Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Dotcom ZOs

No title link. Just two shots of the Cyndustries ZO in Dotcom format, sent my way via Josh. Yowsa! Impressive.

Update: This is Josh's of Malekko - Josh's and Paul Barker's [Ministry] upcoming venture, mentioned in this Novamod SH-101 with Maestro Brassmaster post.

Upate: You can find an MP3 in this post.

Stephen St. Croix

Tim sent me a link to this Bode Vocoder up for auction along with a link to Stephen St. Croix's website. I didn't realize who he was and that he had passed until I got to the bottom of the gear page.

"Stephen St. Croix – aka Steven Marshall – professional rock-and-roll producer and guitarist, and inventor of equipment for the pro audio industry, died earlier this year of melanoma. Almost everyone has been exposed to his work through music or movie soundtracks in the course of his influential career in professional audio.
In the early 1970s, Stephen founded Marshall Electronic, under whose auspices he designed the Marshall Time Modulator, a cutting-edge audio effects device, which became a bestseller in the recording industry and was also used to create Darth Vader’s voice and many other movie special effects. He worked on numerous landmark recordings, including Stevie Wonder’s “Songs in the Key of Life” and “The Secret Life of Plants,” having invented the device used to record the sounds of plants. Stephen also invented the ‘Revectorization’ process that he used to restore the soundtracks for motion pictures including “Gone with The Wind,” “Wizard of Oz,” “Easter Parade,” and “Yankee Doodle Dandy.” Furthermore, he re-mastered recordings of a number of the masters, including Bob Marley, Patsy Cline, and Jerry Lee Lewis, to name a few."

You can find more about his contributions at the bottom of his gear page. It appears they are auctioning off a number of items, and will be selling more.

Bode Vocoder.

Update: Note the huge black synth over his left shoulder is a Black Oberheim Eight Voice.

Akai ME35T Audio MIDI Trigger

Haven't seen one of these before. Click here for shots pulled via this auction. Note the auction says it's a MIDI to CV converter but the 8 1/4" jacks are labeled "Audio Trigger Input" not output. According to Synthony, the ME35T actually converts audio signals to MIDI.

via Loscha.

Simmons SDSV and SDS 8

Simmons SDSV

Link to shots pulled via this auction.

Simmons SDS 8

Link to shots pulled via this auction.

Sent my way via Loscha.

TAMA Techstar TS305

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Sent my way via Loscha.

Parallax - Deuterium

via Dave of umop:
"A little something special for PARALLAX fans today... an exclusive MP3 I very recently made called Deuterium. It uses five synths: A Korg 01/W for all the background sequences and drums (programmed back around 2001 or so!), and ALL LIVE performances on a Nord Lead 2X, Access Virus kb, Roland JD-800, and my new little Korg Microkorg!"

Title link takes you there.
Update: I just got done listening to the track. This some really good stuff.

Moog and Buddha Machines

flickr by Maggie Osterberg.

Title link takes you to more.

KORG Kaoss Pad KP3 Review on Analog Industries

Click here. Good, and more importantly, bad points expressed.

"The I/O on this machine is a joke. Just stereo RCA on the back, and a quarter-inch jack on the front that is ostensibly a "mic" input with a trim knob. This may be fine for a weekend warrior/DJ/whatever, but for a professional user, it's annoying in the extreme."

Yep... I was hoping they would include 1/4" jacks this time. The audience still appears to be DJs.

MOOG Rogue

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Maplin ETI 4600 and Custom Controller

flickr by jelliffe_rick.
Title link takes you to more.

Notes on the (modular) controller:
* a nice wooden box, covered in leatherette
* four removeable panels on top, each for separate controls
* three jacks on each side (right for CV in, left for switches in)
* a USB kit from Velleman to connect to a computer (I am writing a driver which will route control signals to MIDI)

Becoming of SID sinth - TB303 patch

flickr by fibra.

Title link takes you to more.

New Nord Coming

Looks like a dual keyboard Electro? We'll find out at winter NAMM on January 18.

Metasonix S-1000 Wretch Machine Demos by ReWire

Two tracks featuring the Metasonix S-1000 by ReWire:


Last Minute Xmas Tunes

Christmas is over for most, however if you just need a little more synthi xmas music here are a couple of links sent my way:

Table's Xmas on MySpace (warning: this site is flashy, as in epileptic seizure flashy). This is a cool track featuring various xmas samples you should recognize. Via Carl.

