Monday, September 20, 2021
video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher
this is Day#2 of my "SUPERBOOTH 2021 DIARY". This episode is full of Modular Synthesizers and Music. And of course Gerhard Mayrhofer is the head of Synth-Werk. My apologies for this misspelling.
Anyway, enjoy nearly 2 hours of Superbooth power and have fun watching it!"
Superbooth 2021: Striso board
video upload by Piers Titus van der Torren
"The Striso board MPE instrument/controller made a last minute appearance at Superbooth 2021. Its isomorphic keyboard and extensive expressive possibilities could be tried by visitors.
Some reactions:
'I've seen the Kickstarter video before, but didn't realize the Striso board is so versatile and fun to play.'
'Exactly what I was looking for! An MPE controller with an intuitive isomorphic note layout and an internal synth as a bonus!'
More info & order at"
Tukra Video Manual Part 2
video upload by Synth Diy Guy
Part 1 here
"Part 2! featuring fw update procedure, creating a user bank of samples, using the mod matrix, euclidean functions and more.
The Tukra by Tesseract is a trigger sequencer, sample player and drum synth with a unique user interface. More info here:
Stay Noisy!
Arcade Kick from Blue Lantern Modules!
video upload by Electronisounds Audio
""Arcade Kick from Blue Lantern Modules!" In this video, I show many examples of what this kick drum module sounds like.
We check it out in different eurorack systems, run it through a few guitar pedals and see how it sounds in a few different musical genres.
I think this kick module sounds really "chewy, rubbery and beefy" - I LIKE IT!
Whatever kind of music you are making - KEEP IT UP, Friends!
Don't stop making *YOUR MUSIC*!!"
SERGE modular synthesizer at Superbooth21
video upload by fonitronik
"I am sorry for the crappy phone audio. Alas, I had no option to record the audio seperately. Nonetheless, here you can see and walk into the SERGE mountain cabin at the Superbooth21 in Berlin.
This years SB has been a special event due to the Covid restrictions. Nonetheles, Andreas Schneider and his team accomplished an awesome job and were able to host a very special event, more intimate than usual, with many good vibes!"
Roland MC-500 Micro Composer With Original Black Roland Branded Briefcase Carrying Case
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
This one was spotted and sent in via M Me.
via this auction
This one was spotted and sent in via M Me.
Korg DSM-1 Vintage 12 bit sampler & synthesizer
via this auction
"Great condition for it’s age. It’s the most advanced model of Korg DSM as it’s fully upgraded in sampling memory and contains all 16 outputs.
Comes with 28 floppy disks with sounds and programs for built in synthesizer"
Roland Boutique SH-01A With K-25m Keyboard
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via SYNTH CITY Reverb
Note auction links are affiliate links. See the site's privacy policy for more info.
via SYNTH CITY Reverb
Note auction links are affiliate links. See the site's privacy policy for more info.
Roland Juno-106
Roland Jupiter 6
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"This is an exceptional collectors-grade example of a 1983 Roland Jupiter 6. It's fully calibrated and functions perfectly.
The exterior and interior of this Jupiter appear as though it were a year old. There are no scratches on the unit and all keys faders, knobs, and buttons are as new. All LED's are bright. The only small flaws are from the hinges, which as Jupiters are opened, the paint shears off - see photo. This is normal for Jupiter 6, Jupiter 8, etc. There is no rust here.
Also included is the original manual from Roland and a non-Roland hardshell case lined with crushed blue velvet material from the same era.
Manufacture date was June 1983. Jupiter 6's are continental power independent - the power supply is switching. They do not require transformer modification to go from Europe, to Asia, to North America, etc. There is a dial on the rear panel to set the appropriate power for the locale."
via this auction
"This is an exceptional collectors-grade example of a 1983 Roland Jupiter 6. It's fully calibrated and functions perfectly.
The exterior and interior of this Jupiter appear as though it were a year old. There are no scratches on the unit and all keys faders, knobs, and buttons are as new. All LED's are bright. The only small flaws are from the hinges, which as Jupiters are opened, the paint shears off - see photo. This is normal for Jupiter 6, Jupiter 8, etc. There is no rust here.
Also included is the original manual from Roland and a non-Roland hardshell case lined with crushed blue velvet material from the same era.
