth us.

Rebekah on myspace:"

Multitouch Prototype 2

Multitouch Prototype 2 from Randy Jones on Vimeo.
"8 x 8 touch sensitive array sampled at 1300 Hz. Cost: about $50 in materials plus a nice audio interface. More info:"

Update: "Randy is teaching a series of Max/MSP/Jitter classes this Winter. See for details."


Digitana Micro Acid Drone in Yellow
"Just a quick message to notify you that I have decided to offer the Micro Acid Drone in yellow as well as the silver, I am currently trialling a different material for the panels, and I made one up today and it looks really nice, the faceplate is still aluminium but has a yellow polymer overlay, also the knobs are yellow and a different type, everything else remains the same."

Roland SH-101 + Juno-60 + TR-808

YouTube via retrosound72

"'Roland Trio'

bassline: Roland SH-101, internal sequencer triggered by the TR-808;
sweeps and pad sounds: Roland Juno-60
drums: Roland TR-808
effects: EHX Memory Man Deluxe analog delay (SH-101)"

MacBeth M5 Short Demo

YouTube via Tron01000
"A short demo of the Macbeth M5 with the sliders of the M5N.
The noise comes from the faulty mic of my digi cam - sorry."

Yamaha AN200 loop factory demo

YouTube via se7ense7

"Some own sounds (u-ser bank) and preset sounds (p-reset bank)...
Some tweaking, some crappy playing.
Only recorded for the sounds (there are too little sounds of this thing on the net)"

live pa jam - Yam AN200, juno 60 and Korg KM402

"I just puched down an arp on the juno 60 and then the 'hold' button. Made some matching drums on the an200, played a delay-ed sound on top of it all.

Sound is through a korg KM402 kaoss mixer. Just some jamming on my own."

SoundLab song.wmv

YouTube via YpsiSynth

"Excuse the bad audio. Little synth bass from the SoundLab I put together with my MV-8800 on drums (808 samples). I actually enjoy the filter on this Synth. It does not sound to bad to me. But sound is in the ear of the beholder."

【DEMO】 FuturAudioWorkshop Circle

YouTube via musictrackjp
ミュージックトラック オフィシャルレビュー
レビューの詳細なレポート、高音質バージョンはMusicTrackのオフィシャルレ ビューで公開中です。"
"SOFUTOANAROGUSHINSE an innovative interface [Circle]
OFISHARUREBYU music tracks
Operation of outstanding innovative interface.
SOFUTOANAROGUSHINSESAIZA Circle with a new face appeared.
The report reviews the detailed, high-quality version of the OFISHARURE MusicTrack public view."

CamSpace Synthesizer Demo 01

YouTube via SephSwain
"all free Software: CamSpace v7, VST Host: Cantabile 1.2 Lite, VST Synth: Rez v2.0, VST Joystick Plugin: joystickctrl1.4
Thanks to all developers!"

CamSpace Synthesizer Demo 02

CamSpace Synthesizer Demo 03

Roland Jupiter 8 vs. MKS-80

Check out The Stretta Procedure for the full post. There is a bit more to the following snip.
"In a nutshell, the MKS-80 rev 3/4 shares a lot in common with the Jupiter 6, and the rev5 is completely different from both the rev4 and the Jupiter 8. There is no rack mount Jupiter 8."

Testing Macros

flickr by ryptide

"Testing the Digital Macro features on my new camera"

full size

KORG Kaossilator


flickr set by stuart_digitalondon
(click for more)

"Adapted Vinyl CEO photoshoot"

National geographic noise generator - alien vocaliza

via this auction via the forum
"National geographic noise generator - alien vocaliza

ok somehting more tangable , its a circuit bent national geographic ' animals of the world ' toy.Its very close in character a bent speak and spell , has that tonal sound to some degree , very chaotic and random but with alot of variables and some mad mad chants and alien animal noises , the flip switches do stuff like freeze a loop , tone , and theres a trigger button for strobbing plus an audio output .Ive done a demo below , its a crazy machine and one that creased me up - very odd and funny sounds and its a nice device.I havent seen another and its very unique and creative. demo is here ( 7mb)"

Qwong noise generator

images at this auction
via the forum

"Qwong special fx generator
ok so whats this you wonder ?Well to be honest i havent clue , i got it of someone who knew even less and said it was found in a auction sale collecting dust .It 'says ' echobox on it but to be frank it does not echo in the its a noise generator of the FINEST quality and i really mean that , ive owned loads , used ems synthi , 4ms Tri noise generators and plenty of analogues and this is up there with them - its alive , unpredictable and defies logic , its vintage i think or has some really quality components .Ok so what is it though?