Sounds of Christmas 1986 by a German group, Apolleon. This is the full album, and is really good stuff. Via Andre.


BTW, I hope everyone had a good Holiday this year. I got me a Yamaha DD55 to bang on. Every now and then I just feel the need to take a stick to something...

Yamaha DD55 on Amazon

Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas!!!

One more via this set. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, et al! May your Holidays be synthfully warm.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


flickr by elephants_will_kiss_me.

I see a Korg MS2000.

EMS Synthi AKS Keyboard Transfer

No title link. Just these two shots pulled via this auction.

Highly Liquid

Title link takes you to Highly Liquid, home to MIDI retrokits, modular expansions and more for your circuit bending susceptible gear including the Casio SK-1.

Korg DW8000 Modded

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.


Details Google Translated:
"First characteristic is the memory expansion of the company Musictonics. Thus this DW-8000 has now unbelievable 512 (!) Sound on board, instead of only 64. Also the exchange of individual sounds between the banks, and the change-over of the banks are possible by Midi! Those are already times sufficient arguments to purchase this super Synthesizer. Because this extension was not cheap straight and is only with completely few DW-8000 to be found. But which makes this copy finally singular then, those is affectionate, and with much trouble modification of the Erstbesitzers arranged this DW-8000. And does the whole out-looks also still correctly geil. With the turnable regulators and rocker switches it concerns tunable, similar filters. For each filters 2 potentiometers and 1-2 rocker switches. Adjustable are in each case Gain and frequency. The modifications within the range of the Joysticks serve its for the influence. One can “freeze” here the position of the Joysticks in the horizontals as well as in the vertical one. If one does not wish this, one surrounds the switches simply. Even turnable regulators for the individual volume adjustments are inserted. In the back there is also still a few additional exits, with which I am not safe, which function it has. The Erstbesitzer was an electrical engineer, and here really great work carried out. Which concerns the sound of the DW-8000, it remains noting that this is one the most versatile Synthesizer at all. 4 weeks ago ago the storage battery was replaced; is thus a completely new battery in it. Unfortunately thereby the sounds were lost; and there to me the time is missing to provide these 512 sounds again leave I this creative job to the buyer."

Roland SH-3A

flickr by jelliffe_rick.

"Here's some photos of the insides of my Roland SH-3A with some construction comments. The filter is actually a kind of Moog transistor ladder, contrary to what all the material on the WWW says."

Title link takes you there.

White Christmas via Till Kopper

This one in via Till "Qwave" Kopper (shared here).

"Because there is no snow here at all, here is a link to my personal white christmas. I just received my Manikin Memotron with the serial #007. It is a beautiful instrument. I love it! And the white parts of the housing except the backpanel with the jacks are very well white painted wood. The keyboard on the top is a Hohner String Vox. This is a ELKA 490 sold by Hohner International. Built 1974! see here for more info about it.

Have a peaceful and healthy christmas and 2007!"

Thanks Till!

Bank Step Now Free

Remember Algorithmic Arts

John Loffink of Microtonal Synthesis and Wavemakers wrote in to let me know that their Bank Step analog style sequencer is now free.

Oberheim DMX insides

flickr by asbestosis.

Ensoniq SQ1

flickr by aaronazz.

Title link takes you to more.

Saturday, December 23, 2006


Remember this Synth Mantra session on SoNiCbRaT? Title link takes you to the second session featuring the "coctail party" effect.

"Cocktail-Patry Effect is the ability of the human ear to perceive a distinctive sound out of a collage of sounds. The ability to filter out a single sound from a collective of sounds. Sounds which are masked by a myriad of noised can be perceivable by the human ear through the exercise of this effect."

Gear used: KORG Prophecy, Moogerfooger MF105 MurF, KORG EM1, BOSS VF-1 multi-effects processor, and KORG Koass Pad III.

Sherman QMF

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

via SoNiCbRaT

Happy Holidays via Nikos




Yamaha DX200

Title link takes you to some gorgeous shots of the Yamaha DX200 sent my way via Tom. Now that looks like a "Matrixsynth Edition" synth if I ever saw one. : )

Roland Super JX-10 & PG-800

Title link takes you to images pulled via this auction.