Manufacture date was June 1983. Jupiter 6's are continental power independent - the power supply is switching. They do not require transformer modification to go from Europe, to Asia, to North America, etc. There is a dial on the rear panel to set the appropriate power for the locale."
video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher
"Not as planned but his is the fourth Episode of FREAK-OUT-YOUR-SYNTH about tzhe latest updates from SEQUENTIAL for PROPHET-5 and PROPHET-10 synthesizers as well as for the PRO3 and PRO3 SE synthesizer. The PROPHETs are now able to play in stack or split mode and the PRO3 gets from Wavretables and a very cool patch morph feature. Find more about everything in this video.
00:00 Intro
01:40 Introduction
04:00 Updating PROPHET-10
06:00 Prophet-10 Stack Mode
10:45 Prophet-10 Split Mode
12:36 Conclusion
13:44 Updating PRO3
16:49 Patch Morching
20:52 New Sounds and Wavetables for PRO3
22:41 Final words"
video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher
"This is the third Episode of FREAK-OUT-YOUR-SYNTH, my vlog about my passions for Synthesizers and Filmmaking. Included is the new and unique series ONE-SYNTH-ONLY, where I perform on the each presented instrument. This time it is the Prophet-10 Synthesizer from Sequential.
00:00 Intro
00:32 Introduction
01:57 FOYS-Trailer
02:43 The Oscillator Section
09:05 The Mixer Section
10:11 The Filter Section
14:54 The Vintage knob
18:51 ADSR, Velocity and Aftertouch
22:38 The Patch Memory
23:18 The Modulation Section
34:26 Conclusion
39:01 One-Synth-Only
46:19 Outtakes"
video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher
"Hotter than hot! The brandnew SQ80 V Plugin from ARTURIA. This is a perfect emulationn of the 80s cult-Synthesizer SQ80 from Ensoniq PLUS much more Waveforms and options. Have a first listen to it here.
Thank you
Bernd Kistenmacher
00:00 Intro
00:22 Introduction
01:27 A brief history of Ensoniq
03:30 Installing the SQ80V
04:24 Launching the SQ80V
05:45 A short walk through the SQ80V
16:54 Final words"
6m0d6 - TR-606 inspired euorack module by LPZW and Tubbutec
video upload by
"6m0d6 is based on the famous TR-606 and indeed can sound like one, but it is so much more.
With the turn of a knob you can explore completely new soundscapes ranging from organic retro drum sounds to industrial sound effects – while still maintaining that ‘606’ feel.
Seamlessly blend between a 606 bassdrum to a decayed 808 sub-bass, tune and damp your Cymbal or just cut it into pieces and beat it with a monkey wrench.
Tired of the normal snare sound? Why not replace it with a bit-crushed version of Indy fighting foes with his whip in a cave?
Dynamic triggers, additional CV controls, midi control and individual outputs add the finishing touches to this versatile drum module.
6m0d6 includes all seven TR-606 instruments:
Bass Drum, Snare, Low and High Tom, Cymbal, Open and Closed Hihats.
The original 606 circuits were replicated and modified with additional parameters.
However, we made sure that each instrument can be set to sound like the original.
These settings are marked on the front panel for convenience."
SUPERBOOTH 2021 - LPZW 6Mod6 Drum Voice video upload by sonicstate
"Leipzig West (LPZW) have a new Drum voice module, the 6 Mod 6 - which is a classic set of 606 style drum voices. With a few mods to give a wider range of sounds - tunable Kick, Snare noise source tweaks, tunable toms with definable noise level and more.
Also possible to play polyphonic *6 voices of Hihats and snare sounds
Price €650 available end of the year/January
New in 2021,
New Modules,
Superbooth Berlin Live Streams
SUPERBOOTH21 DAY1 - First Part video upload by Superbooth Berlin
"Because of internet problems of the event location, the livestream 1 had to be cancelled on 15. Sept. We have now replaced the incomplete livestream with the full length recording! ENJOY!
