Showing posts with label IO Instruments. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IO Instruments. Show all posts

Sunday, December 17, 2023

IO Instruments Starter system with Doepfer A-100 LC6 Case

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via this auction

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Friday, September 16, 2022

IO Instruments KALYKE / dual function generator / ADSR & LFO / extensive playthrough

video upload by BRiES

"In this video I demonstrate the full functionality of KALYKE by IO Instruments. KALYKE is a digital module that can be a dual envelope, an ADSR envelope and an LFO or a dual LFO, it really depends on how you set it up. There's a lot of versatility to explore with this 16HP piece of gear. I've recorded a bunch of patch and sound examples, and of course a long segment where I go over every knob, button, input and output.

IO Instruments aim at lower budgets without sacrificing quality. I think you'll see that KALYKE is indeed feature packed and it has a few tricks up its sleeve that I haven't seen on any other envelope or LFO module.

0:00 intro
0:05 hi
1:06 sounds and patches
9:54 LFO overview
25:24 ADSR section overview
42:08 closing thoughts and build quality
43:57 thanks for watching

DISCLAIMER: I was supported by IO Instruments to make this video but whatever I explain and show in these videos are my opinions and experiences. My goal is to demonstrate the functionality of a module as detailed as possible, so everyone watching this video can decide whether KALYKE is something they want or need. I'm not here to tell you what to like."

Friday, August 12, 2022

IO Instruments - KALYKE - modulate the modulator

video upload by IO Instruments

"KALYKE's ADSR signal can be 'mixed' onto the LFO or Sample & Hold signal. Leading to interesting results :) No patch cord(s) needed!"

Thursday, May 19, 2022


video upload by sonicstate

"Back with Uwe Geroge and one of his other ventures, this time IO Instruments and the KAL IYKE function generator. With an envelope - which can loop, and LFO which can be one shot, its pretty flexible. Some other cools functions, musical x1, x2 buttons, freeze function, ratchet together with plenty of CV connectivity, it has a lot of utility.

Available now at €159"

Tuesday, April 05, 2022

IO Instruments - Kalyke Envelope/LFO eurorack module

video upload by NOISEBUG

Friday, March 18, 2022


via IO Instruments

LFO section


controlled/morphed manually via potentiometer or CV. Morphs from Pulse (20-50-90%) -> Sinus (720°) -> Ramp (720°) -> Triangle (680°)


controlled via potentiometer or CV. Center of potentiometer at: 4Hz +/- 8 Oktaves


controlled via potentiometer and reset in. Can be adjusted from 1-14 repeats and endless loop (takes effect after reset in)

ADSR can be mixed onto LFO with potentiometer

Sample and Hold:

LFO can be switched into S&H mode

can be toggled btw -5V to +5V and 0 to +10V via switch

1xCV for waveform, 1xCV for tempo, 1xReset

LFO has one positive and one negative CV output

Manual Trigger:
one button to reset LFO (shared with ADSR)

ADSR section

continous exponentiell to linear response, controlled via potentiometer

16 different multi repeats of attacks, controlled via Attack and Decay sliders
loop mode from Attack to Release, controlled via switch
all settings get freezes to keep exact positions
4x30mm faders to control A, D, S and R segments
Manual Trigger:
one button to reset ADSR (shared with LFO)
ADSR has one positive and one negative CV output, further one trigger out at endof attack, one trigger out at end of decay
1xGate in (>1V), four modulation inputs to control A, D, S, and R segments (0-5V)

Output Amplitude: 7,5V (ADSR) / 10VPP (LFO)
Frequency Range: LFO 60s – 284Hz /
ADSR 0,4ms-10s (Attack); 0,8ms-20s (Decay/Release)
Trigger out: 2ms/10V
Width: 16 HP

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

How Trovarsi Syncs Her Eurorack Rig With Ableton in Her Hybrid Synth System | Patch Work Ep.2

video upload by Reverb

"How can you combine a Eurorack system with Ableton Live? LA-based modular artist Trovarsi demonstrates how she combines the best of hardware and software synthesis. In our second episode of Patch Work, she walks through her current rig with our host Fess Grandiose."