Sequential Circuits Pro One Wood Case

More pics here via this auction.

Note the auction is not for an actual Pro One, but the custom wood case built by Synthwood, along with a new mod and pitch wheel case from Dave Smith Instruments.

"This is a custom ALL NEW WOOD CASE for the Sequential Circuits Pro-One analogue synthesizer. The case is complete with screws, mounting hardware and a newly designed pitch / mod wheel box. It is designed to replace the flimsy original plastic case with very little or no alteration to the original sheet metal bottom case. You will need to align your keyboard tray to accommodate the new wheel box. This can be done by either machining or drilling new holes in the keyboard tray about 1/2" offset from the originals.

Dave Smith Instruments has designed a brand new pitch / mod wheel box which we are including with the kit. The new wheel box allows you to use your existing Pro-One pitch / mod pots and wiring harness with a brand new set of acrylic wheels.

Its important to note that the images below are of our second PROTOTYPE and while it does have a couple of noticable blemishes they WILL NOT show up on yours. Yours will be even more beautiful and unique.

When you are doing the installation you will also need to replace your old plastic SwitchCraft jacks with more durable metal switched jacks that can be mounted to the back of the case. Typically these jacks will be broken anyway, so the conversion is a great opportunity to wire in replacements. We can include these 7 pre-wired jacks if needed for $15, or you can just make them yourself by following our installation guide.

What is included:

# A completely finished and assembled wood case
# Black Walnut (shown), Cherry or Mahogany - Your Choice
# Brand new wheel box designed by Dave Smith Instruments
# Two new clear acrylic pitch / mod wheels
# Pitch / Mod pot brackets (You use your existing pots)
# Four black head machine screws to replace your old ones
# 6 T-Nuts with 6 washers to mount your control panel
# 8 black wood screws (installed)
# Installation guide with a step by step process with pictures Nameplates will be available very soon. Shipping is $25 in the USA, $55 via airmail elsewhere"

Previous posts on Synthwood

Waldorf XT Christmas

Title link takes you to a Quicktime video of Derek putting up his Christmas tree. The music in the background is a Waldorf XT sample track. The video with the music playing in the background is pretty cool, so be sure to have your sound turned up.

Thanks Derek!

ARP Quadra

Title link takes you to shots pulled via this auction.

Friday, December 22, 2006


For those of you in Washington D.C. This one via George Mattson.

"Friends of El Possible--Mark your calendars and prepare yourselves for

Sunday January 7, 2007--THEREMANIA!!
All-theremin show with Coven of One + Rupert & Art + Echolalia + Dave Vosh

You know the SOUND of the theremin, even if you've never seen one: the Beach
Boys used one on "Good Vibrations" and it's featured on the soundtrack to
more than one science fiction B-movie (like Forbidden Planet). The theremin
is a unique instrument that the musician plays without touching it. It's all
done with electric currents coming out of two antennas. You have to see it
to believe it. And at THEREMANIA you will see and hear what the theremin is
all about! Five DC-based experimental musicians bring their theremin chops
to the stage!!

THEREMANIA!! featuring:
Coven of One--Solo project of Nicoletta Stephanz incorporating
voice,theremin & other instruments. Nic has played theremin with Legendary
Pink Dots, Daevid Allen (Gong), and with three groups at the recent Gong
Reunion Festival in Amsterdam. Check these props: "Thank god we had a REAL
thereminist!" - Wendy Carlos; "Nic is one of the most creative people I
know." - Bob Moog. link

Rupert & Art--Duo of Ruppert Chappelle & Art Harrison plays homemade & Moog
theremins plus other electronic gadgets. Formerly known as legendary late
70's group Jobs for America. Art currently plays theremin for The Cassettes.

Echolalia-- Scene favorite doing lots of shows & collaborations of late,
bringing the latest advance in her solo theremin + electronics experiments.

Dave Vosh--Analog electronics improvisation with a set up that includes a
theremin module.

more artist info and weblinks on website!

$5--all money goes to the artists!
8:00 pm, Sunday, Jan 7, 2007
Phillips Hall, 801 22nd St, NW
Rm B120 (in the basement)
(22nd and H Streets/GW Metro)
George Washington University

Image via this site.