0:00:00 Welcome Andreas SCHNEIDER/Jörg SUNDERKÖTTER
0:03:26 VGK (=Virtuelles Gesprächskonzert) AFA - ADITIJA
0:21:59 Short Film about and interview with GAMMON (Modular Synth. Ensemble)
0:31:41 Report: Superbooth21/Outdoors
0:55:03 Daniel MILLER (MUTE) interviews Yann TIERSEN
1:04:40 Report Obergeschoss
1:06:43 GK* (=Gesprächskonzert) Haken AUDIO
1:32:14 Report Westflügel
Miller-Zillmer-Foundation presents:
1:34:18 Miller-Zillmer-Foundation Talk with Diane Zillmer, Daniel Miller, Nicolas, Bougaieff, A. Schneider starting with a performance by Gammon/MODULAR SYNTH. ENSEMBLE
2:39:44 3 min of Yann TIERSEN LIVE @ SUPERBOOTH 21"
SUPERBOOTH21 DAY2 - livestream start 4 pm
0:00:00 Welcome Andreas SCHNEIDER/Jörg SUNDERKÖTTER
0:27:30 U-HE (GK)
1:15:27 Daniel MILLER (MUTE) interviews Hackedepiciotto
1:25:29 Interview with Marteen Vos
1:36:18 Reinhold Heil Waldorf (VGK)
1:58:33 Modor (GK)
2:30:56 Talk with Jean-Michel Jarre
3:01:24 Ploytec DoBroMan (GK)
SUPERBOOTH21 DAY3 - livestream start 4 pm
0:00:00 Welcome Andreas SCHNEIDER/Jörg SUNDERKÖTTER
0:12:07 Ken McBeth (VGK)
0:35:43 Bitwig (GK)
0:57:58 Acid Rain (VGK)
1:17:32 Daniel MILLER (MUTE) interviews JakoJako & Annalise Van Even
1:30:32 Interview Bernd Kistenmacher
1:41:35 L-1 (VGK)
2:10:16 LPZW & Tubbutec (GK)
2:31:05 Talk with Gareth Jones u.a.
3:20:50 Nonlinear Labs (GK)
SUPERBOOTH21 DAY4 - livestream start 4 pm
0:00:00 Welcome Andreas SCHNEIDER/Jörg SUNDERKÖTTER
0:06:15 Tom Oberheim (VGK)
0:30:25 VERBOS (GK)
0:51:06 Meng Qi (VGK)
1:11:38 Daniel MILLER (MUTE) interviews POLE
1:20:22 Interview with Carolina EYCK
1:30:38 endorphines (VGK)
2:04:54 Polend (GK)
2:26:06 Talk with Atom TM/Uwe Schmidt
3:17:51 Erica Synths (GK)
3:34:30 pyrolator -the trip
Lealani VS Keith McMillen's New Quneo MPE : Finger Drumming from Fantastic Planet
video upload by Perfect Circuit
"Our favorite beatmaker from outer space Lealani joins us to show of the brand new Kieth McMillen QuNeo MPE.
Strap yourself in for some explosive demos and some breakdowns of how Lealani uses the QuNeo for dynamically rich performances!
The new QuNeo RED is a 4x4 finger drumming MPE pad controller that senses pressure, position and velocity to send MIDI Notes, CCs, and more with vivid LED feedback:
Check it out here :
Hear more of Lealani's work on Spotify :"
QuNexus RED
video upload by Keith McMillen Instruments
Update: MSRP appears to be $179. Check the dealers on the right for availability.
"The new QuNexus RED is a powerful 25-key MPE keyboard controller and three track Arpeggiator/Step Sequencer with USB, MIDI, and CV outputs. The keys detect velocity, polyphonic aftertouch, and per-key tilt, giving you unprecedented control and musical expression. QuNexus RED also features our new, ultra-durable ABS-Polycarbonate finish."
QuNexus RED MPE Sequencer with modular synth
Wavefolded gotharman LD3 [filterboard proto]
video upload by Meska
"Finaly! after waiting part for so lonnnng !
here a new version of the wave folder side for the LPG filterboard (compatible gothamran's instrument) this one is more for show you the possibility in therm of sound design a wave folder in the LD3 open . As i rite this , i have allready do some improvment of the LPG side, expect news soon ;)
Thank you for watching.
My name is Meska of the statik collective . I've been making mostly "dark and expérimental" music for more than ten years now, i'v learn so much online, now it's time for me to share my knoledge, my exploration and this channel is a place to talk about the tools, sound design and techniques to make music with. i'm tattooist at day jobs and you can found my work here :
You can stream my albums and EPs at
If you'd like to support the channel consider buying music from bandcamp ;)"
Cinematic Synthesizer - Korg Poly 61 (1982) "Duo"
video upload by LFOstore
"Sounds are here:
64 custom patches for wonderful vintage machine - Korg Poly-61.