Well from the images you can see the switches.It appears to have 3 x vcd's ( 2 way latchable) ? voltage controled delays or maybe digital oscilators?They seem to be the noise component or switch in variable waveforms but it has pitch knobs and modulation and lfo knobs also and also a matrix of 8 x phone jacks ( for modular patching )It also has 2 flip switches ( one in need of a new toggle ) .Now how this all works i really really dont know and ive experimented with it and its REALLY powerfull and i mean that , this is no circuit bent toy ( with the greatest respect ) and its feel and also use aswell as sound veer towards the experimental electronics of the 1950;s. . . its an odd one , when i switched it on and got some sound going it immediately felt very different from any gadget ive ever used .I sampled this and now i am selling it but i can say without a doubt its creating sounds i cant get out of Any modular synth , freaky radiophonic stuff , at times it sounds like the things picking up satelites or something , very radio like and at times like strange transmissions are being picked up ( seriouisly !) at other times ( depending on the huge patchability and the 3 vcd switches) its more like cross modified oscillators but with very unique and digitized aswell as analogue sound.Its hard to describe but more akin to stockhausen or early electronic experimentalists and modern day benders , its really very good for vocal like fx and strange alien bird sounds and chants and stuff like this but is semi chaotic so just a small tweak or flip of switch and its away again onto something new.It feels at times like there alot of feedback networks going in it and its by far one of the most ' alive ' sound generators ive used .Ive put no reserve but i not 100% convinced i want to sell it ! is realy cool this one and one from raymond scotts lab or it could be ! it feels like total 1950's electronics to me and its sound tends to suggest its been made with vintage components and possible some old lab gear wired together , ive used enough gear to know toy circuits as opposed to expensive components and this sounds and feels like its older and handmade.I dont think its bent but a diy project and a good one.

Heres a demo
- just a jam i did in 30 minutes - 36mb so large but i couldnt stop,No overdubs or edits , just a little verb on 1 channel .

the unit also has audio inputs , outputs and a built in speaker .Its full patchable ! anything seems to patch to anything and make weird sounds.It has a psu with it but also can be battery operated it seems."

Introducing...the QMMG

Introducing...the QMMG from MAKE NOISE on Vimeo.
"The first Make Noise product to consume current sucks up most of what was conserved by the modDemod. Inspired by the original Buchla 292. Available now."

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Admin: Note on the Blog Archives

This is just a note that I've changed the blog archives from monthly to weekly. Monthly was just taking way too long to load with close to 1000 posts a month. ;) You can now browse by week. Much more easy on the loading. If you are all caught up on posts, do check them out. You'll find tons of interesting old posts. It's kind of interesting to go back in time and see what was going up back then. I moved the section to the top right so it is easy to find. And of course, don't forget the labels further below on the right.

evin 209

flickr by theharvestman
(click for more)

Vermona Minimoog?

via this auction
"Verkaufe hier meinen alten Vermona mini-moog,der natürlich diesen typisch analogen Sound drauf hat.Gerade der Bass-Sound ist unschlagbar und läßt immer noch schwer nachahmen. .Er hat drei Oscillatoren mit je sechs Wellenformen die gegeneinander verstimmt werden können.Dazu einen Rauschgenerator und alles was sonst so ein Teil haben sollte.Das Gerät ist technisch und optisch soweit in Ordnung.Die Regler und Tastenkontakte sollten aber mal gereinigt werden.Das Gehäuse habe ich mal vor etwa zwanzig Jahren farblich verändert.Er hat mir immer gute Dienste geleistet und war nie defekt.Nun aber wie immer ist dies ein Privatverkauf,daher keine Garantie oder Rücknahne."
"Sell here my old VERMONA mini-moog, of course, these typical analog sound out hat.Gerade the bass sound is unbeatable and is still difficult to imitate. . He has three oscillator with six waveforms another detuned können.Dazu be a noise generator and everything else as a part have sollte.Das device is technically and optically extent in Ordnung.Die controller buttons and contacts should be cleaned but times werden.Das housing I have about twenty years verändert.Er color always gave me good service and was never done defekt.Nun but as always this is a private sale, therefore no warranty or Rücknahne."

Anyone know more about this one?

via Hajo

TLN-865 Trigger Extractor & Window Comparator

"The TLN-865 Trigger Extractor & Window Comparator is an adaptation of a window comparator from Jung's Op-Amp Cookbook. This circuit can also function as a trigger extractor. A window comparator produces an output that is high if the input signal is greater than the lower threshold and less than the upper threshold. Otherwise the output is low. In other words:" see the full discription for more.

cynthia yee's synth art

You can find more images on cynthia yee's flickr photosream

Also see:

V-Machine unboxing

YouTube via vstinabox
"Im Rahmen meines zum Preview der V-Maschine, konnte ich es mir in heller Erwartung nicht verkneifen das erste Auspacken und Ausprobieren mit meiner Cam festzuhalten."
"As part of my article on preview of the V-machine, I could be me in brighter expectation not resist the first unpacking and trying out with my Cam noted."