Oberheim Xpander From NightBird's Studio

flickr by NightBirds (Electronic Music).

Just saw this in the set after putting up the last post. Wow! There are some really good shots in this set - don't miss them.

P.S. I love that the Matrix-12 and Expander both have the "Matrixsynth Edition" look going for them. : ) They should have made the blue lines green though. The Matrix-6 was my first synth, hence the alias and name of this site. The Matrix-12 was and still is my dream synth.

Update: NightBird's MySpace Page

PS3100 , RSF Kobol & Modular system

NightBirds studio - Promotional N°3

flickr by NightBirds (Electronic Music).

Title link takes you to more.

Update: NightBird's MySpace Page

casperelectronics Vocal Processor

New VP from Casperelectronics. Title link takes you to another shot and some more info.

Folktek Walking Stick on SubtleNoiseMaker

Title link takes you to more info and samples via sascha.

Previous Folktek posts

Casio PT-7 on Synthwire

I told myself I wasn't going to put up every Synthwire post that comes in, but this is just too cool. Click here for a video of the CAsio PT-7 by Inverseroom. The very beginning made my jaw drop. You have to see this video. I want one of these!

Waldorf Microwave Green Machine

You are looking at serial number #1 of the Waldorf Microwave limited green edition. This one is indeed real, and not a "Matrixynth Edition." : ) Title link takes you to the thread on where this was posted. BTW, the post is for the unit for sale - 475 Euros.

Also pictured: Waldorf Rack Attack and Waldorf Wave.

Update via Qwave in the comments: "The picture shown here is not by the seller of the Waldorf. The picture is hijacked from here, from this site"

PSP Rhythm 7.0

"The homebrew audio sequencer for the PSP has beed released just in time for the holidays. PSP Rhythm 7.0 is a complete music workstation in the palm of your hand. PSP Rhythm features include sample playback, sample manipulation, audio effects, grid sequencer, and song arranger. PSP Rhythm enables you to take audio samples, arrange them, effect them, and record your songs to CD quality audio files.

Major Improvements for version 7.0:
- Wave Table Synthesizer (with user defined oscillator)
- Sample Volume Envelope
- Improved Audio Engine
- Song files have replaced bank files
- Improved file user interface

Thank you!
The PSP Rhythm Development Team" Some direct links:
Windows Installer
Manual Installer
User Manual
Quick Reference Guide
Rhythm 7.0 Demo Song (song file and samples included with release)
Previous Posts

SIGHUP Drum Macine

"Drum machine emerges as an extension of the ideas developed by SIGHUP in the Machines series, which has aimed to create music entirely guided by the distinct qualities of any given sound source. While the drum machine series touches on more familiar and conventional sounds--and an effort was made not to modify the basic sound of the drum machines with many effects--structurally the tracks are intended not to follow conventional forms, or the ecstatic punctuation of meter of popular beats, but rather to weave sounds and phrases like vine formations. The structures are not dissimilar from SIGHUP's noisedrone work, but the change in the type of sounds used brings a new perspective to the SIGHUP style."

Title link takes you there. You'll find five tracks of audio.

A Little Phatty Christmas Card via Eric Frampton

Title link takes you to Eric Frampton's cover of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen" performed with a Little Phatty.

"Merry Christmas and happy holidays, y'all!

Remember the piece that Steve Porcaro did back in the early 80's for
a Keyboard Magazine soundsheet, the one that was nothing but
Minimoog? I thought that might be fun to do with a newer instrument...

This is all Little Phatty except for the Hammond (CX-3), piano (S90),
and drums (Stylus RMX). No MIDI anywhere.


Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays folks! Hope it's a warm, safe and happy one. : )

Title link takes you to a few more shots. BTW, if you have any synthy holiday shots, feel free to send them in or post them in the comments.

Pictured: My Clavia Nord Lead.

Poly Evolver "Matrixsynth Edition"

Two more via Bee Jay.

Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth"

Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth Darkside"

Update: Looks like Blogger shrunk them. Here are bigger versions: Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth" and Poly Evolver "MatrixSynth Darkside". I also archived them on flickr and here. I particularly like the Darkside version. Something about green on black. : )

Patch n Tweak
Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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