Korg Poly-61 is a great 39 years old vintage synth with great sound & sexy look.
While some people thinking that the interface is limited – we made deep vintage strings, warm pads & swells, fat basses, prophet 5 style leads & musical bells and plucks & fx to show that this machine is Deep!
You will get 64 highly usable presets splitted in two categories:
Ambient & Atmospheric sounds combined with Valhalla DSP Supermassive virtual vst effect (free of charge) included in the pack
Analog sounds & arps which are opening potential of machine & its analog warmness.
The patch bank comes as an audio file (wav) for the built-in tape interface of your Korg-Poly-61.
Included instructions how to load the bank.
Also included is a patch list, to find the right sounds quickly."
Digital Saich vs Analog Saich Blind Test
video upload by Omri Cohen
"I recorded 4 different sounds of the VCV Rack version of the Instruo Saich, and the hardware version of Saich, trying to play the same things, more or less. I added no effects whatsoever, and I find it interesting if you can hear the difference between the two versions. Each example has an A and a B part so write in the comments which one you think is the VCV Rack version and the Eurorack version for each example."
Omri's Links:
"The Basics of Modular Synthesis series of videos -
If you just want to buy me a coffee :) -
Consider joining me on Patreon -
Patching techniques and ideas document -
ARP 2600 with 3620 Keyboard
Oberheim Matrix 6 w/ Access Matrix Programmer, Tapes, & Manuals
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"includes all of the original documentation and materials pictured including the original Owners Manual, software update information sheets, the Original Factory Stock Patches Volume 1 (stamped Sept. 28, 1985) as well as an additional cassette labeled "Sardonic Sounds," and more..."
via this auction
"includes all of the original documentation and materials pictured including the original Owners Manual, software update information sheets, the Original Factory Stock Patches Volume 1 (stamped Sept. 28, 1985) as well as an additional cassette labeled "Sardonic Sounds," and more..."
Aodyo instruments ANYMA PHI
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
You can find a demo from Aodyo here and some user demos in previous posts here.
via this auction
You can find a demo from Aodyo here and some user demos in previous posts here.
Access Virus TI2 Desktop Synthesizer
Quasimidi Rave-O-Lution 309 w/ Expanded Synth and I/O SN 44497
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Includes Synth and I/O expansions, printed manual, original power supply, and rack ears."
via this auction
"Includes Synth and I/O expansions, printed manual, original power supply, and rack ears."
1974 Moog Model D Minimoog Vintage Analog Monophonic Synthesizer Revision 2 w/ Original Manual
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via this auction, also on Reverb
"1974 Moog Model D Minimoog in exceptional condition and in perfect working order, complete with the original manual. Considered the most coveted of the Model D revisions, this Rev 2 features improved oscillator and tuning stability over earlier iterations while retaining the more nuanced texture and dimension of the original Model D design. This is the same sought-after revision that the most recent Model D reissue is based on, and while the new iteration comes incredibly close, nothing can quite reproduce the qualities that make the original so vital. The sound is absolutely engulfing, with that signature, velvety warmth used to glue together countless tracks. The synth can produce intensely core-shaking and churning low end, with squishy, compressed cutting waves that rip through the air while never sounding harsh."
via this auction, also on Reverb
"1974 Moog Model D Minimoog in exceptional condition and in perfect working order, complete with the original manual. Considered the most coveted of the Model D revisions, this Rev 2 features improved oscillator and tuning stability over earlier iterations while retaining the more nuanced texture and dimension of the original Model D design. This is the same sought-after revision that the most recent Model D reissue is based on, and while the new iteration comes incredibly close, nothing can quite reproduce the qualities that make the original so vital. The sound is absolutely engulfing, with that signature, velvety warmth used to glue together countless tracks. The synth can produce intensely core-shaking and churning low end, with squishy, compressed cutting waves that rip through the air while never sounding harsh."