Reverb Patch Work Episodes

Friday, September 17, 2021

SUPERBOOTH 2021 - Rides In The Storm - New Modules

video upload by sonicstate

This is the first post to feature Rides In The Storm, George Giegler's side project from IO Instruments. He also works with MFB as you can see in previous posts here.

Friday, July 16, 2021

Fun(ky) Drums

video upload by NOISEBUG

Eurorack drums featuring modules from:
IO Instruments

Sequenced by:
Korg SQ64

Saturday, May 08, 2021

IO Instruments - SPONDE patch examples

video by IO Instruments

"SPONDE might look like a simple nature on the surface. But when used smart, it can be used in many different ways as a center piece of a modular system.

- 6 channel stereo mixer
- 2 x 6 mono mixer
- mix 6 audio and 6 CV signal in parallel
- 8 x attenuator and 2 x 2 mixer (for audio or CV) at the same time

.. and many other combinations.

Let us kick off a little patch series:
- one mixer channel to be used as a submix to feed into a filter
- mix audio and CV material in parallel
- a jam using the direct outs/attenuators

00:00​ - Intro
00:15​ - SPONDE recap - what is it
00:50​ - Patch example: submixer
03:08​ - Patch example: audio + CV mixing in parallel
07:01​ - SPONDE jam: mix various audio and CV signals & use direct outs to control other modules

Monday, April 05, 2021

Euporie lowpass filter - Frequency Modulation (FM) capabilities - walkthrough

video by IO Instruments

"Brief (technical) walkthrough on the Euporie lowpass filter FM capabilities.

00:09​ - FM inputs & attenuators
00:37​ - running through linear, exponential 1 and exponential 2 FM inputs
02:12​ - audio rate FM
02:41​ - using both exponential FM inputs

Euporie overview video:"

IO Instruments Euporie Overview

video posted Apr 22, 2020

"Demonstrating some Euporie features

00:43​ - 24db output
00:59​ - 150Hz lowcut
01:18​ - Input gain stage
01:49​ - Resonance (Moog style)
02:22​ - Resonance distortion
02:49​ - Linear FM input
04:12​ - Exponential FM input
07:03​ - Cutoff and resonance modulation
08:04​ - 12db output
09:36​ - 6db output"

Saturday, March 13, 2021

IO Instruments Synth Voice with Maneco Labs Minilooper Delay NOISEBUG Demo

video by NOISEBUG

"IO Instruments synth voice sequences by Beatstep Pro with so Maneco Minilooper Lofi Loopjng delay blended in."

Thursday, November 05, 2020

IO Instruments - patching galore part 2

IO Instruments

"Uwe George explains the IO Instruments Eurorack module line.
More spaghetti...

00:30 - Pasiphae Experimental Ringmodulator
07:50 - Himalia Penta Sound Source"

Part 2 here

Monday, November 02, 2020

IO Instruments - patching galore part 1

IO Instruments

"Uwe George explains the IO Instruments Eurorack module line.
Heavy patching action involved :)

00:20 Intro
01:08 - Themisto VCO
09:13 - Euporie VCF
16:14 - Sinope VCA
19:29 - Sponde Audio / CV Mixer"

Friday, July 31, 2020

Quick Jam: IO Instruments Eurorack Modules

Perfect Circuit

"IO Instruments has some interesting eurorack modules out and some more on the way. We put together this small system with a few of their modules including the Himalia which is a sound source with 5 generators including filtered analog noise, digital noise, a square wave oscillator, sampler with lots of built in drum sounds and a chord generator. IO also has basic modules like the Themisto VCO, Euporie VCF, Pashiphae ring mod, Sinope VCA and Sponde mixer that add clever and useful extra features. All of the IO modules also have colorful knobs and a halftone paint job that makes them look great together.

We added in a Noise Engineering BIA for the kick, Intellijel Quadrax for envelopes and a Malekko Quad VCA for mixing and extra VCAs. Everything is sequenced with the Arturia Keystep Pro.

#PerfectCircuit #Eurorack #Synthesizer"

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

IO instruments workshop @SchneidersLaden

Published on Apr 22, 2020 SchneidersLaden

"Despite IO Instruments being quite new to the scene, the whole team has lots of experience in the business, some members have been working for companies like MFB and ACL for example.