Rhodes Chroma Replacement Parts List

via the Rhodes Chroma list:

"New on the site this month is Fender's replacement parts list for the Chroma. The list includes original net and list prices, which are interesting. Thanks to Steve Grom [21030502] of Fender for supplying a copy of the list."

The Utopia synth bass in context

YouTube via RothHandle
"I had some spare time today so I started messing with a little track using the utopia synth as the bass...

This little film was shot with my Nokia mobile phone at my studio Roth Händle. This is where I spend my days working with bands, recording albums and tuning Orchestrons. If you are curious about the studio please take a stroll by It hasnt been updated for a while but you might find some of the stuff slightly interesting."

Recording a Utopia Synth/modular synth bass

"I had some spare time today so I started messing with a little track using the utopia synth as the bass..."

korg ds-10 infinity

YouTube via sacksau666
"my first try to do a song using the korg ds-10 program on nintendo ds. check it out!"

Spectralis 'dubstep foreplay'

YouTube via nunomesquitapt
"me, playing dubstep on my spectralis. i hope someone likes this. i was improvising on some patterns i did yesterday. i just love this machine :) please feed me back ..."

Spectralis & Ableton Live

YouTube via Navygate
"Spectralis in sync. with Ableton Live, Atmosphere, Electribe EMX, RM1X and Kaoss Pad."

EDP Wasp Deluxe

via this auction

The description for this one appears to be pulled from this Sound on Sound article by Chris Carter.

Original "Evil Synth" Collage

via this auction

"original one of a kind collage by artist James Foster. Based on a synthesizer called the Quasimidi Sirius and constructed using some "creepy" images, this collage is housed in a 19.5" x 15.5" shadowbox frame. The perfect (Nightmare Before) Christmas gift for any keyboardist."

Blacet / Wiard 2090 Mini Wave Synth Module MOTM format

via this auction

"The Blacet/Wiard Mini Wave is our incredibly popular wavetable lookup device with 256 on board waveforms (256 bytes per waveform). You drive it with a VCO sawtooth wave and it tracks the input frequency. Or, drive it with any waveform for some amazing distortion effects! Wave and Bank selection are voltage controllable! You will want more than one.

* 256 waveform EPROM included
* Second LIF EPROM socket with PROM Select switch (SECOND ROM "SOCKET ROCKET" INCLUDED!)
* Applications include:
o audio waveform bank
o complex LFO functions
o random functions
o non linear waveform distortion
o quantizer
Read the Basic manual here [PDF} at the Blacet site.
MW Wave Guide [PDF]
Includes Second Rom "Socket Rocket" installed, power cable and mounting screws."


via this auction

note the pull out. I know the TX81Z has one as well. I'm curious how many other Yamaha racks had them.

"The TX-802 is the rack mount version of the DX-7II with a few added touches. It is an FM synth, so it excellent at re-creating Hammond organ, electric pianos, brass, analog sounds, and bells. It is in a whole new class for percussive sounds and ethnic sounds as you can change the tuning and get out of the 12 tone box. It is not too good when it comes to, acoustic pianos, and saxophones, but that's why the gods made samplers. A required piece of gear in my opinion since the DX7 is such a legendary synth. There are thousands of patches available online for this synth (can take DX7 and DX7II patches).

Crumar Bit One Analog Synthesizer w/SSM Filters

via this auction

"This auction is for a Crumar Bit One. It's a rare analog synthesizer, particularly as this is an early SSM filter model."

Anyone confirm this? According to MOTM's excellent CEM synth list, the bit 01 had:
Bit 01
# 6 CEM3328 VCF Late Models
# 6 SSM2044 VCF Early Models


via this auction

"A original owner's manual for a RARE Cheetah Master Series synth from the 1980's. This manual is made from folded 8.5x11 paper, 54 pages long and punched with 3 ring binder along the bottom edge."

Roland JD-800

images at this auction
"Today, fewer and fewer people actually create their own sounds, and simply play presets or sounds created by programmers.

However, the original purpose of the synthesizer was to "create sound". It's easy to simply select a preset you like, but that sound will always be "someone else's sound". We at Roland asked, "Why don't we return to the roots of synthesis; the enjoyment of creating original sounds?" We considered many different ways in which we could bring back the fun of creating sounds, and the result is the JD-800 before you.