Rare Vintage Wurlitzer P100 Tote a Tune Analog Preset Keyboard
Note: Auction links are affiliate links for which the site may be compensated.
via this auction
"Excellent working condition! All voices and functions operate very well. Onboard speakers function well without distortion. Touch control strip that adds diminished 7th, Minor, or both to the chords works very well. Cosmetic condition is good, with some minor scuffs and scratches to finish. See photos for full details. 49 spring action keys. Auto rhythm and arpeggiator functions with separate volume control. 12 selectable voices. Auto bass chord accompaniment with separate volume control. Expression pedal and sustain pedal inputs. Runs off 2-prong IEC cable or 12v car battery input. Auxiliary input/output jacks."
Piano, Harpsichord, Organ, Accordian, Vibraphone & Strings.
via this auction
"Excellent working condition! All voices and functions operate very well. Onboard speakers function well without distortion. Touch control strip that adds diminished 7th, Minor, or both to the chords works very well. Cosmetic condition is good, with some minor scuffs and scratches to finish. See photos for full details. 49 spring action keys. Auto rhythm and arpeggiator functions with separate volume control. 12 selectable voices. Auto bass chord accompaniment with separate volume control. Expression pedal and sustain pedal inputs. Runs off 2-prong IEC cable or 12v car battery input. Auxiliary input/output jacks."
Piano, Harpsichord, Organ, Accordian, Vibraphone & Strings.
Selmer Clavioline Concert Keyboard Synthesizer
Velectronic A-envelope, simplificando la polifonía en Eurorack
video upload by Hispasonic
Note this is the first post to feature Velectronic.
"Finalizamos nuestro paseo por la presencia española en Superbooth 2021 con Velectronic, una empresa con una historia atípica en la escena modular. Su primera obra es A-envelope, una envolvente ADSR desarrollada para simplificar el patching en configuraciones polifónicas.
Velectronic es un caso poco habitual dentro del sector: esta vez no estamos ante el emprendimiento de uno o varios artesanos de la electrónica, sino ante toda una compañía dedicada a la electrónica industrial desde 1972, que de repente lanza una propuesta en síntesis modular. ¿Cómo se entiende esto? La explicación está en el empeño e iniciativa de Josep Miquel Vera, entusiasta de los sintetizadores, que convenció a su padre —fundador y gerente de Velectronic— para lanzarse a la piscina. El propio José Vera nos lo cuenta al principio del vídeo."
"We finished our walk through the Spanish presence in Superbooth 2021 with Velectronic, a company with an atypical history in the modular scene. His first work is A-envelope, an ADSR envelope developed to simplify patching in polyphonic setups.
Velectronic is an unusual case within the sector: this time we are not facing the undertaking of one or more electronics craftsmen, but rather a whole company dedicated to industrial electronics since 1972, which suddenly launches a proposal in modular synthesis. How is this understood? The explanation lies in the effort and initiative of Josep Miquel Vera, a synthesizer enthusiast, who convinced his father —founder and manager of Velectronic— to jump into the pool. José Vera himself tells us about it at the beginning of the video."
OP-1 and Norns (Icarus Script)
video upload by Luca Longobardi
“From a certain point onward there is no longer any turning back. That is the point that must be reached.”
― Franz Kafka, The Trial
Continuum and Osmose Dual Performance
video upload by HakenAudio
"An impromptu performance by Rob Schwimmer at the Haken Audio / LVDL booth during SuperBooth 2021 in Berlin. Here Rob plays a Continuum Preset with one hand and a arpeggiated Osmose Preset with the other. Sound captured with the iPhone mic from the LVDL Pyramide speaker within the room."
African percussions for modular synth/Arduino Mozzi Library
video upload by Afrorack
"The Mozzi library opens up many possibilities for cheap DIY modules like Complex Wave table VCO'S, Samplers, Filters and complete synthesizer projects. It's one of those discoveries I wonder why I didn't know about it. If you are interested in the code for arduino, let me know
To support the channel
Patreon- Paypal-"
Arduino Mozzi posts
SUPERBOOTH 2021 (No talking)
video upload by Mykola
"This is a spontaneous video that was filmed on the last day of the exhibition. I didn't have a tripod with me, so I had to buy it in one of the local shops in Berlin in the morning. I saw a lot of interesting things for myself, and also made new friends.
In general it was very cool, I look forward to the exhibition next year. Thanks to #superbooth
If you recognize yourself or recognize your friends, tag in the video.
video upload by Bernd Kistenmacher
"Hello world,
for all of you who were not able to come to Berlin and all others who wants to recapitulate four days of crazyness and fun: here is my Superbooth 2021 diary. Four days, fours vids.