IO presented their products at Superbooth 2019 and aim to bring the audio quality of the 500 series modules into eurorack.

This workshop is an introduction to the brand and their first line of modules - lots of excellent sounds in there and some inspiring design choices."

Monday, October 07, 2019

New SYNTHFEST 2019 Sonicstate Videos

Published on Oct 7, 2019 sonicstate

Update: EvenHarmonic Stomp Synth added to the playlist.


1. SYNTHFEST 2019 - Expert Sleepers Ultimate Interface ES-9
Expert Sleepers were on hand to show their entirely new ES-9 which takes the concept of modular and DAW integration with DC coupled connections, to its logical conclusion - featuring 16 IO interface, plus 2x balanced Audio outs as well as 8x8 minijacks, and optical IO, as well as compatibility with the ES expansion modules (for up to 48 additional outputs). You can now use this at the heart of your live or recording system in one go. Available soon priced at £499 UK
2. SYNTHFEST 2019 - IO Instruments Filter - With dual resonance types
New dual filter type from IO Instruments adding to their expanding range of affordable modules, this one featuring a ladder filter (24/12/6dB slopes) - with bass compensation and an MS type filter. With Linear FM, Keytrack and other controllable aspects. Sounded good, and is affordable, expected price is around €130 Euros
3. SYNTHFEST 2019 - More On The Modal Argon8
Modal Electronics were showing two of their Argon 8 Wavetable synths - things are moving on, there are now 4 in the world - so still at production prototypes stage.

News from the Modal Electronics camp, the Argon8 firmware is still being worked on, with some advances in DSP efficiency meaning more is happening in the on board FX department.

Still aiming for November production, but probably later in the month as opposed to early. But still largely on track.
Jackson kindly gave us a glimpse of some of the new features and DSP work thats been going on.
Argon 8 is expected by the end of November at a retail price around £579.
4. SYNTHFEST 2019 - Isotonik Studios Control For Akai Fire - Soon Come
Isotonik Studios spend a lot of their time figuring out what MIDI controllers work well with Ableton Live and construct custom scripts that will allow them to be used in ways that allow for excellent studio and live workflows. In this video we look at the way that new hardware can be hooked up. Using ClipEx Pro and the bindings feature, its possible to create your own complex, custom setups.
Also on show was the soon to be released set of functions including a Euclidian sequencer and control for the Akai Fire. Which is an FL Studio controller that's has been hijacked to work with live with some more clever scripting and a Max4 Live sequencer device.
Available soon via
5. SYNTHFEST 2019 - VCVRack Updates And More To Come
VCV Rack as we know hit its V1.0 earlier this year and as such started to become more highly featured. We caught up with Dale from module developer Valley and talked about the environment, and future plans.
6. SYNTHFEST 2019 - Tranzient - VR Music Creation APP from AliveInTech
We saw some of the VR integration for Ableton Live from AliveInTech's Jim Simons a couple of years back. Since then VR headsets and hardware has reduced in price, making it more available, and so a new application has been developed which has a complete single software solution - with the VR, audio engine all in the same application.
Its called Tranzient and Jim gave us a look at the application in action.
7. SYNTHFEST 2019 - Stylophone Gen R8
The Stylophone Gen R8 is continuing its path to release - in fact its just about to ship.
Its an analogue synth voice with Stylophone heritage - ie it has the touch keypad.
All with in-house Stylophone designed Oscillators, Filter and JFET drive circuit.
8. SYNTHFEST 2019 - EvenHarmonic Stomp Synth
Evenharmonics were showing a proof of concept modular analog synth built into discrete, patchable pedals controlled by guitar.

See the SYNTHFEST UK label below for more.

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Superbooth 2019 - IO Instruments Precision Modules

Published on May 16, 2019 sonicstate

"A new German manufacturer IO Instruments were showing three new modules - Oscillator, Mixer and dual VCA - with plans for many more products coming along."

This is the first post to feature IO Instruments. I recognize the guy with the hat. Anyone know who he worked with previously?

Switched On Make Synthesizer Evolution Vintage Synthesizers Creating Sound Fundlementals of Synthesizer Programming Kraftwerk

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