"Creating sounds" may seem like a highly technical process, but it's actually just a matter of moving a slider to make the sound change! This is easy for anyone, and the sounds that you get will always be your very own.

The JD-800 is designed to make it fun to create sounds. So please go ahead and move those sliders! We hope you will make lots of different sounds; original sounds with which to play your original music.

—From the introduction to the JD-800 manual"

Syndrum CM

images at these auctions

Serge Modular Synth Demo: Seq A + Creature

YouTube via kkonkkrete
"Demo of a few patches on a one-panel Serge modular synth with 2 M-odules: "Seq-A" and the "Creature"."

Juana Molina at Neumos in Seattle 6.19.06

YouTube via rise888. via fischek.
"Juana Molina at Neumos in Seattle 6.19.06 if you know the name of the song, please let me know!"

Juana Molina 'Malherido' Video

Beta 31 of Numerology 2

via hpsounds:

"Five12 has announced the release of Beta 31 of Numerology 2, with 2 new tutorial videos"

KORG Poly-800 Presets

You can find a WAV dump of the presets via Chris Strellis here. Note these aren't samples, but data patch dumps. They sound like old modem connections if you know what those sound like.

Make Noise Quad Multi-Mode Gates - Samples

new samples are up at Make Noise

Update: image of the real thing via REwire the comments, via Analogue Haven.

Beat Box 808 Kissen

Squeeze that knob.

808 Pillow available here.

via RetroSound

Roland TR-808 Pillow

Also check out the Big Muff here.

Bob Moog Foundation Sharpens Its Vision for 2009

"We Need Your Input!

As you know from following our progress, protecting and preserving Bob's archives has been our focus for over a year. Our goal is to share these archives with the you. As a result, the Bob Moog Foundation recently embarked on a thoughtful and ambitious planning process to chart the future direction of the organization, strategically defining who we are and how we can make a serious impact. We have committed to taking the initial steps to begin planning for a Bob Moog Museum in Asheville, NC.

What would a Bob Moog Museum look like? Here's what we envision: a highly interactive, innovative place to connect with Bob's life and work; the official residence of Bob’s extensive technological archives; a hub for an interdisciplinary community musicians, engineers, scientists and historians; an eye-opener and inspiration for students and adults alike.

We need to hear from you, the Moog community. We have created a survey that will help give us some important preliminary information regarding visitation to the Bob Moog Museum. Please take just a couple of minutes to fill out this short but important survey! Click here for the survey.

Thanks very much for your participation and support!

The Bob Moog Foundation

Support us in our efforts to begin planning a Bob Moog Museum by donating to the Bob Moog Foundation today!"

CDM Blip Festival Meet Up

For those of you lucky enough to be in New York this weekend, Create Digital Music will have a meet up at this years Blip Festival. You can find more info on CDM.

Nice shot(s) Peter. :)

bottom flickr by hsuyo

Korg nanoPAD USB Controller

YouTube via audiomidicom

"'s Mitchell Sigman shows off the new Korg nanoPAD."

Glamba at the Starlight concert 29-11-08

YouTube via filbyhyde22
"A short solo set from the percussion group Glamba during their concert with Peter Tedstone. In the first section they are using their new Roland V-drums, acquired direct from Roland as part of a sponsorship by the company."

LoFi Ninja - Circuit Bent GameBoy - keyboard modulator

YouTube via LofiNinja
"WARNING HIGH FREQUENSIES This is my REAL circuit bent GameBoy... Crazy!"

LoFi Ninja - Circuit Bent GameBoy - First Experiments

Hysteria - MicroKORG

YouTube via edtempler
"This is a cover of the bassline in Hysteria by Muse played on a MicroKORG. sorry i pissed up a lil bit at the beginning haha so i just carried on. i know its not perfect. Tell me what you think =]"

Airheads Sample 3

flicky by Airheads_instruments
"Airheads allow anyone to create music by simply playing the air. This touchless gizmo has two sensors sticks that are placed 2 ft. apart. The sensor sticks act as a hands free Midi controller and are able to sense both position and velocity. A player’s hands are able to generate different notes, and different velocities that have been preselected from any type of drum trigger MIDI and synth. Players wishing to play drums can do so by plugging the sensor sticks into the midi trigger, setting the synth for percussion sounds, and simulating drumming in the air between the Airhead sensor sticks. Players can select from up to eight different types of drums. For those who wish to play the sitar or other sounds is as easy as selecting that instrument and those notes to be played. A schematic and parts list is available."
Available at MakerSHED.

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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