Have fun watching it!
00:00 Intro
01:23 Memories In Empty Rooms
05:25 Like A Warm Fireplace
07:30 Konzertsaal 1
11:25 ANYMA Physical Modelling Synthesizer
25:47 Resuming In Fresh Air
26:32 Watching people
30:03 ARTURIA In Rain
31:34 Sport For Your Ears
35:20 ASM Ashun Sound Machines
45:14 Final Words"
Serge Modular - Superbooth 21
video upload by
"Die Jungs von Serge Modular sind bestimmt keine Unbekannten mehr! Wir hatte auf der Superbooth die Gelegenheit die Modular Systeme von Serge unter die Lupe zu nehmen!"
"The guys from Serge Modular are definitely no strangers! We had the opportunity to take a closer look at Serge's modular systems at the Superbooth!"
Waldorf M - Wavetable Synthesizer (Superbooth 21)
video upload by Klangfarbe
"Der Waldorf M ist ein achtstimmig polyphoner oder vierstimmig multitimbraler Wavetable Synthesizer der Spass macht. Claudio Chiariatti gibt uns einen kleinen Einblick in Waldorfs neuen Wavetable Synthesizer"
Moog Sound Studio - Superbooth 2021
video upload by Klangfarbe
"Alex von Moog hat uns bei der Superbooth durch den Sound Circus geführt und uns ein wenig über das neue Moog Sound Studio erzählt. Aber nicht nur das, auch sonst hatte er so einiges zu berichten.
0:30 - Das Zelt
2:10 - Moog Sound Studio
3:50 - Patch Books & Cards
4:30 - Get Lucky
5:10 - Model 10
6:13 - Hinako Omori"
SUPERBOOTH 2021 - Eowave - New Modules
video upload by sonicstate
"Eowave have a 10HP through Zero Oscillator, the ORAGE, the Fluctuations Magnetiqués Filter and the Redonances 4-tap delay.
Orage price - €249
Fluctuations €300
Redonances - not set yet."
SUPERBOOTH 2021 - Miso Modular Granular Sampler
video upload by sonicstate
"ALEX4 are one of the largest (if not the largest) European distributors specialising in modular and synthesizers
- Edd spent some time with them looking at the new MISO Modular Granular Sampler.
One of its main characteristics being the smooth nature of the granular engine, with less glitching and smooth beans (granular speak)
Tom Koerting from Alex 4 stepped in to demo as they were unable to attend the show at the lat minute.
Price €4-500 Euros available soon"
Note this is the first post to feature Miso Modular.
SUPERBOOTH 2021 Hakan Audio - Eagan Matrix in Eurorack
video upload by sonicstate
"Gaz has a long chat with Ed Eagan from Haken Audio who's Eagan Matrix sound engine is the core behind the Continuum Fingerboards as well as being now inside the the Expressive É Osmose.
Now the Eagan Matrix has been released in Eurorack format.
The Eagan Eurorack is an 8 voice DSP/Digital module with plenty of CV control input to access the programable macros, as is common to all the Eagan Matrix implementations.
The patch editor runs on the computer software with the patches being compatible across all Eagan Matrix implementations.
It will be available as soon as components become available priced at $799"
SUPERBOOTH 2021 Verbos Electronics - New Systems
video upload by sonicstate
"We got some great demos from Tom Holroyd from Verbos Electronics - they have three new system configurations from Verbos Electronics - the Designer Configuration based around the Harmonic Oscillator.
Next up the Producer Configuration - which is a larger setup with more focus on CV control as well as the Harmonic Oscillator you have the Foundation Oscillator
And finally the Performer Configuration - Harmonic Oscillator, Complex Oscillator at its core"
SUPERBOOTH 2021 - 1010 Music Blackbox V1.9 Updates
video upload by sonicstate
"Blackbox from 1010 Music is becoming a standard piece of studio gear for those who want an easy clip- based recording unit. As well as samples of up to 4hrs per slot, you can also use it like a regular sampler for voice playback too.
The new update adds a bunch of additional new features- that have been requested by users - as Aaron puts it - a greatest hits of user requests."
© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
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© Matrixsynth - All posts are presented here for informative, historical and educative purposes as applicable within fair use.
MATRIXSYNTH is supported by affiliate links that use cookies to track clickthroughs and sales. See the privacy policy for details.